Battle of the Union V - White Other

"This beast, it is-" Velian couldn't believe what he was seeing, as his appraisal doesn't let down him this time.

He knew in front of him was a heavenly being, that is equally powerful to the dragon that, he met in the forest and he didn't have any idea how Valerie possessed something like that.

"Surprised? This is the beast that helped our ancestors," She said, but she quickly corrected her words.

"To be precise, our ancestor helped this beast, and ever since then it had been serving the royal bloodline of hero," Velian knew he was in a pinch right now.

He could take White other and Valerie separately, but together, it was impossible for him.

"You are a real pain in the ass," Velian clicked his tongue and decided to do his best, but suddenly his daughter Aurora, decided to help her father by attacking the white other with her dragon breath.