Chapter 251 Lacking One Person's Character

Zhengguan Well water!

These simple words of Zhu Weirui, uttered in Shuaixing Hall, stirred up a commotion among the students.

The students turned their heads to look around.

Yu Huaijin's expression slightly changed, and he couldn't help but turn his head to the side.

Wu Peiliang's eyes widened suddenly as he jerked his head up.

Li Xueyou's little mouth opened slightly, while Xiao Hongyu stood ramrod straight.

Fan Yushu's eyes widened, unblinkingly staring.

All eyes of the students were locked on the top of the lacquered red long table, on the small green bamboo tube.

An ordinary bamboo tube, yet the focus of the entire gathering.

However, there seemed to be an exception.

Zhao Rong had been engrossed in reading a new book on the Classics when he heard Zhu Weirui mention that this classroom exercise came with a prize, and he raised an eyebrow.