For example, Teacher Zhu before me, who hasn't even reached sixty years, possesses such cultivation. If any other woman had this talent for cultivation, why bother learning the hammer's blow of Confucianism? Wouldn't it be better for her to simply turn right out the door and choose any of the Taiching Four Mansions to cultivate? Why endure the strenuous task of studying?
However, Teacher Zhu chose to study, and moreover, she studied well. She passed hurdles and defeated adversaries, becoming one of the few women to ever be considered the top Confucian scholar.
Wu Peiliang swallowed hard because he knew that, despite how accomplished Teacher Zhu appeared to outsiders, there might still be many in her family and among her elders who thought she barely met the expectations of her family's tradition and status, let alone bringing glory to her ancestors—which was probably still far from reach.