Kelleros Kingdom

"What is your problem? I thought I gave you everything I could," Keeping his hand on the cheeks, Velian questioned with a displeased look.

Other girls were also standing behind him so, the group of representatives looked nervous as they bowed before the king. One of them stepped forward and spoke up his voice shaking.

They were afraid that Velian would take their position if they did something wrong in this meeting and it really kept them on edge the whole time.

"Your Majesty, we come before you to express our love and loyalty to you and your new royalty. However, we cannot ignore the sins of the past."

Velian furrowed his brow.

"Sins of the past? What do you mean?"

The representative cleared their throat.

"Your Majesty, we believe that everything about the old royal families and noble families must be gone. They are a symbol of corruption and oppression, and we cannot move forward until we erase that history."

Velian nodded slowly, understanding their point of view.