Chapter 34 - Anger

'... Angry girls are scary'

Ryousuke was both surprised and frightened by what he saw before his eyes. He let the demon loose and went on a rampage, which ended up throwing the entire contents of the book club room into chaos.


Back to a few minutes ago.

As just found out, Ryousuke was unsuccessful in stopping an enraged Sayaka Mayu from opening the door of the book club. *bang! The sound of a very loud banging on the door was heard. 'I hope the door isn't broken... *gulp'.

The moment the door was opened, the people inside felt very surprised. They immediately stared at the girl who opened the door so loudly. Not only that, they were also more shocked by the words that the girl said afterwards.


They didn't even have time to react. A girl came in brutally, opened the door, and shouted at them angrily. All they could do was freeze in shock at her appearance.

"Aishh, Mayu-san, calm down..."

They didn't even notice the presence of the male student who also came in. Ryousuke, not paying any attention to them, just tried to calm down the angry Mayu.

"You're asking me to calm down? Toru-kun, after what they said about harassing her and even taking money from her, you're telling me to calm down?!!! " Damn, Sayaka Mayu didn't even listen to his words. Her anger was too strong that she couldn't think straight.

"I know you're angry, but violence, especially among women, won't solve anything. So for now... Calm down, okay? Calm down... Turn your anger towards them into something else, like... Um-ya! Food!" Ryousuke didn't give up.

"H-hey! What are you two doing rudely entering our club room? Have you guys no manners?"

Finally, the book club member girls began to realize the situation and tried to fight back. Although, in their hearts they were still afraid of the girl in front of them. Six club members, all girls. It seemed like the book club did not have many members.

"Yes! That's right, what are you doing?! Get out of here or we'll report you!"

'Damn... Stupid girls. I'm here trying to keep Mayu-san calm and you guys are just making that useless! Stop talking!' Ryousuke thought. Feeling tired of the bunch of stupid bullies in front of him.

"Huh? Going away? In your dreams!" Mayu who still seemed to have not calmed down her anger, was made even angrier until she finally exploded. She furiously approached the six bully girls and... Started messing with them.

"Hii?! What the hell are you doing?! Get away!"

"No, don't come near us you devil!"

The girls tried to defend themselves. Some pelted Mayu with books, and some made a barrier between them with the table. But all in vain, Ryousuke did not expect that Sayaka Mayu turned out to be good at martial arts.

*buk! *bak! *bak!

She punched the books that flew towards her, she kicked the table that blocked her, and she pounced on the girls fiercely. Damn... Angry girls are very scary.

"Hii?! Get away!"


Ryousuke, before things got worse, could not help but forcibly restrain Sayaka Mayu. He quickly made up his mind and lunged at Mayu from behind. Without giving her time to react, he locked both her arms and made her immobilized.

"Let go! Let go of me!" Mayu rebelled. "Toru-kun, let go of me!"

"I'll let you go after you completely calm down and face the whole situation here with a clear head" he replied.

"Uuuu... Let go! "


Sayaka Mayu tried to break away from him. But after a few minutes and she still couldn't do it, she finally stopped rebelling and started to resign herself to her situation.


"Good, calm down... Calm down" Ryousuke stroked her hair, trying to calm her down. It proved to be successful, and after Mayu calmed down, he let her go. Mayu no longer tried to attack the girls and just stood near the entrance while crossing her arms with a dissatisfied face.


And here it is... As a result, the club room which was already untidy, looked even more horrible with the mess Mayu made. Books that had fallen off tables and bookshelves were scattered everywhere. Documents, snacks, and spilled drinks.

Oh, let's not forget about the six girls hugging each other in fear with some of them crying. This is how women are, if the bully case here was a group of boys, then they would definitely fight back and eventually end up in a fight. But with girls, even though they are the bully, they are still girls who are afraid of violent things and cry over it.

It was pitiful.

"Umm, sorry for the mess. Can we talk?" Ryousuke asked them.

