


A young girl named Aurora sat in Velian's bedroom room, tears streaming down her face. Her mothers had just given her a soft spanking for not listening to Velian and their words, under the orders of Velian, her benevolent father.

"Aurora, I told you to stay in the cave hidden, until I ask you to come out," scolded her father, who is normally not so stern with her.

But this time Velian was a little angry because she put herself in danger, even though she did it to support him.

"Mama!" cried Aurora, rubbing her bottom where her mothers had lightly spanked her.

"Veli, isn't that enough? She looks like she's in pain," Daphnia and Sariya both gave a begging look hoping he would just leave her alone, but Velian just touched his head not knowing whether to be impressed or sad.

"That girl is acting! There's no way, humans can hurt her, that's why I asked you girls to do it since my spanking might hurt her,"