Chapter 36 : The Vampire City (4): Brother!

Fours years passed by and these years Nehora had to survive. She killed the rogues each match she was put into. It was like a cycle now: sleep, eat, fight and bath.

It was evening and there was a huge beautiful mansion on the grounds of the city. It stood out not because of its size, but it exulted power. 

The very mansion was guarded by security guards wearing suits.Technically it was highly guarded as guards roamed its space. 

That very mansion resided the important figure, the ruler of the vampire city. Every vampire city was ruled by pure blooded vampire who had control over the whole city. 

A Vampire ran towards the gates of the mansion as he screamed on top of his lungs, "Open this gate this instant!" the guards were reluctant but they complied immediately when the vampire exulted his aura. 

When they opened the gate, he ran at fast speed to the building as his black hair fluttered and his dark eyes filled with panic. 

He opened the doors of the mansion roughly and a loud scream was heard. 

"MYSTAL!" He shouted as he ran to the direction of the scream. 

Once he reached the room, he saw a half naked man and the beautiful woman who held a dagger in her hands.

"No Mystal!" before he could stop her, she stabbed herself, right through the heart–right where a vampire could die. 

Her blood stained her dress as she pulled out the dagger as she began to stumble. 

"No! Mystal no! No!" He exclaimed as he caught her in his arm and cried sorrowful tears. 

"Ra... Raphael, you are here..." Mystal painfully uttered as she touched and cupped his tearful face with her blood stained hand. 

Mystal's crystal blue eyes began to be teary and with a smile said, "Don't cry my beloved. It doesn't suit you." Strands of her white hair were on his arms. 

"Don't say that Mystal... It is not the time. Please don't die... We have so much we can do. It is not yet the time for you to leave this world... Why did you do this? " he uttered softly as he caressed her beautiful white hair. Raphael's tears fell on her face. 

"l did this because l love you... My body and soul belongs to you, my beloved, for eternity. Plea... Please don't hate me..." Mystal uttered as her breath began shallower and shallower. Her hand that cupped his face weakly fell. 

"No Mystal! Don't die just yet!" 

"l'm sor...sorry Raphael..." 

Mystal's eyes weakly closed as she took her last breath and became lifeless corpse. Raphael screamed a sorrowful and painful scream as he hugged Mystal's lifeless body. The half naked man who had golden blonde hair and blue eyes clapped his hands. 

"She really killed herself all just so l don't bed her. She really did love you, brother." the blond vampire uttered in amusement. 

"Damian..." Raphael uttered coldly. His face showed a dark and scary expression as he glared at his brother. 

Raphael gently placed Mystal down and while doing so. He looked at her face which was ever so beautiful and ethereal even if she is dead. He stood up and glared at his brother. 

"You led her to kill herself... Aren't you satisfied with being a ruler? Why did you do this, Damian." Raphael uttered as he clashed his fists. 

"Why?!" Damian exclaimed as he laughed like a maniac. His eyes was filled with madness before he continued:

"Don't make me laugh... I desired everything that you had. Can't you see?! Nobody wanted me to be a ruler but you! Even the council! If only you were not born as a weak pure blooded vampire. They would have chosen you! Father didn't take my side even though l am the first born!" He continued his outburst while pointing his finger at the dead Mystal :

" –It was the last straw when she chose you as her beloved. You! A weak vampire!"

Raphael looked at in shock. It was true that everyone wanted him to be the ruler as he was a right fit. He didn't think it will change Damian. 

"As for father... I poisoned him with the Riveria Flower..." Damian finally uttered with a cold tone. 

"You what! Are you crazy?! " Raphael uttered as he gnashed his teeth, his fangs exposed and lengthing. 

Riveria flower also known as the night flower is dark-coloured and beautiful in appearance which is used as a poison. It is quite rare and can be found in the black market only. This poisonous flower is colorless when dissolved in a drink. It slowly and painfully kills a person as it slowly eats away internal organs and one cannot regenerate once consumed. It is a cruel way someone can die from. 

Raphael's eyes shimmered red as he roared revealing his fangs. He transformed into his vampiric form. He grew taller as all the hair on his body fell off, grey bat wings sprouted out of his back, his clothes ripped off, his skin turned grey, his ears became sharp, toe nails and finger nails became longer. 

His eyes were bloody red and until finally his teeth became razer sharp, long fangs included. He roared once again as he leaped at Damian as he flew forward, crushing against walls. Walls crumbled until finally they reached downstairs where Raphael threw Damian down from upstairs. 

"Is that how it is?! Fine let's play!" Damian exclaimed as he wiped off the blood from his nose. Damian then transformed into his vampiric form same as Raphael, but much more bigger and intimidating. 

He flew at Raphael at fast speed. He grabbed him and flew with him, crushing against the walls once again. Damian was punching him so hard on the face while laughing with a deep, horse voice. 

He stopped flying and threw Raphael with so much force to the front entrance and out of the building. 

He fell with so much force that he broke the fountain that was outside. He stopped moving and wounds were now visible. 

"Did you really think you can defeat me?" Damian inquired in a deep and hoarse tone. He was now standing in front of the injured Raphael. Raphael transformed back into his human form in his torned clothes. He then weakly looked up at Damian while lying on the broken fountain. 

Damian walked up to him and punched once again on the face while he lied in his pool of blood, still conscious. 

"For attacking your ruler... You will be imprisoned in the dungeons for life." he uttered still in his vampiric form.

"–Guards imprison him!" He announced his voice filled with authority. The guards that were there, two of them; they took Raphael by his shoulders and dragged away his almost lifeless body. 

Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter. If you did enjoy, please leave a vote and comment your thoughts. 

Hope you have a nice day/night my fellow readers. 

Peace out.