"*hiks *hiks, why should we talk to you guys? You two are just people who came into our room on a whim and made a scene. We'll report this!" (member A)

"Yeah, right. We will report this!" (member C)

"yes", "yes" (members B and E)

"Let me explain. We've recorded all your conversations about the bullying you did to Kawajima-san. You know, the girl with the pink braid hair? Obviously you know, you were the ones who bullied her anyway" Ryousuke explained coldly.

"What? H-how, you guys were eavesdropping?! "(Member D) The faces made by the girls showed it. Starting from disbelief... Until it turned into fear.

Ryousuke took the smartphone in his pants pocket and pressed play. The recorded sound of their conversation that clearly showed their mistakes could be heard. The girls heard it all with despair clearly visible on their faces.

"...No way"

"N-no *hiks"

"Now, you believe me, right? Then let's start our conversation." Stopping the recording, he put his smartphone back and approached them with a calm face.

"Oh, yes. Mayu-san, please call Kawajima-san here, she needs to know all about this" he called Sayaka Mayu, who was still standing by the door, and told her to call Kawajima.

"Okay, hold on" Mayu replied, took her smartphone and left the room, trying to call Kawajima.


She also didn't forget to close the door loudly. Expressing her annoyance.

Now, after Mayu left, all that was left in this room was Ryousuke and the six girls. Looking back at them, it could be seen that they were now silent while thinking about various things that might happen to them.

What would the school, especially the Kamigaoka school, do to punish students who were known to bully others. Suspension? Perhaps, but they felt it was still a light punishment. The punishment they got could be worse, especially if it led to drop out.

They were scared. Very.

"Why did you girls do that?"


Ryousuke asked them. Although he broadly understood the reason why they were bothering Kawajima, but he wanted to confirm it by hearing it straight from their mouths.

"You mean... With Kawajima?" one of the members asked. "Yes, explain to me why" Ryousuke nodded.

"It-it... " they fell silent, seemingly reluctant to answer.

'hahh... How pathetic. Behind Kawajima's back, they acted as if they were the most righteous humans above all. They dared to do that to Kawajima, surely they realized the consequences, right?... Or maybe... They don't?' Ryousuke thought. Feeling that these girls looked too innocent compared to the other bullies he had faced in middle school.

"You can answer, whenever you are ready", Ryousuke was in no hurry. In fact, he felt it was better if they didn't answer before Kawajima came here.

So, Ryousuke just kept quiet. He was silent and did not say another word to them.



The door opened loudly again.

"She'll be here soon", entering the room, was Mayu who walked towards him while putting her smartphone back. It looked like she had finished telling Kawajima to come.

"Okay. Here, sit down. " he offered the empty seat beside him and told Mayu to sit down. Sayaka Mayu obediently sat down, she also seemed to have finished organizing her thoughts and had returned to her usual self. Casual and relaxed. Although there was still an aura of seriousness in it.

While waiting for Kawajima's arrival, everyone in the room just fell into an awkward and suffocating silence. No one spoke, nor did Ryousuke and Mayu take the initiative to continue the conversation.

Now, after the chaotic time had passed, Ryousuke could finally see the six girls clearly. They were members of the book club, he expected them to look like Kawajima in one way or another. You know, glasses, shy, quiet, nervous, the typical bookish girl.

But they were... Wahh, they were so far from those things. The word that best describes them is, Gyaru.

Wavy hair, uniforms with the top buttons left open, skirts that were longer than standard, reaching their ankles. They look exactly like gyaru. Or maybe, they are gyaru.

Sheesh, even some of them had pretty faces (Ryousuke's standard). Although they were still far from beauties like Kawajima and Mayu, it was still good.

'Hmmm... What a match', Ryousuke thought. Thinking that indeed, the six girls in front of him were very suitable to be the image of a female version of a bully.


"*hahh *huft *huft Sayaka-Chan! Toru-san! Are you guys okay?! "

Opening the club room door with a bang, was Kawajima who was out of breath. Maybe she ran while going here. She asked the two if they were alright, although obviously, the situation was completely reversed.

'Sorry book club door-kun, I hope you didn't break'

Ryousuke slightly sympathized with the door that hadn't done anything wrong, but had been bangs into many times. An unlucky day for door-kun and the rest of the room.