Blue-grade Furniture

The furnace was even taller than Xu Xin, at least 2.5 meters tall. The stone furnace looked very industrial. He added a piece of white-grade wood into the furnace. The wood did not burn, but he received a notification:

[Remaining burning time: 5 minutes]

A piece of white-grade wood can only burn for five minutes, what about green-grade wood?

He then added another piece of wood (green) into the furnace.

[Remaining burning time: 2 hours 35 minutes]

Oh, so long? 2 hours and 35 minutes, that was 155 minutes. Excluding the 5 minutes for the white-grade wood, that was 150 minutes in total, 30 times the time for the white-grade wood!

Following this, Xu Xin threw 20 of the 60 iron ores (green) into the upper layer of the furnace. Instantly, the fire started burning. A wave of heat rushed over and the inside of the furnace was red and hot.

[Iron smelting time: 2 hours]

Letting the furnace burn on, Xu Xin returned to the third floor. The video call was not cut off. In the video, Li Wenxi was still sitting on the bed in a daze. When she saw Xu Xin return, she immediately smiled and said, "Your furnace is done?"

"Yes," Xu Xin nodded.

"I'm telling you, five pieces of iron ore can only make one piece of iron, and it takes half an hour to get one. The efficiency of this furnace is too low!"

Oh? In other words, he could get four pieces of iron from the 20 iron ores he just threw in? That was good enough.

"You didn't go out this afternoon?" Xu Xin asked.

"Well... I walked around and didn't go far. There were few trees around, but there were a lot of stones. I couldn't tell which ones were of high grade, so I just took a few. Unfortunately, there was nothing good," Li Wenxi spread her hands and looked at Xu Xin expectantly, "Um, Xu Xin, Brother Xin, are you selling your blue-grade wood? Please share some with me, this bed is really too lousy!"

As she spoke, Li Wenxi patted the bed beneath her, and the bed started creaking again.

Xu Xin had shown the wood (blue) to Li Wenxi with the intention of selling it to her. After all, only with resources could he make sure that this rich lady who "had a mine at home" would be his exclusive trader, "Sure, how many do you want?"

Li Wenxi's eyes lit up, "Do you have a lot?"

"Not really," Xu Xin spread his hands, "I can sell you three at most."

"Okay, okay! Let's follow the same trading price then, I'll give you 60 green-grade resources for 3 pieces of blue-grade wood!"

Based on the burning time of the wood, the burning time of green-grade wood was 30 times that of white-grade wood. In addition, green-grade resources had functions that white-grade ones did not have. It was not a problem to exchange a piece of green-grade wood for 40 to 50 pieces of white-grade wood, so the value of a blue-grade resource was definitely more than 20 green-grade resources.

However, he did not mind when trading with Li Wenxi. After all, he had previously used a 20:1 ratio to exchange for blue-grade stones from her. That being said, if he were to put the wood on the trading platform in the future, he would have to put up a suitable price.

He did not really lack green-grade resources now, so he said, "How many blue-grade iron ores do you have? I want to exchange for ores at a 1:1 ratio. Oh right, I also want some blue-grade stones."

Li Wenxi was swift and decisive, directly initiating a trade.

[The other party has initiated a trade with you. Iron ore (blue)*3, stone (blue)*2 in exchange for wood (blue)*5]

After Xu Xin accepted the transaction, the two of them chatted for a while more before hanging up the video call. The person on the other end of the call must be quite eager to upgrade her furniture. After all, sleeping on the bed was really uncomfortable.

Xu Xin didn't stay idle either. He immediately removed the old bed and made a new one with a piece of wood (blue).

To his surprise, the original wooden bed was only made of wood (white), but this time, the default materials were wood (green) and wood (blue).

[Do you want to use wood (green)*9, wood (blue)*1 to make a wooden bed?]

Nine pieces of green-grade wood? Xu Xin chose 'yes'.

With that, a bed that obviously looked of a higher grade than the original bed appeared in front of him.

[Wooden Bed (blue): A bed made of high-grade wood that exudes the unique fragrance of high-grade wood. It can promote sleep and speed up the recovery of mental and physical strength. However, because it is too comfortable, it may cause people to stay in bed.]

It was still a wooden bed with no bedsheets or blankets, but the blue grade surprised Xu Xin. He immediately looked at the production list. There was still no production method for a higher grade on the list. There was only the original formula of the wooden bed that he had seen before, which required 10 pieces of wood (white).

"Could it be that these formulas are all basic formulas, and as long as higher grade materials are used, higher grade tools can be created?"

Xu Xin originally had 12 pieces of wood (blue). He had traded 5 of them to Li Wenxi and used 1 of them. Now, he still had 6 pieces of wood on hand, which was still very abundant. In addition, he now had a piece of fertile soil that could produce blue-grade plant resources continuously, so he did not save any.

[Armchair (blue): A chair made of high-grade wood that fits the curves of a human's body. Sitting on it will slowly recover your physical and mental strength, increasing the success rate of making tools.]

[Dining Table (blue): A dining table made of high-grade wood. Eating near the dining table can make the food more delicious and enhance the effect of the food.]

The effects of the armchair and dining table made Xu Xin smile.

The armchair could increase the success rate of making tools. Although none of the production methods on the production list had failure rates, these were only the most basic production methods of the treehouse and the Synthesis Station. With his gaming experience, there must be something that required a blueprint to make, and those things would definitely have a certain chance of failure. When that time came, this blue-grade armchair would be of great use.

As for the dining table, it was even more of a surprise. Xu Xin immediately took out a blue-grade red berry, which could provide night vision for two hours. It was getting dark outside, and there wasn't much time left until the novice protection period ended. Xu Xin wanted to do something in the last safe period, even if it was just cutting trees.

He sat on the armchair at the dining table, then ate a normal apple and two normal oranges for dinner, finishing with the big red berry (blue).

After eating it, Xu Xin's eyes brightened up. The scenery outside the window that had dimmed appeared once again in his vision.

"Three hours?" Xu Xin could feel the message that his body was sending him. He could feel that the effect of the red berry had increased from 2 hours to 3 hours.

It increased the effect by 50%.

On top of that, Xu Xin also felt that he was vaguely full. He had only eaten an apple and two oranges. To him, the amount of food should've at most made him feel less hungry. After all, he had a problem of getting sleepy easily when he ate too much, so he usually wouldn't eat too much when there was an important matter. But this time, he actually felt full.

Not only could the dining table enhance the special effects of the blue-grade food, but even the most basic effect of food, which was to provide energy. This indirectly meant that his food was now abundant!

This dining table was a treasure!