Chapter 41 - Date (2)

The city public library on weekends had few visitors as usual. Unlike the mall across the street which was full of crowds of people, here, you could enjoy your time in peace without any distractions. It was indeed a cozy place, be it for himself who loved the quiet, or Kawajima who couldn't stand the crowds.

The second floor, moreover, was a quieter place with fewer visitors. At the moment, apart from himself and Kawajima, there was only an old couple reading an old newspaper and a woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties reading as well.

The written and unwritten rule around the world regarding libraries was that you couldn't be noisy while inside. So, Ryousuke and Kawajima began their book exchange in a low voice. Enough to only be heard by the two of them and not disturb others around them.

"This book... 'Mount everest and the stories within'...?"

What Kawajima mentioned was the book that he decided to lend to her on this exchange. "And this... 'Pizza guy'. Huh, very Cliché title huh" and the book in his hand right now was the book Kawajima had promised to lend him. She said that this book was interesting, but judging by the cover alone, it looked very ordinary.

"Books can't be judged by their covers, right? I thought so too at first, fufu. But when I read it... Siu! I can't stop"

"Hmmm... Siu! Huh~~?"

"mou~~ that's just a parable! Anyway, Toru-san will definitely not regret reading that book"

"hehe, okay okay. I can't say much either, with the book I gave you. Aren't you curious, Kawajima-san, why I gave you that book?" Ryosuke pointed at the thick book in Kawajima's hand. The book was titled 'Mount Everest and the Stories Within'.

"That's right... Why did you give me this book? Is this book interesting Toru-san? " Kawajima too, actually felt quite strange about Ryousuke's choice from the beginning. She thought, Ryousuke already knows that she doesn't really like true story books and prefers romance, adventure, and fantasy genre books?

"However, this book should also not be judged by its title alone. Actually, the book contains fiction and romance stories about people climbing Mount Everest. So, it's not a true story. I can say that this book contains 3 in 1 genres that you like, Kawajima-san. You must like it too"

"Really!? E-ep-" Kawajima felt surprised by his explanation and even started to raise her voice, which made the girl immediately shut her mouth.

Ryousuke just smiled at her, "Right, right... You must like it."

Kawajima lowered her head, feeling embarrassed. She nodded and said quietly... "... Thank you"

'so cute'

Why would there be a girl this cute and innocent in the world? Moreover, of all things, that girl should meet him! Is this fate? It must be fate!

Ryousuke's teenage soul could not help but get excited regarding that thought. In fact, he somehow began to feel a sense of superiority towards the girl in front of him after knowing that surely, no one would stand in his way if he wanted to pursue this girl. After all, the sense of beauty in this world was reversed.

In the rest of their time in the library, Ryousuke began to think about that seriously while chatting with Kawajima. Innocent and beautiful girl. Don't blame him, he's still a healthy teenager after all. It wasn't his fault if he started to think of strange things if there was a super beautiful girl like her in front of him?

Although, he still has common sense. He only dared to think about it, but not to do it for real. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the friendship he had worked so hard to make with her.

The two continued their conversation about the various books they were reading. Kawajima had a very cheerful and happy face throughout their conversation. Not knowing that the man in front of him was slightly off in the direction of their conversation and started thinking strange things in his brain.

The hormones of youth are really terrible.



"ah! Umm... Hehe, sorry"

"Ah yes, anoo... It seems like a good time for lunch. Shall we go now?"

"Yes, let's go"

Midday, stomach rumbling. Uh, really embarrassing. Is his stomach unable to compromise even at a time like this? Jezz.

But it's okay. Because with this, the two of them would continue their activities to the next part, which was lunch.

Walking out of the library, Ryousuke and Kawajima continued their walk. "Where are we going next, Kawajima-san? "

"Etto, we're going to the sakura park. Even though it's not cherry blossom season, it's still a nice view. I hope you like it."

"Good, then let's go!"

"Yes. Incidentally, the bus has also stopped, look" Kawajima pointed at the bus in front. It was a white bus with a picture of a female anime on it, it really looked Japanese.

The two crossed the street, then walked towards where the bus was. As always, everything is done digitally in Japan. They swiped their wallets, paid the fare, and sat in the empty seat on the right. It was almost at the very end.

"huhh... Want some candy?"

