Chapter 43 - Date (4)

Kawajima was surprised by what Ryousuke did, who suddenly hugged her strongly. Moreover, after that he also started calling her by her first name, Midori.

"Hm? Why are you so quiet... Is it maybe... you don't like it? ", Letting go of the hug, Ryousuke held Kawajima's shoulders with both hands. While staring at her, he searched to see what the reaction of the girl in front of him would be.

Her face was red, uhuh. It seemed like it was obvious.

Her eyes seemed unfocused, seemingly trying to avoid his wailing. Her body trembled as she was about to move, but couldn't because she was restrained by him.

"A-um, it's, E- aaa" she tried to answer. But her very small and nervous voice could not convey the correct words. What should she say? That she didn't hate it? That she actually really liked being called that by him?

Ryousuke smiled. A meaningful smile. He, as Kawajima's friend, would certainly feel sympathy for her after he heard that story coming from her. The thing was, he was a man. And even though the two of them were friends, he still could not just hug her out of the blue.

What he was doing right now, aside from encouraging her, was also a move to make Kawajima forget about everything else and make her focus only on him.

Why did he do that? Well...

You know, if you are a man, and you see that someone close to you, who is a kind, innocent, and kind girl, is having a hard time, then you will naturally have the desire to help.

And, Ryousuke in this case, felt a huge bundle of emotions after he heard her story earlier.

Born with an extremely beautiful face, but unfortunately born into a world that had an inverted sense of beauty. Born rich, but her parents were so workaholic that she forgot the warm feelings of family. Born good, but because of her surroundings, she was bullied from elementary to junior high school.

What else could be worse than this girl's life.

If the girl named Midori Kawajima hadn't met him, Sayaka Mayu, and Inaka-san, would her life still be like that? Most likely yes.

The feeling of wanting to protect her exploded in his heart. I don't know, he too, despite giving excuses such as to encourage her and so on, he also realized that his actions were impulsive and crossed the line a bit.

But what can be done. His feelings were honest, he wanted to protect the girl in front of him. He wanted to make the girl named Midori Kawajima smile and be happy, without always lamenting her past.

It seemed like he was starting to grow like of her, more than just a friend.

Ryousuke was a person who would act decisively once he decided to do something. So, after he hugged Kawajima on impulse, he began to decide. He had to move forward. If things had become like this, what happened happened, he didn't care!

He started with his first step, thought brilliantly and began to call the girl in his arms by her first name. Midori.

"Is that so~? Then, do you not mind? ", He was still looking at her red face. Having decided that he wanted their relationship to progress, he also began to see Kawajima in a different light.

At first, he saw her as a friend with a very pretty face with a good personality. But now... Oh god, it seemed like everything was starting to increase several fold in his eyes.

Her flushed cheeks, her cute gestures, her big eyes that were trying to avoid his gaze, everything was beautiful. He couldn't resist teasing her with a seductive smile on his face, this beautiful girl.

"I-I... Im!... Yes, I don't mind you calling me that... Toru-san"

Kawajima also seemed to understand that if she did not answer, things would not go well. So, she quickly answered Ryousuke's question quietly.

Ryosuke smiled widely, revealing his white teeth. "Very good", he nodded.

"Midori, there's no need to be sad anymore. You're not alone, you have people who care about you, remember that."


"Good, good. Good girl" Ryousuke patted Kawajima's head gently, feeling happy and proud.

Kawajima felt very happy, smiling shyly with her head still bowed. Avoiding his gaze, she still felt surprised by the hug Ryousuke had just given her, and now a pat on the head...

'He even gently hugged and patted my head, an ugly girl like me... Toru-san ♡'

The pat on the head felt like her father used to pat her too. A pat that was filled with affection and tenderness. Kawajima felt even more excited, her heart feeling tingly and hot at the same time. How much she wanted to immediately return the man's favor and also hug him back with all her might. Rubbing her face against his chest, making his body filled with her scent.

If only she was that brave.

Kawajima, however, was still a shy girl. She would not be able to be as aggressive as Ryosuke who hugged and patted her head. At least not for now.

"Thank you very much... Toru-san, you're very kind"

"No, I'm not kind. I only care about people who are close to me. I don't want to see you sad, Midori"

"I-Is that so...!", her heart was still in turmoil when Ryousuke said her first name, this time as if he was already very used to it.

