Chapter 10: The meeting

Nehora found herself in the temporary bedroom with her laggages beside her. She took a look at her new room and it was in fact an opulent one.

The walls were dark blue with white patterns plastered on it, the master bed and its decor was mixed with dark and light blue, a table and chair, a wardrobe was further in corner while there was a door, perhaps leading to the bedroom. This decor gave the room a refreshing feeling.

'Beautiful, l take back my words, the castle is awesome.' Hestia said flapping her wings in excitement.

Nehora smiled," Let's go take a shower, l feel kinda sweaty from that flight." she stretched her arms, heading to the bathroom, it's decor was similar to the bedroom and was much wide, there was a shower, some towels, lotions, a sink with a mirror above it.

Nehora took off her clothes and taking a shower. After that long shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and used another towel to dry her black hair.

While drying her hair, she turned her head to look at the mirror which was reflecting herself. She had black hair and blue eyes, looking like any other ordinary beauty.

She then imagined, visualizing herself while still looking at the mirror looking like her original self, silver almost white hair and amber fire-like eyes. These looks made her look ethereal, beautiful like a goddess and out of this world but had to disguise herself into this.

She traced her fingers on the mirror, seeing a different look," It's been long since l had such looks. l might even forget how l look originally."

'And it's been long since we transform into our form because we are...special. 'Hestia said in Nehora's mind.

'These looks...our destiny, it is reason why everyone died and if it weren't for it we would have lived ordinary lives and l won't have became Alpha in the first,' Nehora said but was interrupted by Hestia.

'Stop Rosa! Stop thinking about "ifs" because that wouldn't change our fate.'

Nehora sighed,' You're right...l should stop it. It won't won't bring them back.'

She turned away from the mirror, going to the lotions and went to the bedroom, to her laggages on her bed.

She took out the clothes ,she wanted to wear and wore a short black skirt, a black sweater with a white artwork of a woman, a transparent tide, white sneakers and had her hair in a ponytail. She looked like an e-girl.

After she was done preparing herself for the meeting.


A knock was heard on the door, she looked at her luggage, 'It's seemed it is time for the meeting. Hmmm, l'll just pack it when l come back.' she thought.

The knock resounded once more," Alpha Marquis, it is time for the meeting to begin." The maid said this time.

"Yes, coming..." she said loud enough for the maid to hear before opening the door.

She stared with cold eyes, "Lead the way." The maid nodded, bowing slightly and walking to the conference room where the meeting will take place.


There were nine people in the neatly decorated room. A chandelier hangs above the room, providing light. The walls were brown in colour, patterns plastered, a rectangular long wooden table was set in the middle with 10 seats surrounding it where they were seated.

The Lycan king was sitting on the width side of the table, the royal beta sat next to him and an middle aged man also sat beside him on his other side.

Mark cleared his throat and was holding a tablet probably with information.

"As you know l'm Mark Wilson, and l will be the representative of this meeting. However, before we get down to business start introducing yourselves."

"Alright, let me do the honors first," The middle aged man said who sat beside the King. He had brunette hair, some strands of white hair and warm dark brown eyes. He might be in his 80s or something.

" l am the Zeta of the Alvian kingdom, Khelra Grandton."

(A/N: A Zeta is the one of the highest position in the werewolf/Lycan hierarchy and acts as a general of an army.)

Nehora nodded in respect after all he could help and this position is highly respected since it was uncommon.

"l am the Alpha Kevin Thandon of the Dream Sky pack, l hope we solve this problem," said the man who sat next to the Zeta. He looked to be around his 50s, his appearance was of a young man with grey eyes and black hair. He had a bulky and chubby body but it didn't make him look ugly but rather good looking.

"My name is Gretha Umaki, Alpha of the Kaiki gesshoku pack. Happy to make your acquaintance." said a young handsome man, probably around his 20s, bowing his head. He was an asian man, Japanese probably because of his surname and pack name. His appearance include black hair, dyed red on the roots of the hair and black eyes. He pierced his one ear with earrings.

"Alpha Honald Avakus of the Alfina pack." uttered a middle-aged man with a stern voice. He appeared to be around his 60s, brownish green eyed and has blonde hair. Honald had a serious expression plastered on his face.

"Name's Alkerica Oasis of the Red moon pack. Nice to meet all of you." he uttered with a grin plastered his face. He had tanned skin; his eyes were dark brown looking almost black and black curly hair.

"Alpha Esmeray Onyx of the Abyss pack." uttered a handsome young man with blue eyes and blonde hair. He is around his late 40s.

Lastly, it was now Nehora turn to introduce herself and knew some may even disagree with her position after all the goddess of moon always made sure it was males who became Alphas unless something happened...

She took a deep breath and grazed at all who were present in the room with a cold expression.

"Well then, l am the Alpha female of the Crystal Moon pack, Nehora Rosabella Marquis. I hope some of you don't give me a hard time."

"What!? An Alpha female. HUMPH! Don't make me laugh! Aren't she-wolves suppose to be Luna or something like that?" inquired Kevin giving Nehora a disgusted look and she just glared at him with emotionless eyes.

"HAH! Do you even have Alpha blood running through your veins? inquired Esmeray with a mocking smirk plastered on his face.

Esmeray's words did make Nehora a little bit furious as it made her remember a sudden dreadful memory, her unborn brother, who in fact was suppose to be an Alpha of her last pack but because there was no male heir, she became an Alpha female of a destroyed pack.

"Hey, answer ou-," Esmeray was interrupted by an unexpected person.

"SILENCE! We don't want to hear anymore of your one sided arguments! Don't you forget why we are here for or else..." King Bertillon said, directing a bit of killing intent towards the pair who flinched upon seeing Alaric glaring at them with an intent to kill.

Nehora stared at Alaric and at the two,' We made 2 foes in this meeting. Isn't that awesome.' Hestia said in her mind sarcastically.

'How l wish we could rip them apart in our form as they are just being unreasonable. Don't you think?' she thought, communicating with Hestia who gave a wolfly grin.

'That's a great idea!'

Everything settled down and Mark cleared his throat once more," Now that the introduction is done. Let the meeting commence."







Authoress note:

Alright my fellow readers. I'm sorry l didn't last week but this l will make it work by releasing chapters.

Next week, l am not sure l will update so this week, chapters will be released.

Question?: Has any of you watched cyberpunk edgerunner? What do you think about it if you did?

Peace out.