Chapter 8: The Alvian kingdom

There were several different vehicles, driving through the empty road. It was evening, these vehicles were pitch black in colour, blending with their surroundings.

The vehicles were armed Denel Casspir, vans, roughly 2000 warriors were in those vehicles and there were two SUVs.

Nehora was in the SUV car which was in front. She was with Raphael, Rebecca, the agent from the PROTECTORS and the driver of course.

The other members, Rico, Veronica and Rico were in the other SUV car, just behind theirs.

It took them 3 hours to arrive at the airport. As they arrived at the electric fence entrance leading to the aircraft field while the airport facility was not far away.

There were armed men that stood guarding the entrance. The agent inside opened the window showing one of the guards a permit.

The guard nodded in affirmation before both the guards opened the gate, allowing entrance.

The vehicles drove until the enormous strange, futuristic airplane became visible to their eyes.

They stopped there and Nehora was the first to get out of the car. She was wearing stylish black boots, a black shirt with an image of a skull with captivating glowing eye sockets, white sneakers and a black leather jacket, everything matching with her black hair.

She looked badass and walked upto the commander who was wearing his navy, white on the collars uniform, having batches on it. He was old man probably on his 60s and had a solemn expression. More armed soldiers or agents, protecting the commander and some posted further from their spot.

Nehora released her aura stating her position as she facing the commander.

"Well, l see there is no need to ask who is the Alpha for pack," he said while smiling showcasing wrinkles on the sides of his face.

"Good evening, Commander. l hope you are doing quite well," Nehora greeted politely and he nodded. Rebecca and Relpha were now standing besides Nehora.

"It is surprising to see female as an Alpha but l am sure there is story to that. I must let you know, some will trouble you for being an Alpha female so l hope you are prepared."

"Thank you but l am well prepared."

Nehora knew the other Alphas perhaps even the King won't accept her but she knew her purpose by going there. If they don't want her help than f**k them.

The commander then presented her with the enormous aircrafts," You may now have your units in the two aircrafts and will get going."

She turned towards Rebecca," Please tell the others to get inside the aircraft."

Rebecca just sighed and telepathically told everyone to enter.

With her hand on her chin," What an incredible aircraft. l never seen this kind before?"

"Well..." placing his fist on his chest," This is the model 2 of the HA23, just recently designed. It can load upto 1000 troops and don't be fooled by its size, it can fly fast.*clears his throat*l spoke a bit too much."

She chuckled seeing how the commander looked," It's fine. Anybody who is proud, will brag. Now l have to go, it seems everyone are in so farewell."

After she said her farewells, she walked to the HA23 and all the laggages were taken care of and were loaded in the craft.

There were rows of seats with people seated while others were found on the second layer with seats there. It was unique design of the aircraft.

Nehora was sat in the front row, one row there is 3 seats, where there was Relpha and Rebecca. She was sat next to the window (l mean l would so...)

"Took you long enough," Rebecca said bored and tired.

After a long time, the aircraft was ready to move.

"It will take approximately 10 hours to arrive at the Alvian kingdom," the pilot announced.

Rebecca yawned," That is the call to sleep." she put on the headphone she had on her and was fast asleep.


10 hours later


Almost everyone were sleeping except for Nehora, busying on her phone with matters related to the pack.

The speakers sounded again," Alright, folks, we have arrived at the kingdom and about to land. While, we are at it, you can check through the window. It will be worth it."

Everyone woke up and Rebecca woke up with a yawn, rubbing her eyes. She turned towards Nehora, her eyes widen, now fully awake," Geez, don't you ever sleep? And here, l am seeing you work. First of all, didn't you ask Logan to look after the pack. Don't you trust him?"

She putted down her phone and glared at her," Who said l don't trust?lt's just know l can't sleep,okay."

Feeling agitated Rebecca said,"*Sighs*Just don't overwork yourself,okay? Hey, as the pilot said check out the view or you will regret it."

She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. Nehora was just blown away by the breathtaking view.

In the aerial view, it looked beautiful, houses or the buildings were surrounding the walled castle, obviously the ruler's castle. There were mansions and U shaped building near the castle, mostly made of glass.

It was just magnificent, a beauty to an eye.' Wow, this is epic. Eventhough, some buildings are medieval, they still adapting to the technology. l mean look at that U shaped building, just beautiful.' Hestia said enthusiastically.

The HA23 landed further from the buildings, the aircraft field, followed by the second HA23.

Nehora was the first to exit as she stepped down the stairs set on the entrance of the plane, followed by Rebecca and Relpha.

What waited them was the advisor and beta of the Alvian kingdom, Mark who was standing near the stairs.

"Good evening, everyone.However, l would like to know who the Alpha for this pack?." he inquired in a solemn tone.

Nehora replied with a cold voice while crossing her arms," l am the Alpha female of the Crystal Moon pack."

Mark looked shocked for a minute, before he regained his posture and without further questions," Well, it is quite rare to see a she-wolf as an Alpha. Nevertheless, that will cause some confusion prepared." he said showing pity for me.

'Well, at least he isn't an a*shole of us being an Alpha female, right?' Hestia said.

Nehora just sighed and just shrugged her shoulders.

"Let me introduce myself, My name is Mark Wilson, the beta and advisor of the Alvian kingdom but you may refer me as Mark."

"Okay Mark, l am Nehora Rosabella Marquis and these two beside me are my important subordinates, my beta Raphael Dableo and the head scientist Rebecca Oracio. You can also refer me as Nehora. Happy to make your acquaintance." she said politely.

When Nehora was introducing Relpha, he was staring at him, after Nehora was done with her introducing, he said.

"How intriguing? Your beta is not of any of our kind. He has a scent of a vampire and not of a werewolf. It is perculiar having a vampire beta, since these cunny, vile creatures are not to be trusted." he spat those words with disgust. 

He was disgusted and stared at Raphael with killing intent. Relpha on the other side seemed unfazed with the killing intent directed towards him.

It is understandable since vampires has a dark history with all species and it is the reason why they are considered cursed creatures.

Raphael's expression turned grim because of his words as he cliched his hands. Nehora looked at Mark and at Raphael before turning back to Mark again with anger. Her eyes flashed with golden light quickly.

"Dare you call him a vile creature! He is far different from them, that's the reason he is my beta in the first place!"

Raphael seemed surprised seeing Nehora getting angry and defending for him.

Mark with an awkward smile replied," l apologize, l am not that fond of these cu...l mean vampires. l hope you understand." Nehora calmed down a little but she did understand.

"l accept the apology for now. l don't think you came here to say useless points. l hope you get to the point."

Mark realized that and was embarrassed," l apologize once again for stalling because of these irrelevant matters. Okay your troops will move to the training ground which is that building over there."

He then pointed at the U-shaped glass building.

'Oh, so it is a training ground.' she thought.

Mark continued," It's not just a training ground but also living counters." She nodded impressed.

'Lucky, how l wish we reside there instead.' Hestia said jealous.








Authoress's note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time.

l apologize for not updating for a while as l was busying as always.

Peace out.

The next part will continued on the next chapter.