Lost and found

The night air hung heavy with tension as Velian and his group huddled together in the safety of a new hideout. The room they occupied was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting eerie shadows across their faces. Daphnia, her usually vibrant eyes now filled with a mixture of concern and determination, sat in a corner, her hands wrapped tightly around a warm mug of herbal tea, which Velian brewed specially for everyone so they can recover their mana.

Velian, his brow furrowed, paced back and forth in front of the group, his mind racing with questions. Kyla, a stoic and battle-hardened warrior, leaned against the wall, her arms crossed, observing the exchange.

The other two members of their group, still recovering from the attack, lay on makeshift beds nearby, their wounds tended to as best as possible given the circumstances.