"Yes. Come on, don't keep looking down, raise your head and smile, smile~~"


"good good, smart girl"

"Hyauu?! U-un"

'what's going on with Toru-san, why is he being so proactive like this?!'

Straightening his head, it was Kawajima who began to get a good look at Ryousuke's face. She felt strange with the seemingly sudden change from him, after she told about her past with her family in this museum, Ryousuke started acting like this.

*gulp, she gulped, nervous.

Ryousuke just looked at her with a teasing smile, feeling that the girl in front of him was indeed very cute. He was glad that it seemed Kawajima-no, now Midori, seemed to be in a good mood again.

Feeling at ease, he picked up the cell phone in his pocket. At 15:30, it seemed like it was getting late. "It seems like it's getting late Midori, I told my mom that I won't be coming home late. So how about we call it a day?"

"ah, I see... U-un, okay, Toru-san"


"E-um... Toru-san? "

"Don't call me Toru-san, that feels weird. Since I already call you Midori, you should also call me by my first name. Ryousuke, call me Ryousuke"


Again a difficult situation for little Midori. Although she had already straightened her head when told by him earlier, she returned to her previous bowed head as she began to feel embarrassed.

She should try to reduce this habit, Ryousuke thought. He held Midori's chin and straightened her head, forcing her to look up at him.

"Ryou~su~ke. Call me Ryousuke, come on"

"! R-Ry... Ryo-... I can't, Toru-san. It's too embarrassing."

"Hey, I'll be really mad if you don't call me by my first name. Come on, Midori, I know you can do it."




"Yeah, right. Again."

"Aa~! Ryousuke-kun!"

"haha, good!"

"I-I can't call you just R-Ryousuke, so R-Ryousuke-kun is okay right?"

"haha, of course"

Wahhh... Look at how red Midori is now, he can't get enough of this. Did he perhaps have woken something up? He was starting to feel like an S.

Ryousuke smiled, feeling happy that Midori was also calling him by his first name. Now they had really taken a step forward. This was no longer just a casual friendship, there was no such thing as a casual friendship if men and women who weren't family called each other by first name right?

Good, very good.

Feeling satisfied, Ryousuke finally also stopped flirting with Midori who was very red in front of him. He suggested they go home, and despite feeling shaky, Midori walked along beside him.

They parted ways at station A, as their houses were in opposite directions, so they decided to part ways there. Although in truth, Ryousuke felt like deliver Midori home, but he stopped that thought after he saw that Midori was still blushing, she seemed to need time to calm down.

The two of them said goodbye to each other, Ryousuke entered the train that was headed to station C, the station near his home. They both waved goodbye to each other, and finally parted ways.

The orange sun in the background, making the sky look the same color, witnessed the two of them parting. Despite the separation, both of them have the same feelings, which are happy and satisfied.

The silhouette of a girl is seen waving at the moving train, not trying to cover her blushing face because of a man.


Returning home, Ryousuke felt that his current mood was sky-high. He smiled the whole time, getting strange looks from his father and understanding looks from his mother as they ate dinner.

That night, he soon fell asleep early, around nine in the evening. He fell asleep soundly, not forgetting his smile that was still visible even in his sleep.


On the other hand, after Midori returned home. In the evening after she finished all her activities at home and was about to prepare for bed.

Rolling over in her bed, Kawajima recalled the events of today.

Her eyes were wet, looking both sexy and spoiled. She looked at the wall blankly, seemingly lost in thought.

He did not even realize that she was currently smiling strangely. A smile that seemed to melt.

She looked at the screen of her phone, where she and Toru were taking a picture together. With smiles on their faces. It was a picture of them together taken at the photoboot during their first book exchange.


God, what a feeling. Her heart felt hot and sore. Her heart was beating very strongly, and this passionate feeling seemed to be unable to be calmed down.

This was the first time she understood the feelings of a Chinese novel MC who would say that they were on cloud nine.

Only this time, she might not just be on the ninth cloud. She had passed through millions of clouds and was in heaven.


Notes: Hehe, after Ryosuke finally decided to advance the relationship between them, does that mean in the near future the tag that hasn't appeared yet will finally happen? ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)(You know? Tag #r18 that still hasn't appeared~~)

Btw, thanks for reading^^!

And thanks for those who give this book power stones^^!♡(> ਊ <)♡