Chapter 22 - Date (2)

On a sunny morning, with the weather fully cooperating, Ryousuke walked towards station A. It was about two kilometers away from his home. He took the quickest path he could. First, he walked to station C, the station closest to his house. Then, after that, he boarded the train that went to station A.

The system and the way trains work in Japan is amazing. When it comes to this, Japan is undoubtedly one of the best in the field. People have gotten used to the existence of trains, so the trains in the morning are bound to be full of all kinds of people.

In Ryosuke's old world, he would go to school by bus. Whereas when it comes to personal activities like today, he would use a motorcycle or car. In Japan itself, it seems that it is still rare for people to drive private cars or motorcycles. Most will only choose public transportation such as trains.

Ryousuke himself is used to this new system. In fact, he thinks it's better than having to use a car and getting stuck in traffic. So, it didn't take long, he arrived at his destination 15 minutes later.

Station A. When he walked out, he saw that many people were there, doing their own thing. Walking towards the wall, he leaned against it and started to take out his cell phone.

The clock showed 9:15, which meant there were still 45 minutes before the appointed time arrived. Knowing this, Ryousuke calmly waited for her arrival. While playing a game on his smartphone, he waited.


At the Kawajima residence, a large house could be seen. The luxurious mansion was visible even from a distance, showing that the family was not just ordinary people.

Inside the house, in her bedroom to be precise, Midori Kawajima once again made sure that all the necessary items were in their bags and ready. Looking towards the full-length mirror, she could see a reflection of herself currently wearing her casual clothes. 'yosh, I'm ready', she thought.

Looking at the clock on her study table, she saw that it was already 9.15am. So she set off immediately. There was no one at home at the moment, so she didn't forget to lock the door.

Actually, Kawajima's house was close to station A, and it only took ten minutes to get from her house to the station. So, Kawajima walked at a brisk pace towards A station.

She was nervous, excited, scared, and anticipating. This was the first date she was going on, and she herself did not know what to make of her current feelings. On one hand, she was excited, but on the other hand she was nervous, thinking that her ugly self was going on a date with a man, and even feeling inappropriate.

Seeing the station building already in sight, she walked more slowly. As she got closer to the place where they promised to meet, for some reason her heart was beating faster. 'Fuhh... Hahh... Fuuh... Hahh... Relax Midori, it's okay. Nothing will happen' she reassured herself.

She entered the interior of the station, there were already many people visible on various sides of the place. She looked around to find a familiar face, when it seemed she couldn't find it.

'Is Toru-san still not here? ' she thought. Looking at the time on her flip phone, it was 9.32. 'un. Maybe he still hasn't arrived yet' Seeing that there was still half an hour left before the promised time, she thought that maybe she should just wait for him. She walked towards the corner of the room, looking for a place that looked less crowded.

"!!! That's-!" but, as she walked towards the corner, she saw a man who seemed to be doing something on his smartphone. She clearly knew that person, with his casual clothes, yes. He was Ryousuke Toru.

"Toru-san!" Midori Kawajima waved her hand while walking towards him.


"Toru-san!" a girl's voice called out. Ryousuke reflexively raised his head and saw if someone was calling him. He no longer cared about the game he was playing and immediately put his smartphone in his pocket when he saw who it was.

'woahh... Kawajima-san, she looks really pretty', he thought. Looking at the girl who was heading towards him with a smile. With a demure and elegant white dress, braided pink hair, and a beautiful face. She looks like a goddess. 'uhum, maybe I'm exaggerating too much', he thought. While replying with a wave of his hand.

By the way, don't mind the stares of the people around you. I know with my own eyes that Kawajima is a very beautiful girl, so you blind people don't need to interfere!, Ryousuke thought. Knowing that some people were looking at Kawajima with a disgusted expression on them.

Smiling calmly, he said to Kawajima who was now in front of him. "You come quickly Kawajima-san, it's still thirty minutes before the appointed time"

"No no, Toru-san too, you even came earlier than me. Have you been waiting long?" Kawajima shook her head.

"It's okay. It's just my habit, I don't like coming late, you know" he shrugged.

"I -I see ..." she with red cheeks replied. Thinking that the conversation looked like something she would read in a novel.

"Yes. Let's go then?" Ryousuke suggested. He had already prepared the location they would go to specifically for their meeting this time. But on the other hand, Kawajima did not know about it. She replied, "un. By the way, where are we going now for our book exchange?"

"First, the library of course, right? Has Kawajima-san ever been to our city library building? It's quite big and cozy" he said.

Hearing Ryousuke's answer, Kawajima recalled the city library that she sometimes went to in middle school. It was the place with the most complete collection of books, and she would go there if she wanted to borrow a rare book. "ohh, I see. Yes, I've visited it a few times. Although, I only go there when I want to find books that are harder to find in the bookstore. Usually I would come to borrow them and read them at home"

"I see. Then that's better, that means you're also familiar with the place, we can exchange books there. "

"Okay!" Kawajima nodded obediently. She didn't mind if Toru took the lead. After all, she definitely couldn't do it alone.

So, after agreeing to go, the two of them immediately walked towards the city library. They each already had a library card, so they didn't have to worry about getting the new one.

The two of them walked together, neither too close nor too far, talking about the types of books and authors they liked. They really enjoyed their time talking together, because even time seems to fly by if you spend it talking pleasantly. Ryousuke and Kawajima together finally arrived in front of the city library. So, they quickly entered and handed over their membership cards to the library staff. After being checked, they were both let in and he and Kawajima walked towards the second floor of the library.

On the first floor, there were many tables and chairs that were usually used for reading. But on the second floor, they had a more quiet and serene floor. It made it convenient to exchange their books and discuss some things about it. So, finding a table for two, he and Kawajima immediately sat down and took out each of the books they were going to exchange.

"huhu, you ready?" Ryousuke asked in a quiet voice. Not wanting to disturb the other visitors.

"Yes, I'm ready!" Kawajima replied. She nodded her head and took the book from her bag.

""Here you go"" they exchanged books.