Chapter 10 - School Club (3)

"Introducing everyone, my name is Bitsuji Akira. And I'm the chairman of the drama club"

Currently, we are in the process of introduction. The head of this club, whom he calls himself Akira. As expected, he is a senpai in a lion costume. After he introduced himself, the other senpais also started to continue one by one. In total, there were 20 senpais who introduced themselves. And maybe that's not all, because there could be other senpai who aren't currently here due to other activities.

After finishing the introductions from the senpais, it was now our turn to introduce ourselves. In the end, what was left of the many people who were present at the beginning, only 15 people remained. And most of them are girls, damn it...

We introduce ourselves with our respective styles. The people who register here seem to have their own characteristics. They introduce themself in all sorts of ways, and honestly that's great. Me? I just introduced myself firmly and normally. This is not the time to show my true face in the first meeting.

After everyone finished introducing themselves, the Chairman with folded arms stood up and walked forward. In front of everyone, he spoke,

"Today, we will just introduce ourselves and understand each other a little better. Honestly, I feel proud because this year we have many additional members. Everyone! Please cooperate from today!"


"Fiutt Fiutt!"

"You are the best leader!"

The other male senpai who were watching the speech of the lion chief excitedly praised him. Ahh, looks like this chairman is the same type as Juutaro. A person who is passionate about youth, and definitely has a lot of male friends. (Just imagine the chairman being someone like Saiki Kusuo's Hairo Kineshi with a slightly more restrained type)

"Ahaha, stop all of you. I'm so embarrassed, hahaha!"

...Yeah, he's a really great leader isn't he. Ha.. ha.. ha...

"Okay, I'll continue. After we had a very lively introduction earlier, this time I will explain the various things you need to know about this club. Do you still have the brochures we distributed? If you have read that, then I believe you already have sufficient knowledge. But as a precaution, I will explain to you in person"

"Okay, so this club...", and the long speech from chairman Akira took place.

"Ahh, the ritual has started" I thought I heard a voice like that from one of the senpais. But I don't know what it means.

I immediately realized the meaning of those words.

Akira senpai, it seems that after he graduates, he will be very suitable to be the next principal of this school. His speeches were just as boring and as long as it made me drowsy and thinking about sleeping.

In general, he explained about the club schedule which starts every after school on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. After that, he continued with an explanation of what we are going to do at this club. Such as practicing acting, making stage props, etc. Only then did he start to stray and explain about the history and origins of this club, how this club was formed and how it came to be where it is today.

Honestly, the story was quite interesting at first, but after continuing for more than 30 minutes, I started to lose focus and fell asleep. After an hour, I even found it very difficult to not close my eyes because of chairman Akira's excellent storytelling skills.

Looking for something else that might distract me from the story, I looked around the room and found that... I wasn't the only one feeling this. Half of all the members here had fallen asleep and had their own dreams. Tempted by their behavior, I also tried to sleep when-

"Okay, that's all for today! Hahaha, from now on, you're officially our members!"

At the end of his speech, he spoke so loudly that it made the members who were sleeping soundly open their eyes spontaneously. Confused by what had happened, they applauded when they found out that chairman Akira's long speech was over.

"Okay, you can go home for today. Looks like it's already 6 pm, hahaha! Can't believe it, time always feels so fast when I tell stories like this", with a big and innocent smile, chairman Akira dismissed us. Really, this guy... I guess he didn't realize he had such terrifying powers.

Saying goodbye to each other, the new members from the drama club started to leave the room. It seemed the senpais still had other things to do, so they didn't go home with us.

I walked along with some of the new friends I made in this club, with most of that is girls, on the way home everything became bustling in conversation that never stopped. We shared each other's feelings about the centenary speech that the chairman made earlier.

Reaching the gate, we began to say goodbye to each other. Half of the members were picked up by private cars and the rest went back in the opposite direction from my house.

'really... No one In the same line with me? What a shame...', yes. Of the many members from the first year, there wasn't a single one who had the same way home as me. So, feeling a little lonely, I walked home alone.

When I got home, I immediately went to take a shower and after that, I had dinner with my mother and father. My mom asked me how my day at school was today, and I told her I just joined the drama club. Mom seemed happy, she smiled and told me to enjoy my youth to the best of my ability.

I just nodded my head. After I finished eating, I went to my room and fell asleep right away. Normally, I would not sleep until midnight, but it seems the effects of the leader's power are still sticking with me. That day, I fell asleep at 8 pm.


Note: The road to romance (uhum, and sex) is still long, this is only just the second day of school. I'll take it at a slow pace ;-)