Chapter 31 Jealous Hill Achieves Great Things_3

Hill suddenly smiled and entered into a resonance with nature. Yes, the wind had never existed independently; it was influenced by the sun and even more by water!

Temperature and moisture were the foundations of wind formation.

The swirling wind gradually took shape around Hill; the first wind rune flickered in his mental sea.

Hill finally summoned the world's first wind element.

Its power was still weak, merely a small spinning wind ball.

The power was represented by Hill's rune that symbolized wind force from small to large.

However, Hill was not concerned at all. Taking advantage of the moment, before the rune completely stabilized in his mental sea, he quickly added a nursery rhyme he liked very much.

Watching the halo formed by this wind-speed song lightly encase the basic rune, Hill smiled. The world consciousness acknowledged Hill's preliminary classification for the wind's level.