Chapter 24 - A Letter...?

One week passed.

Briefly, after Ryousuke and Kawajima finished their book exchange on Saturday, on Sunday, he just relaxed and did nothing at home with a peaceful feeling.

Monday came, he met with his friends in class as usual, studied, and then went home. Tuesday through Friday was also like that, only with some additional club activities.

He also started to get along better with the other club members. They do various activities, such as practicing acting, trying on costumes, making props, and others.

When he went home, he would sometimes share his opinions and impressions of some of the books he had read with Kawajima. They have now started exchanging messages more frequently, with Kawajima also talking about her opinions.

He did not forget his morning exercise. As usual, he did it in the morning, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, he spent his time relaxing at home. Playing games or reading.

Yes, everything was going smoothly. A typical day that you could see in any teenage student.

Monday. Today was a new day for Ryousuke to live. Waking up, cleaning up, eating breakfast with his family, then leaving for school.

With the usual routine, he passed through the school gates. Noticing the many other students who were also doing the same as him. He went in, then changed his shoes at the locker. After that, he walked towards the classroom.

"good morning"

Walking to his seat, he sat down and put down his bag.

Maybe he hadn't explained in detail, but his seat was at the very back, left of center near the window. To his left was the seat where Ame sat, while in front of him was the seat where Juutaro sat.

"Morning" as usual, Ame's morning ritual before class started was playing games on his smartphone. Unlike Juutaro who is more open and converses more with his other classmates, Ame is just a game-loving Chuunibyou who loves solitude. Although, if he was in the mood to play with others, he would invite Ryousuke and Juutaro to play.

Right now, Ame was focused on the screen of his smartphone seriously, answering his greeting briefly without stopping his fingers from playing.

"hmm? Juutaro isn't here yet? It's strange, but it's only ten minutes before class starts... " just then, he realized that his other friend, Juutaro, had not been seen in class. He hadn't even seen his bag, which meant he hadn't gone out and still hadn't come.

"No idea. Maybe he had something on the way? " Ame answered his question.

"Hmmm..." Juutaro, in Ryousuke's mind-no, maybe even in the minds of all his classmates, was a disciplined man who always came early in the morning. Seeing that Juutaro had not come today, Ryousuke felt that perhaps Ame's words were true. Well, there was no point in thinking about the uncertain, so he just put the thought aside and started reading a book.

The book in his hand right now is a book he just bought last week. It's a book about a man from a humble family who turned into a billionaire with hard work. After all, this wasn't fiction, it was real. Although, he wasn't Japanese. It seems that the man is Indian. What an exemplary human being, he thought.

"good morning"

Finally, the person who had just been talked about arrived. Juutaro, entered the classroom and greeted them with his usual enthusiasm... Wait no?!

"Morning. Why do you look so nervous, Juutaro?" Ryousuke, who was confused by his friend's usually excited demeanor, asked him directly.

"Shhh! Guys, here, come closer" Juutaro told the two of them to keep quiet. Then, after seating himself on the bench, he carefully, looked around the classroom a few times and after making sure the situation was safe, he took something out of his bag.

'What the hell, what's wrong with Juutaro today? He's acting weird' Ryousuke thought. Seeing his friend's behavior acting suspiciously.

He would follow what his friend asked for now, he thought. Lowering his voice so that only he, Juutaro and Ame who had shifted their seats to get closer, he asked,

"What? What's the thing that's making you act this strange? Show us."

"...Here, look" and after that, Juutaro showed what he took out of his bag.

".... A letter?" Ame asked. Confused because what Juutaro showed them was a mere letter. '?! Wait... Could it be a threatening letter from some kind of evil organization? ' he thought. His eyes opened wide as if he saw the letter in Juutaro's hand with a new light.

"Yes, a letter. Although... It's not just an ordinary letter... " Juutaro replied, while scratching his head, looking both confused and embarrassed.

'could it be...?!'

"Is it possible that this is some kind of... A love letter?" Ryousuke concluded. Looking back at the letter in Juutaro's hand.

Juutaro nodded. Confirming his theory. 'ohh! A love letter! I didn't expect to see this even before a month of school started! Sasuga high school students, you guys move so fast!'

'...hmmm, well, but I guess it's not strange. Considering Juutaro's face... Ugh, and he's also a member of the Football club. Yes, it's normal'

Juutaro. Besides being a classmate, he was also a member of the Football club. With blond hair, an upright and tall body. He deserved the girls' attention. Plus, his face was also ugly (Ryousuke's standard), so he must look handsome in the eyes of others.

"Yes... This is a love letter. I don't know who sent it, but she told me to come to the back building after school." Juutaro confirmed.

"Cih, riajuu. Just die!" Ame didn't seem to accept it. Well, even though he had a handsome face. If this was Ryosuke's old world, then their popularity would be reversed.

He grabbed Juutaro's shoulder and started shaking it while saying, "dead riajuu, dead riajuu!" with his empty eyeballs without the slightest trace of light. Although, it looks cute, haha. Seeing the endless antics of his two friends, Ryousuke could only smile resignedly.

"It-it's not my fault that I'm popular, right? Hahaha, just say that you're jealous Ame!" Even worse, instead of calming Ame down, Juutaro provoked him even more with his fact-filled words. He had a face full of smiles and triumph on his face.

"sheeez, stop it you two. You're too childish. Can you guys calm down a bit?", he reminded. Getting fed up with their antics.

"Cih" Ame irritably stopped what he was doing. With Juutaro just shaking his head with a triumphant smile still on his face.

"So, are you gonna go?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm going. I can't make a girl wait for me right? Of course I have to go" Juutaro replied. With his stern demeanor it could be seen.

'Well, after all, he is indeed a good person', he thought.

"Good" Ryousuke was satisfied with his answer. But after his words, Ame interrupted him with a question, "So, in essence... You just wanted to show us the love letter and show it off, right?! Damn it!"

"Ah?! N-no, of course not! Hahaha, Ame, what are you talking about? Instead, I'm here to ask you guys... "


"...How do you think I should respond about this confession? Umm, to be honest... This is my first time getting a love letter." he looked down, a little embarrassed to say that.

"I see... " Ryousuke understandingly replied.

Not wanting to be left behind, Ame was also about to reply when, "haha, then, how about you-"


The classroom door opened.

"Take your seats, morning homeroom is about to begin" And Takashi sensei, with his usual serious look, came to start the class.

"Juutaro, Ame, let's continue this conversation later"

""okay"", they both replied together. Although Juutaro seemed to feel a sense of responsibility that sensei had to come in at such an inopportune time.

After the class stopped its commotion, Takashi sensei continued, "Okay. Good morning everyone"

""""" good morning, Sensei""""

"As you know, it has been two weeks since you have been attending this school. Therefore, today we will be holding class president elections"


It was only Monday, and Ryousuke had already been surprised twice by shocking information, whether it was from his friend, or his homeroom teacher.