Rather, tinkering with the chessboard at will could accelerate his own death, so why was Fang Mu so unconcerned and calm in the face of death!?

After answering Shu Liangjun's question, Fang Mu moved his fingers repeatedly across the chessboard.

Shu Liangjun and Shui Miaoqinshao wants to stop him but didn't know how to say it since none of them have a method to break the curse.

Every move made by Fang Mu was equivalent to him personally bring an end to his life.

But soon, their guilt and worry quickly turned into astonished joy.

Because they found out that the complicated chessboard became clear after only five moves by Fang Mu.

By the ninth move, the red chess piece had already been moved to the designated area by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's poise appeared as if this board game was a simple child's game.

Could it be that Fang Mu has seen this board game before and already knew how to solve it!?