"Oh yes, thank you."

The two waited for the bus to move forward, with a few words from the bus driver about cleanliness and other things. You know, in their typical accent.

The bus quickly began to fill up, and finally moved forward quickly. Well, not too fast. Just average.

Passing the bridge, there were many wilted and ordinary-looking cherry blossom trees. No pink leaves or anything, just looked like any other ordinary tree. Although, even ordinary cherry blossom trees are still a beautiful sight. Everything was neatly organized, with the surrounding grass cut short.

Arriving at their destination, the two stopped and got off the bus. They walked towards the gate and entered the park.

"Hahhhhhh... The air is so fresh here" Ryousuke said. "It's really a good place for lunch, let's go Kawajima-san"


The two walked side by side. Today, the sakura park was crowded with visitors who had also come for refreshment. Families, children, and couples could all be seen.

They had to walk quite a distance before they found an empty seat. Ryousuke was really starving at the moment, so he immediately walked towards the bench and sat down together with Kawajima.

'hoho, let's see what Kawajima-san brought today'

With eyes full of anticipation, he looked at the basket containing their lunch today. Kawajima smiled at the sight, finding it amusing that Toru-san also had a childish side, though it was still cute.

She opened the basket, and saw that inside were several sets of lunch boxes. Along with a thermos and two glasses. Kawajima picked them up and started handing one lunch box to Ryousuke. Ryousuke just accepted it obediently, looking like a dog waiting for his master to feed him.

He opened it, and there, it was,


Inside were several pieces of meat-filled sandwiches that looked absolutely delicious. With Kawajima having also opened her own lunchbox, he said, "Itadakimasu", and ate it.


"re-really? Thank you very much. "

"Yes, you're very good at cooking Kawajima-san. Even the ordinary sandwiches taste very delicious!"

"That's great if you like it, Toru-san. Please enjoy" Kawajima replied. Her voice sounded funny because inside, she was trying to hold back the smile that might appear on her face after receiving a compliment from him.

"hehe", though in the end, she covered her mouth with her hand and smiled.

If other people saw these two at this moment, what would they think of them? A couple that looks peaceful and happy? Or an ugly couple?

Whatever their thoughts were, there was no doubt that they thought the two were currently a couple.

"ah... It's all gone" looking at his lunchbox, it turned out that the sandwich that was there was already gone. He had enjoyed it too much to realize that it was gone.

"U-umm, do you want my share, Toru-san? "

Kawajima offered her own sandwich to him, with the sandwich in her hand, she pointed it at him.

"Thanks! *aaaaamu" Ryousuke did not waste an opportunity like this. He happily accepted it and ate the sandwich in her hand.

"Delicious!" he expressed his thoughts. It was so delicious that he had to repeat it again.

Kawajima was also happy that Ryousuke enjoyed her food, so she smiled with satisfaction as she watched him eat the sandwich with devour.

'But wait!'

But, as she was still looking at the man in front of her who was still enjoying the food, Kawajima suddenly realized.

'Didn't I just feed him?!'

Yes, she had just fed Ryousuke from her hands directly. And she had just done it without any hesitation?! How shameless!


Steam came out of her head when her red face couldn't bear the incident. You're too brave Midori!

"Hmm? Kawajima-san? "

And Ryousuke, who finished with the sandwich in his mouth, looked at the girl who currently had a blank expression. Why? What happened to her?

Is it maybe?!

"Ah! Are you maybe still hungry? Sorry! I just enjoyed it so much that I took yours too"

The Kawajima in front of her processed the words spoken by him, and finally came to her senses. Her face was still red, but she firmly replied. "No, no! It's okay Toru-san. It doesn't matter, I don't mind about it, really"


"Yes! Really!"

"...Okay, if you say so"

Oh god, she was currently feeling too embarrassed to even look in his direction. After Ryousuke revealed that what they were doing today was really a date, and not just a normal book exchange, all the things she did with him, even the slightest conversation, made her mind fill with things she was ashamed of. They were not a couple, so she had no right to think of doing things that a couple would do, like for example the feeding earlier.

She should know that, but... Her heart would not accept it. Even though she was embarrassed, even though she was nervous, she still wanted something like this to happen between them.

She wished for a time like this to happen forever. With her and the man in front of her.