Chapter 2 - New Life

Time goes by very fast. I used to be just a kid, now I have grown into a 15 year old teenager. 168 cm tall, black hair, and an ordinary face. Yup, I look normal as usual.

Today is quite a special day, if I may say so. Because of what? Because today is the day of the written exam for the high school entrance test. I'm a little excited. In elementary school, my life was just about playing with my childhood friends, and in junior high school, I went to an all-boys school with a life that only about study and study.

This time, I'm pursuing a high-level high school in the area where I live. Kamigaoka Highschool. An elite school filled with rich and smart students. Even if it seems like this, don't forget the fact that I am someone who is reincarnated. I've never been down from being ranked 1st in class, whether it's in elementary or middle school.

As a former administrative manager where I used to work, I have a pretty quick brain. So you could say, I'm smart. Moreover, the brain at my current age which is still young, fresh and healthy makes it easy for me to remember many things. I learned history, culture and language which are my weaknesses quickly.

"yosh, I'm ready", I said. Finished with my neatly combed hair. Today, with the weather a bit overcast, I walked out after saying goodbye to my mom.

I forgot to mention it, but another reason I wanted to go to this school was because it was close to my house. Only 15 minutes walk.

I walked at a slow pace until I finally saw the gates of Kamigaoka High School. Another person who also had the same goal as me walked in looking like a stream of people. Some were with their friends, chatting nervously. There are also those like me, walking alone.

Nervous, excited, and a little scared. That feeling can be felt from all the students here, including myself. The exam started at 8.30, with only five minutes remaining of the allotted time, and the students began to walk faster towards the designated exam room.

'room C, where is room c?' I searched my section's search room and found it shortly after. Inside, it was already filled with students who were getting ready to start the exams. I entered and walked to the bench where assigned for me, seat no. 35 and sit down.

Take a pencil and eraser from my bag, then I looked around the classroom a little curiously. Nothing too special, until I seeing a girl sitting on the left side of the classroom by the window, the places where the protagonist would normally sit.

'...She's so beautiful', I thought to myself. With pink braided hair, red square glasses, and a pretty face. If this is my old world, then she would have been the center of attention because of her beauty. But here, it's the opposite. Indeed, she is sometimes glimpsed by some people, especially other girls. But they didn't look at her with admiration or envy, but with disgust and pity.

'Well.... That's natural I guess, after all this world is strange in some ways'

If she passes this exam and get accepted into this school, I'll be happy to be her friends. It's not that she's pretty(that also includes) but she also looks like a nice person. Typical shy nerdy girl you see in anime.


The sound of the door being slid was heard from the front of the room, then from there appeared the teacher who might be the exam supervisor.

"Good morning everyone. Welcome to kamigaoka high school. I hope you guys are ready for the upcoming exams. I think you all already know this, but our school standards are quite high, so as the exam supervisor, I wholeheartedly hope all of you to do your best and go home without any regrets."

The teacher said, with a serious tone, the class that was a little noisy became quiet.

"Okay, looks like you're ready. Then, we'll start the exam. You have 120 minutes. Finish or not, you have to submit your answer papers once the time is up", he explained. While distributing exam papers to the whole class.

After being distributed, the teacher signaled to start the exam, and the students immediately worked on it.

'this is easy', I thought to myself. Thanks again for my good fortune to be reincarnated with an intact memory state.

'yosh, then let's do it', and just like that, 120 minutes passed quickly with me busy working on the questions.


(1 month later)

Needless to say, I passed. One month after the exam day, the announcement of the graduation results was finally announced and the examinees were expected to come to see the results of their exams. Of the many students who register, only 350 will graduate as new batch of Kamigaoka High School students.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, crowds of curious, scared, and hopeful participants filled the school wall section. Of course, they were waiting for the final results of the exam, did they pass? Or did they not? It was obvious that the majority of them were extremely nervous right now.

The appointed time has come, a middle-aged man, maybe a teacher? Bringing a large roll of paper and walking towards the wall section. The crowd of participants who were waiting immediately gave way, and the teacher, after arriving in front of the wall section, began to paste the test results.

The crowd that formed around the wall magazine grew bigger and bigger, until finally the paper was finished post and the teacher left, the participants nervously searching for their names in the sea of ​​names of students who graduated.

After that, there are happy, crying, disappointed, and other touching scenes. Friends who both graduated hugged each other, another participant cried and squatted in a corner, and many went straight to their homes. Either with a feeling of relief or sadness.

After the crowd died down, I walked closer to the wall and looked for my name on the bulletin board. 10 seconds passed, and I found it. My name is clearly written there. Ryousuke Toru. Even though I expected this, my feelings still can't lie. I smiled, pleased with this result.

'Good, then I guess it's time to go home', I thought. Was about to walk home when I saw a familiar face. There, stood the girl I saw at the time in the exam room, with her hair still in a braid, she was jumping up and down and smiling happily.

'Looks like she passed too', I smiled. Happy for her too.

'Well, then, let's see what happens next. I hope it will be a fun school life'. With that thought in my head, I walked home.