
We entered the room which looked nothing like a nobel's room. It was a clean and simple room with some simple furniture. Mel entered the room before me to check on the viscountess and then only I entered becuase it is always good to respect their privacy.

There were three people in the room including Mel when I entered. Elda was sitting near the bed while my patient was lying on the bed. Mel kept her guard up while standing. Naomi brought some stuff I wanted to diagnose her and some medicine.

I looked at the viscountess who was lying on the bed looking at me with interest. She looked just like Elda with her black colour hair and curvy body which looked absolutely amazing in her one-piece dress. She looked like a grown-up version of Elda.

"Is she the doctor you talked about, darling?" She turned toward Elda while giving her a kind look.

"Oh~ You're that kind boy who helped me at the shop but where's the healing mage or doctor?" Elda was a little confused about the situation.

"I'm not a support boy, my lady"

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Davin Keller the owner of the Keller firm as well as a full-fledged doctor, I'm pretty confident I can treat your mother myself," Elda was surprised by my introduction she almost fell from her chair.

"You What?" Elda and the viscountess both were baffled by this change of event.

"Why would a big shot like you would even bother with unfortunate people like us?" It was the viscountess who talked in a down voice.

"It's fine, don't care about the small things, Just think I was impressed by the effort of a certain girl who tried to recover her mother," I said while looking at Elda who was about to cry.

Viscountess was looking at her with a kind smile with overflowing love which reminded me of my mother.

"My lady, I want to first diagnose the disease to see whether it can be cured or not so can I?" I requested permission from her to continue the treatment.

She thought for a few minutes and permitted me to check her disease. I used appraisal to see whether there is anything wrong with her body but there were no signs of anything. I noticed her eyes and tongue look a little pale which can be easily identified.

"Can I see your medicines? I want to see all of them," I requested from her which she agreed rather easily.

"Elda, can you bring my medicines?" She urged her daughter to go and bring her medicines.

I decided to have small talk with her until Elda returns with the medicines.

"My lady, I couldn't ask your name before, What may I call you?" I already knew her name since I checked her with my appraisal skill but I didn't want to sound weird calling her name without her telling me it.

"Master Davin, You can call me Sariya, I thought you might already know since the information is money for a businessman,"

"You give me too much credit my lady anyway Elda sure is a good girl to care for you this much," I complimented her daughter which brought a smile to her face.

"She is the only thing I have now therefore I raised her to be a little too kind I guess," Sariya said with a tired-looking smile.

"Yeah, I can see," Just as we finished talking Elda entered the room with the box of medicine.

There are two major ways to cure diseases in this world according to Luna's knowledge. One is from the conventional method which is medicine. Unlike on the earth, the plant medicine and diseases here are more based on mana but sometimes normal fever or cough can be seen. The other method to cure disease is with the help of a light mage who can be either a priest or some normal adventurer. It's rather hard to find a good light mage do it's more expensive and effective than normal medicine.

A viscount should have enough money to buy healing mage service but looks like he doesn't want to cure Sariya too quick.

I used appraisal to check her medicines. The result of it was terrible. I wanted to share it with them but I was concerned about Elda since she is an innocent kind girl it will be hard for her to swallow the truth.

"I have unfortunate news to tell you, my lady," I decided to tell them the truth since it will be convenient for me in long run.

" More than half of these medicines are made from poisonous ingredients, they aren't highly poisonous enough to kill you instantly but they will slowly gather in the body of the consumer and will cause a slow death," Mel and Elda both were pale after hearing me talking about the medicine but Sariya wasn't that much surprised by this turn of events.

"W-what do you mean? How can there be poison in our lady's medicines, how can we believe you're telling the truth?" Mel was terrified by my statement that she almost lost her temper.

"Mel, stop it" Sariya was the one to calm her down.

Elda couldn't even say one word because she was so scared and sad about her mother. She started to cry like a baby grabbing the sheet tightly. Sariya is almost on the verge of crying looking at her. She quickly hugged Elda.

"Darling, don't worry, we will do something about this," She kept consoling her until her sobbing stopped.

"How long have you been taking this medicine," I wanted the change the mood so I had to interrupt their sweet time.

"I took it for about one month, I should have known when my condition became worse after taking these pills that something must be wrong, looks like my disease is really catching up to me," Sariya answered me without breaking the hug between Elda and her.

"Don't worry then, this poison is not that potent it will at least take 6 months to come to the fatal stage, I can heal you," I couldn't finish my words suddenly Elda came running toward me and hugged me.

"Thank you, Davin, I don't know what would have happened to mother without you," Her face was messed up with tears which looked like a small animal to be protected.


"Elda, it's improper to hug a young man without their permission like this, don't bother him," Sariya was the one to make Elda realise what she did in the heat of the moment.

She quickly ran to her usual spot beside her mother with a blushing face.

"Young man, I don't think you're doing all these things for free, tell me what's your objective?" Mel remembered his words before he entered the room so she decided to question his intention.