Chapter 4 - Fighting

'why is she here...?', out of the large number of people in Japan, why should she be the one in trouble right now? I'm confused by the current situation. Is this destiny? Haha, maybe.

"Please let her go" I said, pointing at the frightened girl.

"oy oy oy, looks like you want to find trouble with us huh?", Man A replied. Seems annoyed by my question.

"it's okay bro~ just think of him as extra money", replied Man B, standing with his evil-looking crooked smile.

"Hahaha, that's right!", Man A replied. Together with Man C who nodded his head in agreement.

"hold him!"

Man A ordered, the other two men immediately lunged at me while trying to catch me. Quickly, they immediately came to me. Man B stretched out both hands to catch me, and in return, I dodged it.

But it didn't stop there, Man c also quickly aimed at my back, with a slow kick back, I kicked the man away.

"gu-"(Man c)

"damn you!", Man b was angry, seeing his friend kicked. He lustfully lunged at me with his fists clenched. Was about to hit my face.

'very predictable', I thought. Amused by the fact that they don't seem to have proper fighting experience. Dodging it with ease, I threw a counter blow to the chin with an uppercut.


I don't know what the sound was, but it sounded loud from the Man b. He immediately fell to the ground and seemed to faint.

'2 more'

Man c quickly lunged again, shouting "haaa!!!", which was a bit stupid to be honest. Turning around, I caught his fist which was slightly weaker than the man's earlier and locked it.

"ah, ouch ouch, it hurts!", sigh, it seems this one is more cowardly. Unable to bear the ridiculous sound of pain while saying 'stop, it hurts', I chop the back of his neck and that's it. With that, he fell unconscious.

'phew... The last one-', I was about to head towards the last man who seemed to be the leader. But he seems to have realized my threat. In anger, he held the girl hostage by wrapping his arms around her neck.

"You! How dare you! Move a little, and you won't want to know what I'm going to do to this girl!" he said, furious and scared. I know he's just bluffing. After all, how dare he hurt the girl, especially without carrying a sharp weapon. Break her neck? If only he could.

So, without hesitation I lunged at him.

"Eh?! W-wai-bwuhoooo", I punched him in the face. Blood dripped from his nose and with his eyeballs starting to rise upwards, he simply passed out.

"haha, basic"


"oh? Umm… are you okay?" only after seeing that the man had fainted that I hear a girl's voice that was either surprised or something. It was only then that I saw her, judging from the outside, she seemed fine. But I keep asking because there might be an unseen condition.

"Oh?! Y-yes, thank you very much" the girl bowed repeatedly to me. Even though she still looked scared, she seemed to be able to think straight.

"haha, you're welcome. Next time be careful, you won't know what kind of people you'll meet on the streets"


"So you're really okay right?"

"Oh, yes! It's okay. I wasn't hurt at all, it's all thanks to you"

"Good. Then I'll call the police for a bit. Wait in front of the Market until they arrive, maybe they will ask for some information from us"


With that, I called the police. It didn't take long for the police to arrive and arrest the three stupid thugs. After that, they asked for information regarding what happened, and after everything was over, they let the two of us go.


Actually yes, I'm good at fighting.

Everything started at the time of junior high school. I saw my classmate being bullied in the school toilet. So, I tried to help him, there were four of them back then, so I fought them 1 vs 4. All with just courage, without any fighting techniques, I fought the four of them with all my might. The result? I'm battered.

I had to be hospitalized for one week. Of course, the bullies didn't get away either. Even though it wasn't too bad, Im still did some damage to them. So, after that incident, the school found out about it and punished the bullies. I was hospitalized for a week to recover, and my Mother, worried that something similar might happen in the future, enrolled me at the nearest Karate Dojo.

You know what's next. I trained at the Karate Dojo for 3 years, every 3 times a week until I graduated and was awarded a black belt by the Dojo Master. I was lucky, managed to graduate at the same time as my graduation from school. So, after graduation, I'll just go jogging in the morning, and do some warm-up to keep myself in shape.

Back to the original issue, that's why I'm currently experienced in martial arts. So, as seen in the incident earlier, they were easily defeated by me.

"Th-this is ice cream for you Toru-san", at this time, I was standing in front of the Supermarket and waiting for the pink haired girl to return. When she came back, she had two packs of ice cream on her hand. One for me and one for her. Of course, this is the treat.

"Thanks, um..."

"Midori Kawajima. My name is Midori Kawajima"

"ah, okay. Thanks for the ice cream, Kawajima-san"


I think this is what is called sustenance. I just wanted some ice cream, and now free ice cream is in my hands. Ready to eat.

"haha, but that was a bit long wasn't it? Is it maybe that Toru-san has other activities? I-I don't want to disturb you" Midori said, with her head slightly bowed and nervous.

'damn...', and that was all it took to make me remember my original purpose for going to this shopping district. 'mom... I hope she's not mad. *Gulp'

"A-ahahaha, it's fine. It's not too important. Besides, I don't really mind accompanying you at this time. I'm afraid you're still traumatized by what happened earlier, Midori-san" I replied. Even though in my heart I'm worried, very worried about going home later. But the person in front of me right now is no less important. I could say that I would risk being scolded by my mother if it was to be friends with her. After all, even though she doesn't know yet, we'll be going to the same school later.

"...Thanks for worrying about me. I-is that so... Phew, that's fine then"

"yes, that's fine"

So, after that the two of us went to a nearby park and started chatting about some things there. After we finished, we both said goodbye and I walked to several places to buy ingredient needed by mother. After that, I went home. When I got home, it was already 11:30, and... Needless to say, my mother scolded me for taking so long to shop. The lecture that felt like forever became my punishment, and I couldn't resist. However, I realized that it was my fault.

Although, I didn't tell my mom that I got into a fight on the way, because if she found out. I don't know what she's going to do.

Walked into my room after listening to a long lecture from mom. I lay myself down on the bed.

"fuhhh... I'm tired"

'Today I met her again. Midori-San... As expected, she's even prettier up close. Maybe even better then the supermodels I've seen in my old world. Haha...'

Looking up at the roof of my room, I smiled gently and was a little more looking forward to the day school started.

'1 more week'