Chapter 381 Capturing the Traitor

"Welcome to this new game event, I am the game designer for this occasion—Veyson Meni, and I am honored to host this game today,"

The white-haired man with the snake mask said, "I believe that the old friends who came here today all know that the Rongxin Group's game themes always focus on fitting with real replicas, dedicated to creating a game world in the virtual universe. Many players have called our games 'iron man' games, as there are no elements other than fighting and killing to make the heart race."

"Making the heart race is not difficult? Transform me into a beautiful woman, and I guarantee that two-thirds of the men here will have their hearts racing. Or if I were thirty years younger, perhaps I could make the ladies present blush with charming red."

Laughter erupted in the hall, and after it subsided somewhat, the white-haired man continued, "But I am not a person who is overly concerned with appearances, as my beautician can attest."

More laughter followed.