Chapter 20 - Division

Finally, they arrived at the drama club room. Unlike the last time they came here, this time there were many members who had arrived. As usual, Ryosuke walked towards his friends who were arguably closest to him in this club, namely the duo of Ichiba and Una.

"Good afternoon, everyone" he greeted all the members present at this time.

"""Good afternoon""", ""afternoon"" they replied. Ryousuke could not say he was familiar with all of them, let alone the senpai. But he already felt he had socialized enough with them and surely, sooner or later they would get along.

"ou! Good afternoon Toru, Asuka! As usual you came at the same time. Are you guys possibly dating? " Sakura Ichiba, a girl with a small body and cheerful behavior, asked the two of them.

'We, dating? No, no'

"We're not dating. Joozu-san and I are in the same class. And isn't it better to go together than to go alone? Besides Ichiba, I think you watch too many romantic movies" he replied. Not forgetting to lecture Ichiba a little.

"Yeah, we're just friends! What's in your head, Ichiba" Joozu added.

Hearing the answers from both of them, Una, who wouldn't miss an opportunity like this, also attacked Ichiba. "Listen to that Sakura, don't fill your stupid brain with useless things. No wonder you never get smarter"

Ichiba, after getting a lecture from the three, sullenly began to puff out her cheeks and act angry. She, with both hands on her waist, replied. "Hmph! What the heck are you guys doing, I'm just asking! After all, it's normal to see you as people who might have a special relationship if you're just walking together, as a boy and a girl. Hmph! And also, Una! Don't be so pretentious, just because your grades are a little higher than mine!"

"Hmph. Who cares, above is above, it's a sign that I'm smarter than you" Una proudly replied, not forgetting to puff out her chest that was probably around a D-Cup. 'gulp... That's big' even Ryosuke was slightly distracted by it.

"Noisy! You'll see, I'll definitely get a better grade than you!"

"hou, right. We'll see, hohoho"

"ummm..." Ryousuke scratched his head, slightly understanding the logic behind Ichiba's words. "But what else can we do? After all, in our class, only the two of us entered this club"

"Muu... Yeah, so you guys aren't dating right?"

""We're not""

"What... How boring" Ichiba turned her face away from them as if looking at something useless. 'This girl... You'll see, you Ichiba. There will come a time of vengeance from me. Huhuhu'

With the unimportant conversation continuing, he and the girls surrounding him, waited for the club time to begin. Akira-senpai, aka the club president, was nowhere to be seen. So maybe they would start when he arrived. So, they waited for his arrival while doing their own business.

"Good afternoon, everyone! I've arrived!"

A tall man, with his hands on his waist, entered with dramatic steps. As if he was some sort of superhero, he said 'I have arrived! ' in a deafening voice. 'Chairman, he's too excited...'

Entering the club room with confidence, Chairman Akira in his loud voice asked, "has everyone arrived? Especially the first-year members", he asked his friend, a senpai with square glasses and a secretary-like appearance. "Yes, the first graders are all here. As for the second and third years, well... I guess the rest will be here soon" she replied.

"humu humu, then, no need to wait any longer. Let's start today's activities! Everyone, please pay close attention!" after hearing the answer from his friend, the chairman immediately started the club activities for today. With his loud voice, he asked all members to pay attention,

"uhum, today, we're going to divide you into assignments. As you know, drama club is not all about acting. Here, we also need a variety of other management, such as prop making, camera, and costume. So, today you will be divided based on these criteria" The chairman explained.

At that moment, Ryousuke recalled the survey he had to fill out in the group chat right before he and his classmates were about to do acting practice with the theme of witches. It was Wednesday. After completing the distribution of the cast, a senpai with a note in his hand told all first-year members to fill out the survey in the chat group, no later than yesterday. 'So apparently that's the function... Well, it's not like I didn't know' Ryousuke shrugged, seeing that his guess was correct.

"In total, there are five divisions that you will enter. Acting, props, camera, costume, and lastly, tools."

"Division leaders, you may come forward" After finishing explaining about the division, the chairman pointed to the senpai, who seemed to be the division leaders, to come forward with him. "This is Saku, the equipment division chair, this is Soka the camera division chair, this is Sika, the costume division chair, and this is Seki, the props division chair. The last one is myself, the chairperson and acting division chairperson" he explained.

'uhhh... What the heck, how can the heads of the four divisions have such similar names? Was this all planned?!' Ryousuke couldn't help but think, looking at his four seniors who despite having very different looks each, had similar names.

'uhh, I hope I get into the acting division. I feel like it would be troublesome to enter the other divisions, especially with their chairmen having similar names'

Ryousuke had a strong belief that he would enter the acting division, but he remained hopeful. Because after seeing the leaders of the other four divisions, he was a little reluctant.

"""" hello everyone, please cooperate"""" The four heads, plus one Akira, making a total of five people, bowed to the first-year members. As a form of introduction and the first step towards a senior junior relationship.

*clap clap clap clap!

The first-year members clapped loudly for them. Then after that, President Akira spoke again.

"Okay, then, let's start the distribution!" Chief Akira said, with his right hand pointing upwards.

"Give me the paper" he continued, taking the paper in the hand of the female senpai who looked like a secretary and began to read one by one the first year members and where they would be placed.

By the way, as expected, Ryousuke entered the acting division. Together with Ichiba the cheerful girl. Una, she entered the costume division. And Joozu, she entered the props division.

The division was completed when the clock struck five in the afternoon. Chairman Akira then encouraged those who had entered their respective divisions with a very long and boring speech. They were only allowed to leave after Chairman Akira finished his speech, which was already getting dark at 6pm.

'Why does it have to end with his annoying speech again, damn... I'm getting sleepy' as usual the overwhelming power of Akira's speech made some people in the room fall fast asleep. Somehow, Ryousuke managed not to fall asleep. But when he returned home, he quickly finished his dinner. Without taking a shower, he immediately flung himself down and fell fast asleep on the bed in his room.

It was seven o'clock in the evening, and he was already fast asleep thanks to the extraordinary power possessed by Chairman Akira. He even forgot to prepare for his date tomorrow because he was too sleepy.