Headmistress (R-18)

Velian couldn't help but wonder, what this place was. He randomly entered this place, since it looked like the best place for Ellena's brother to regain his vitality, but he didnt expect to see a huge clue about what he was searching for in a place like this.

Soon, his gaze settled upon a figure who seemed to command the attention of all those present. The headmistress of the brothel, a woman of undeniable charisma, exuded an aura of confidence and power. Her eyes held a depth that hinted at a lifetime of wisdom.

Velian, realizing the importance of his inquiry, approached the headmistress with a humble look of a youngster and extended his hand, offering a few gold coins as thevoayement for the woman he just ordered.

"Pardon my intrusion, headmistress," he began, his voice carrying a mix of determination and intrigue. "May I ask about the purpose of this building and the identities of those within?"