Chapter 3: The Letter

Alaric was on deep thought while heading to his office on what just happened. While nearing to his office, there was his parents and young lady waiting in the hallway near his office door. They were having a fun conversation but it came to a halt when they saw Alaric.

"Son, where have been, we have been waiting for long," his father questioned. His father was a handsome middle aged man named Geist Bertillon, the previous great king but he gave the throne to Alaric. His mother, Elena Bertillon, a beautiful middle aged woman, mate to his father and happily married.

" Mother, Father and Adelda, l apologize for keeping you all for waiting but l had something urgent to attend to and need to notify other packs," Alaric said in hurriedly manner and going to his office without waiting for their reply.

"That insolent boy what got him to be like this," Elena said in a worried tone. Geist hugged her.

"Stop worrying hun and lets go." After Geist said that Elena sighed and nodded. As they are about to go." Oh! Adelda dear, aren't you leaving also?" Elena asked Adelda.

"No, Mrs. Bertillon, l will just wait here. l am just a bit worried." Adelda said with a worried smile.

"Hmmm...*sighs* alright, but don't stand too long, okay dear," after saying that the couple moved on.

As they were out of sight, Mark appeared walking in a haste, sweating not because he was tired but stressed.

Adelda noticed him in the hallway and was about to talk to him on what's going on. In return, Mark just glared at her coldly without saying a word, got inside the office, and banging the door on her.

She was left shocked and with hateful eyes,' When l become queen, you will respect me. My position will change soon.' she thought to herself while giving off a wicked smile.

In his office, Alaric was writing a letter with a black pen on the table while sitting on the chair. When he heard a bang on the door," Now that you are here, l will like for you to duplicate this letter and send it to other packs to let them know of these urgent news. Oh! and don't forget the Protectors also."

Having Alaric say that, he stamped the letter with expensive looking stamper to show it is officially from the Alvian kingdom. He then continued to hand it over to Mark.

"You know, these news will alarm them. Right?" Mark said while taking the letter with a serious tone.

Alaric with a tired expression, just leaned on his leather chair,"*sighs* l'm well aware of that but we need an army, a large one at that to fight back in this war that is to come. I mean come on, this is a great war l am talking about not some game, Mark. Without notifying them, this will lead to our destruction, so this is for the best."

Mark looked at the letter in thought," l'll be going then, see you later." he went to the door, opening it and waving at Alaric while leaving to do his given task.

Adelda then came in after Mark left, she then went to Alaric's table, tracing her hand on the table. She continued and sat on Alaric's lap and wrapping her hands around his neck while smiling.

Adelda was a beautiful young lady with blue eyes and blonde hair." Are you okay now. You seem stressed, what is the problem?" she said softly and lovely.

"Do you remember the prophecy, you know..." Alaric looked at her while holding her.

"Yea...what about it?" she started to get worried.

"These creatures are real, the Miskyras are back and there will be a great war that will take place. They are also able to shapeshift to the victim they have killed, somehow," he said.

"Wait!, so you are saying what was said in the prophecy was true and these creatures are able to shapeshift! Wouldn't that mean they are maybe among us in secret?!" she was spooked to the core and panicking.

He comforted her to calm down, "Adelda calm down, it is going to be okay for now... and we will be more prepared if the day comes. It will be okay."

They kissed quickly and were in each other's embrace for long.


5 days later

Nehora was in her office doing her paperwork as all ways, sipping her hot coffee, latte until Relpha got inside the office with a mail in his hands.

"Nehora, you have a letter sent to you. lt's from the Alvian kingdom, seems important." said Relpha while putting the mail on the table.

She looked at the mail on her table with the Alvian symbol on it." Who sends mails these days, aren't there emails, instant messaging but they are behind in terms in technology. Don't you think?"

He just shrugged it off," Maybe they wanted for you to be sure it is from there?"

Nehora just sighed," Nevermind, let me just read it."

She took the letter in her hands and opened it. She then started to read the letter.

*Dear Alphas

This is to inform you to come to the Alvian kingdom in two days time after receiving this letter as well with all your warriors. The reason is we just captured a creature, as it calls itself a Miskyra. It seems the prophecy we all have been told was true and the great war will happen soon.

l ask you all to come to the Alvian kingdom once again to prepare for the crisis that will happen to us.

From King Bertillon*

'Is it time already? Is it about to start soon? Those foul creatures... will that man be there?' Nehora thought all these things, that were bothering her for a long time.

'It seems we will be fighting soon. Finally we could use our powers we have been hiding in secret for a long time and we will be able to extend our revenge soon Rosa!' said Hestia in excitement.

Nehora nodded," Relpha, l'll be going outside for some fresh air. Oh, read the letter and prepare the said arrangement in it." after saying that she went out of the office, to the hallway.

Relpha was then left alone in the office and just went to her table to take the letter and reading it, doing all the things he was commanded.

On the other side, Nehora was going to the elevator,' It's finally time Hestia?'

Hestia agreed in her soul core,' The prophecy will come true and we are a trump card in this. We are also well trained and prepared than last time.'

'Yes, last time we lost everything we love, cherish and it is all gone now, but now...we are strong and l wouldn't let it happen ever again.'







