Chapter 24: The moon garden

It was now early afternoon and Nehora still stood in the same room where they have fought, recently.

Her wounds have fully healed and finally she walked out of the room, deciding not to train anymore.

Eventhough she rightfully fought to occupy this room, but that didn't matter to her anymore.

She now just wanted to relax and calm herself from that argument and it hurt her alittle.

She never thought Adelda had Alaric in her palm to that extent.' That sneaky b*tch of a snake!' Nehora angrily thought as she walked.

'If only we could have met him earlier...' Hestia said, hearing Nehora's voice and sighing in defeat.

Nehora ran her hand on her black hair in frustration and sighed," So, where should l do go now? l have nothing else to do." Nehora wondered as she looked at her destroyed surroundings.

'Maybe to the garden of the castle. Well, l think there is a garden for us to relax. How about you check if there is a garden?" Hestia uttered not sure.

Nehora's face brightened up a little bit and small smile was plastered on her face," Great idea, Hestia!"


The Moon Garden

A garden that can be found in the castle grounds. A garden filled with different species of flowers, perfectly and beautiful organised in the garden.

There were statues of a woman who wore a revealing, but rather elegant gown, placed there in the middle to give the garden a ethereal look.

Nehora was now right there, standing as she strongly smelt the beautiful smell of flowers wide spread and organised in the beautiful garden which seem to bloom, which made her cough when she strongly smelt.

She changed her attire to casual, wearing jeans, an oversized shirt and red, black coloured sneakers.

"*coughs*Yea, this is what l call relaxing."Nehora uttered as smiled faintly,walking to find a place to sit.

The garden was like a maze as there were neatly cutted bushes on the sides which made a way to somewhere.

She walked for a while until she heard someone sipping a drink in the garden.

As she walked to where the sound came from. She saw a beautiful woman who sat comfortably on a white chair while holding her tea cup in her hand elegantly while the other hand held a small tea plate, some delicious looking desserts on the white table.

She was brown eyed and blaired haired who looked to be in her late 30s, but was not around that age. She wore a beautiful dark emerald long dress with long sleeves.

She was other than Elena Bertillon, the previous queen of the Alvian kingdom and mate to Geist Bertillon.

Elena placed her tea cup on the plate and on the table. She stared right at Nehora who stood there looking at her vigilantly, but Elena just kindly smiled at her.

"Well, aren't you going to come and have a sit, dear." Elena said in a soft, but kind voice.

Nehora just narrowly stared at Elena, her guard up and cautiously, slowly walking up to her.

Elena seeing her actions, just chuckled as she pictured her as a cute puppy that was cautious.

She decided to go sit with Elena who kindly offered.

"No need to be cautious, dear child. l won't hurt or do anything to you. After all, we are in the castle grounds." Elena said, smiling as she stared at Nehora who sat right in front of her. She sipped her tea.

'Hmm, she is right on that point, but still l can't bring myself totrust her. That will be stupid of me.' Nehora thought and her muscles relaxed a little bit.

Elena had an unsure expression plastered on her face, but she couldn't blame her since she is someone who Nehora just met, so she understood. She still just sighed in disappointment.

"Well, that works at least. I didn't think anyone could enter the Moon garden-"

"What?! Oh my, l'm apologize if l disturbed you. l didn't think it was restricted and only certain people are allowed. l will leave... and l apologize." Nehora said about to get up and go, but Elena immediately stopped her actions.

"Wait! l didn't mean you are not allowed. Well, you are not allowed...Argh! What l mean to say is it's okay. You can stay with my permission, since l do need someone to talk to." Elena finally said as she breathed out in frustration.

"Oh..." Nehora whispered as she silently sat down on the white, wooden chair.

Elena began to speak again," l am really rude as l didn't ask for your name."

"l am Nehora Rosabella Marquis, the Alpha female of the Crystal Moon pack and you are?" she said as she respectfully bowed her head to Elena.

"l am Elena." she uttered as she mysteriously smiled and Nehora was confused by how she just mentioned only her name. Didn't she have title or something?

"That's all."

"Yes, for now of course. Oh! You mentioned you are an Alpha female of one of the strongest pack. Wow, that's an amazing achievement! After all, Alpha female are rare as males are mostly born in a Alpha-blooded family in a pack as second borns or first borns...Unles–" Elena absentmindedly said, but Nehora continued her statement.

"–Unless, something happened to the young Alpha in that family or the family was exterminated not giving birth to another third suppose to be Alpha." Nehora muttered as she clutched her fists, thinking back to her now dead family, her unborn brother who was truly met to be the Alpha.

Elena saw an angry look or rather a frightening look on Nehora's face so she quickly changed the subject.

"Nevermind that. Eh... what brought you here... to this garden." she uttered as she worriedly stared at her.

Nehora looked at Elena and saw how Elena was worried so she calmed down alittle as she faintly smiled," l come here to relax and just by looking at the garden. It gives me this feeling of calmness, peacefulness...those type of emotions."

"Yes, indeed. That's one of the reasons why l love this garden as well. It's even beautiful at night as if the flowers shine at night...Lightening this place, it is trully breathtaking."

" I will love to see that... it will be a honour, Miss Elena." Nehora smiled warmly, hearing Elena's words.

They talked for long, about various subjects that were rather trivial to the hear. However, to them it was entertaining.

Until they heard voices of people from a distance clearly (remember,they have a high hearing sense) which approximately belonged to three people.

Nehora then felt a faint feeling in the matebond that she shared with Alaric,' Our mate is near. He is one of them, coming towards our direction.' Hestia uttered as she growled angrily.

Nehora stayed quiet as she coldly glared at the direction where the voice were heard.

' How annoying?' she thought emotionlessly.

















Authoress's note:

Don't let anyone ruin your day.

Peace out