Study of the Future

Exactly one hundred years ago, there was a world-changing news.

A discovery of a device from a forgotten era. Excavated, used, and even reverse engineered.

The kings and scholars are greatly shock by the news and immediately dispatched a search team for the devices.


Because within those items from the forgotten era are the rumor of mass destruction weapon.

A weapon capable of annilihating literally anything within a kilometer radius or maybe more. And those who were to possess it will be automatically become a global power.

However, never do they know that these weapons are guarded by the most defended area they called ruins.

And within the ruin lies a man who just woke up from his million years of slumber. A man known as a secret weapon by the ancient political staffs and only used once.

Code XXIV, aka Giovanni.

A human x robot created solely for military purpose. Despite this, he possess human emotion and can even feel love towards other.

A perfect example of human playing God.

The reason of his awakening is simple. A group of adventurer stumble upon a ruin they do not know. And within a certain room, there was a trigger that was switched which activated the defense system of the area.

The group immediately retreated due to the fear of getting killed. And left the remains of ruin in a complete state of defensive.

Anyone who get close to it will immediately met their demise as the drones automatically dispatch survey the area for possible hostile.

No one was able to get close to it after one group were annilihated.

Going back to the present, Giovanni was able to comprehend the situation. According to his research, it has been a million years since he enter deep sleep state and only been awaken due to a trigger being switched.

And according to the drones, the current era is similar to the ones back in medieval. However, they possess power unknown to ancient human.

They call it magic.

Magic has six elements: the common ones being aqua, ignis, terra, and ventus. And the rare ones being lux and nox.

For hundreds of years, it only took him less than a year to study the entire world.

It's geopgrahy also changed as the continent of Oceania and Asia converge. The mediterranean sea also swallowed half of Europe and Northern Africa. The American continent also became smaller.

Since it's been millions of years, the southeast Asian nation also move closer to the mainland of China until it converge.

The two ice continent became even larger maybe due to the lack of human activities.

But what truly made him question the world is its unnatural formation.

Caucasian should be from the European continent yet the place they occupy is within the land of China and India.

It didn't take that much time until he solve the mystery, but since then, he didn't mind things at all.

He also found out that the country he currently live at is the Kingdom of Dietrich. A feudal nation ruled by one Ruler and a bunch of nobles.

It is one of the major power according to him and also a declining one. From their south near Vietnam is the Empire of Zelenica. A growing major power who possess their technology, but older ones.

Until then, he simply stalk the humans in order to fully understand their manipulation to mana. Because of this, he also successfully imitate their power.

It's not hard since they are also a descendant of the former humans and with the same genetic at that.