Chapter 6: It's you...

2 days later...

It was finally the day the Crystal Moon pack to depart to the Alvian kingdom in the unknown continent. Nehora was heading to the training ground and she was wearing sportwear which include a black yoga pants, a black sport bra and a pair of black and white tekkies.

She had her black hair tied into a ponytail and her clothes hugged her body perfectly.

It was late morning, 11:00, and she just came out of the pack building/ house. The training ground was as big as two stadiums. It was located in the vast forest near the pack, but not too near to disturb the peace.

The pack is pretty much far from the human civilization, it is in the outskirts where it is restricted for humans to enter or if they do, they will never be seen again as if they have vanished...

It took about 10 minutes for her to reach there. When she got there, the sounds were heard of warriors training with weapons, while some were sparring. The training ground surrounded by huge walls and huge wooden and steel door.

Nehora went through the slightly opened door. When the pack warriors and the one who was in charge of the training, the Gamma saw her, they halted on their training.

They bowed in a 90 degree angle, except for the gamma and said in unison, " WE GREET THE ALPHA FEMALE!,"

Nehora nodded with a stern expression," You may all lift your heads and continue." YES ALPHA FEMALE!" they stopped bowing and resumed their training.

She turned in the direction where the Gamma was and he was walking towards her." Alpha, welcome and may l as well ask, what bring you here?" he said while bowing.

Nehora, with her arms crossed, just looked with a her single eye brow raised and she just rolled her eyes,"*Sighs* Really Logan! How many must l tell you there is no need for formality between us. It's like we are strangers, are we?"

He stopped bowing and looked at her before sighing," You do forget you are an Alpha female and sometimes l think you are not an Alpha." Logan answered with a tired expression. lt seems this is not the first time this happened.

This man was Logan Argon, he was a handsome man in his 40s, his features include, dark brown hair, blue eyes and had a strong firm body. He was wearing a navy T-shirt and grey pants along with black sport shoes.

"Logan..." she said while staring at him intensively.

" Fine, l will try to stop." he said, ruffling his hair in frustration.

Nehora just smiled," Well then, the reason l have came here is to inform in advance that we will be departing at 6 o'clock sharp in the evening. I hope Relpha told you in advance the rest of the news."

With that said, Logan had a grim expression plastered on his face," Yes, he did inform me and don't worry these idiots already know of our departure." he said while pointing at the warriors.

Nehora with her arms crossed and she nodded at Logan's words satisfied," Now, have the warriors come closer as l come before me just to announce some words. You know just to ease their nervousness a little bit."

"Yea, some of them did seem agitated after l informed them so it could help them a little."

Logan then turned towards the pack warriors," Alright everyone, stop what you were doing and listen up, but firstly stand in a formation and stand upright before the Alpha female and listen attentively to what she has to say."

They all complied without hesitation and finally stood before the Alpha and there was silence, waiting.

Nehora cleared her throat and said out loud," I hope you are all ready as we will be leaving tonight and l also hope you all said your goodbyes to your families and friends. I know some of you are nervous but you are known as warriors for a reason. You trained for a reason and if.... you don't want to go, then l ask you to speak now."

Silence engulfed the place and some of the warriors looked around to see if one of the fellow warriors will leave. After a while waiting, nobody dare leave.

One of the warriors stepped out from the front, a she-wolf and said in the respectful tone," Alpha female, we will forever follow you even through life and death. We will not cower away from danger. You saved all of us and in return we give our outmost undying loyalty and won't betray you."

With determined expression, all warriors nodded in agreement. Nehora chuckled happily, she never knew her people were this loyal after all loyalty do have their limits.

"Thank you for telling me that. It really make glad and happy." said Nehora sincerely. The she-wolf nodded and went back to her position.

"Since there is no one who is willing to leave then l will continue. I am sure you are all aware of the prophecy which was passed through generations, it seems it will come true sooner than we thought, which is why we are also leaving in the first place."

With a arms behind her back, she started to walk side by side, to her 5 metres and also to the left 5 metres." You all needed to know this before we go..."

She stopped walking, turned and stared at them. She said in a stern tone," But fear not because we are the Crystal Moon pack, one of the strongest packs in the world and never we will cower or flinch at a face of danger!"

"YAAH!" shouts were heard in the training ground and they all raised their arms with their fists up. This speech of Nehora lifted up their spirit and they were ready.

"Oh, Logan how is your wife doing?"

"Eh! Ah! She doing okay. You know how she is pregnant and all." he seemed to lose his posture just by her mentioning the Gamma female, Calista Argon.

"You seem nervous."

He cleared his throat," Of course , why wouldn't l be after all this is our first child."

Nehora just chuckled on how Logan looked ridiculous in all being a father.


It was now late afternoon and Nehora exited the training grounds finally, now heading to next her destination.

She was heading to her secret and favorite place to train and no pack member was allowed to go there.

After all this is the only place she can her powers to the fullest without anyone knowing.

It took 15 minutes for her to reach there, this was a beautiful and peaceful area, which included a small pond with water lilies floating on the water, green grass a bit long looking vibrant and trees surrounding the wide ranged area, butterflies were also present.

'This place never gets old.' Nehora thought still amazed even though she came here a a lot.

'I will agree with you on that.' Hestia replied and gigantic seemed to nod in Nehora's soul core.

'Now then, let's start our training session before we go.'

Nehora started off breathing with her eyes closed in a calm manner, relaxing her muscles. She opened her eyes, her eyes glowed gold and her right arm, especially her veins glowed gold until at her palm of her hand where the golden light formed a sphere, round ball.

The round ball shapeshifted into a sword, a rapier as she imagined to create it out of nothingness. It was a beautiful rapier sword and Nehora held in her right hand. She gave a few swings and was satisfied with it.

It was her main weapon after all. This was one of her powers she could do.

'Let give it a try.'



These were the sounds as Nehora trained but her training session came to a halt as sensed the presence coming towards her and in the fast pace. She stood in a upright position and immediately made the sword disappear.

She gazed at the direction where the presence was sensed and in a flash the unknown person appeared with his fist extended but Nehora dodged that attacked at her and leaped a few metres.

"Oh, it's you..."

Authoress's note:

At times l will be updating once week as l am currently busy and l apologize my fellow readers that l didn't update last week so l will make something about that.

Keyword unlocked:

Werewolves and lycans age slower than humans so their lifespan lasts about 2 centuries maximum.