Chapter 14: That son of a b*tch


Someone huffing was heard in white, well-lit room and parts of the room was destroyed, but it seemed that person wasn't the slightest worried about it. 'Well, that was fun. It has been so long since l trained like this. I was always afraid that someone will find out but here...' Nehora lied down on the floor with a slight smile plastered on her beautiful face, looking at the celling and breathing out a sigh of relief. She was sweating which made her clothes sting on her skin, she looked like a mess.

'It seems it been a while since we were here Rosa. It late.' Hestia reminded her as she was so aroused in her training.

'Oh yea, it must be nighttime already, so which means we have been here since morning... huh. I'll come again tomorrow.' After saying that, she got up in her feet, unsummoning her saber before cleaning herself of dust that must have blown on her she was releasing strikes.

Nehora exited through the door that automatically slid open. When she was outside, it was actually evening and not seeing other Alphas anywhere, meaning she was the only Alpha here.

As she reached the castle now, she asked some random maid to take her to her room who complied. The castle was just too big which made it difficult to find your way.

Reaching her room, she went straight to the bathroom to take a shower as she smelled terribly and with a keen nose, it made things worse. After taking a quick shower, she came out the bathroom with towel wrapped around her slender, tone body. Her hair was wet as drips of water dripped at the roots of her hair and with all combined, she looked seductive.

She held another towel in her hand, using to dry her hair, she breathed a sigh of relief, now that she felt refreshed. She opened the wardrobe, finding something instantly to wear, a night dress. A maid packed her clothes neatly in her wardrobe while she was in the meeting, seeing her clothes were not packed yet.

Nehora wore a beautiful, short red night dress. As she was getting ready to sleep on her master bed, she felt an unexpecting pain coming from her abdomen. A shocked expression was plastered on her face as fell beside the bed as she couldn't stand by how painful it is.

She held her abdomen as she started to bleed from that area. With a pained expression, she lifted her dress slightly, she saw there were claw marks that kept appearing. It felt like thousands of knifes were stabbing her.

'Hestia, what's going on?! Why is this happening?!' Nehora inquired as she breathed heavily withstanding the excruciating pain, she has suffered far more pain in her past, but this was still painful.

Even with her high regeneration ability, this ability tried healing the wounds, but new ones kept appearing.

'It... it's our mate. He's committing the unthinkable... he's sleeping with a she-wolf, probably that she-wolf. While they are feeling pleasure over there, we receive pain in return. In some cases, those who was receiving this pain may even end up dead, Rosa.' Hestia said in a sad tone.

Nehora whimpered, releasing groans of pain.' That bastard doesn't think about our death but rather f*ck that b*tch!'

Her teeth transformed into canines as bared them out as she thought about those two f*ckers. Without the pain stopping, must be because they were still f*cking, Nehora started losing her consciousness as she could no longer withstand the pain any longer.

Someone batched in her room as she now lied down on the floor. The person looked all blurry in her vision. She looked the blurry person before saying in a low voice," That son of a b*tch..." Losing her consciousness all together.


"Mommy, what is a mate?"

"Mmmmm, well dear... how should l say this? As you know, your father and l are mates. Ah! A mate is someone who will love you forever, protect you, take care of you and most importantly never betray you." said a beautiful woman with blue eyes and black hair to her 9-year-old daughter who was laying in her bed while listening to her mother. Her mother sat on her daughter's bed.

"Really?! Then we don't have to look for our prince in a hard way." said the little girl with enthusiastic.

Her mother laughed heartily before looking at her daughter's beautiful amber fire-like eyes, tracing her hand on her silver almost white hair with a smile," Honey, if you ever find your mate give him a chance and love him."


Nehora's eyelids fluttered open instantly, moving her upper body up as she frantically looked around on high alert. There were rows of wards,' Where am l? Am l in a hospital? First of all, why did l dream about my mother, that memory...'

"Alpha~*sops* you are finally awake, Rosa." Rebecca came running to Nehora giving her a hug, stopping Nehora's thoughts and surprising her. Nehora froze for a moment before embracing Rebecca with a hug as well with a smile.

"Why are guys here?" Nehora inquired, surprised to see them in the first place, she just noticed them when Rebecca hugged her. There was Relpha, as well as the rest of the scientist squad, Rico, Belbin and Veronica.

" Well, that harsh of you to ask but we came because we were worried about you, duh." Veronica uttered in annoys while rolling her eyes.

"It's good you are now awake Rosa as you have been unconscious for the past two days now", Relpha said in a serious tone much to the surprise of Nehora once again.

"What?" she said wide eyed at Relpha.

"And the doctor said the cause of your condition was because-" Rico said stretching his head but Belbin took lead who was standing beside him.

"-Your mate was sleeping with another she-wolf causing you pain. Rosa do you really have a mate now? Because it is still hard for us to believe it, you know." Belbin said.

There was then silence and Nehora sighed lowering down her eyes." Yes, l do have a mate now."

"EHH!!!" everyone shouted out loud in unison.

"Who is that bastard? l'm gonna give him a nice- no, a unforgettable beating!" Belbin said, showing his fist. They nodded in agreement before pestering Nehora with questions of who was her mate and they were going to torture him.

This made Nehora giggle happily, seeing how they cared about her. As she looked at them discussing plans towards each other on how they were going to deal with her mate. There was one thought that surfaced in her mind,' l'm going to protect them no matter what it takes and if anyone, l mean anyone has bad intentions against them. There will be consequences.'

Nehora had a cold and deadly glare in her eyes." Hey guys, calm down. He's not someone to be, let's say messed with. l will handle this situation and l want no opinion in return." Nehora uttered seriously.

They stared at and knew their Alphas was being serious so they just nodded.

"And who was the one who took me to this hospital." Nehora inquired as she thought about that blurry person.

"It is a man named Alpha Honald, Rosa." Relpha said getting straight to the point.

'Honald? Who that man? That name sounds familiar.' Nehora thought hard, trying to recall a memory, placing her hand on her jaw.

'It was that silent calm man in the meeting, remember?' Hestia said with bored eyes.

'Oh that man!'

After finally remembering that man, she will thank him when she seems him again and felt like she owned him a favor now.

She got out the ward bed and looked at herself; she wearing those hospital clothing that showed the butt," Can one of bring a change of clothes in my room as l want to meet the Lycan king to discuss some matters related to lab for the tech suits and other things..." uttered Nehora with a cold glare.








Authoress's note:

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and have great day or night.