Chapter 2 - Family warmth

"I agree to accept the legacy and am prepared to do everything to enjoy my life."

I smirked, eager to see what my future would lead into seeing the wheel spin show many worlds including not limited to Marvel comics, DC Comics, DxD, One pieces, etc. 

[ Mushoku Tensei, Twin brother of Rudeus Greyrat ]

Ah that guy huh? Well I do like him as he grew up sympathizing with how those past actions haunted him and grow into a new person that I also aim to become. Many, myself included, hated his perversion at the beginning but eventually he grew as a person toning down his perversion. He was a lot better than Issei, that's for sure.

Rudeus took the opportunity to train when he had the chance while Issei only saw was Oppai. The thought of having rudeus as a brother isn't such a bad idea. I'm not someone who is petty enough to hate him like many other fans. Perhaps I'll grow to consider him a brother but who knows at least I can experience having a family which is worth it.

The Sword style and magic was also going to be interesting since I'm an expert in weaponry and science since I needed to learn to make poisons and antidotes. I can't say exactly that I'm a chemist but the organization has made us study many different lectures including chemistry and physics which I memorize thanks to my eidetic memory.

I'm considered a prodigy among my peers which has helped me prove my worth to the organization letting me live past my 30s since most if not all died in the line of duty below that mark. I was the first to reach 50 years old. 

"That world huh? Well, this saved me a lot of trouble since I was considering killing that False human who took my avatar away."

"Then I'll gladly kill that god and knowing where he is then it would be easier to visit the Void world."

"I do not doubt you, my son. However, it is still far from the future that you'll face him. I recommend focusing at the present rather than the future to make things easier."

"Sure, gramps."

"Hahaha I like the sound of that! Well then now, prepare yourself since this pain is not physical nor mental. This rewrite your very existence to hold my essence into your being turning yourself into an Arche-apeiron. It means the Source or root of Everything."

My soon to be grandfather waited anticipation for my response. I was a bit anxious yet excited at the same time since it sounded like few would refuse and succeed in acquiring. 


"Yes, you can say I am the One above all, the Presence, etc. Those are my avatars, myself included. It is far too complicated to explain for it is up to you to learn the things of what kind of being we are. Now reach out for my hands and you shall become my grandson."

 "I'm ready,"

I said as I reached out into god's hands or rather my grandfather. As soon our hands collided instantly felt cosmic light made of stellar sky shrouded itself into my body. 

"Aaaaaarrrggggh !!"

Describing the pain was extremely difficult but I can say it is a pain unlike anything I've felt before even after numerous torture training and interrogation when I occasionally get capture was nothing compare to what I'm going through. Even after my nails had been pierced by pain inducing needle lace with a special chemical that makes the pain receptors extremely sensitive to pain, it felt like an ant bite compared to this. I ended up passing out into the ground then woken up as if everything was a lie.

"You finally woke up. A lot of time has passed"

"Ha, I thought I was going to die."

"You went through a huge pain, but now you are officially my grandson, and you have unlimited potential. Now you are ready to start your journey. Someday we will meet again. Get strong and get to the top, but do not forget about your happiness. Strength is important, but if you'll live for strength, and become stronger just to get even more strength…then your path will end early. I will soon send you to your new parents that will shower you with the love that you deserve in the past. See you, my grandson. Let good luck accompany you in your switching."

Ray stood up and bowed to God.

Ray:  "Thank you for everything, in our next meeting we will be equal in strength. Just wait."

"Hahaha, be sure to take care of yourself, child."

My vision soon faded leaving god or rather grandfather to himself wondering what if he would be watching my journey through it all. 

"Only a few of the souls of the inhabitants of Tera can go to other worlds and they all become incredible creatures. You have a long way to go, my grandson, but I'm sure 

we will see each other again."


Leaving god alone in his white void opened my eyes to see two giant people that were clearly a couple and instantly felt the warmth within their eyes, having the instinctual and longing feeling for someone to look at me that way. I'm already 50 years old but the thing I desire most was loving family and now there in front of me.

I never tried searching for my old parents since they had abandoned me and didn't want to hate them even more. Furthermore, if they were to get involved with me then their life would be in danger therefore leaving the idea of having a family of my own. 

But now it's different, my new father, Paul Greyrat who was a muscular, and handsome man with a mole near his left eye. He has sandy light brown hair and green eyes. Part of his hair is short that frames his face, while the rest is gathered in a long ponytail that rests above his shoulder. I recall him being a ladies man like the rest of the Greyrat but I'm not one who is into being playboy. 

Though, I aim to get Ghislaine and Roxy to be my wives and join in my adventure but it still depends on their view and decision which should be put aside until I grow stronger. 

That aside I turn my attention to the young woman that held with a loving smile and gaze seemingly singing a lullaby to me. This is the first time I've felt such affection that it made me emotional. It may appear cringy and embarrassing for a 50 year old to be treated like a child but they are not me who never felt this kind of affection. 

Many couldn't truly appreciate what it feels to have parents since they were always around them and cared little about it. Still it feels strange to feel this blissful emotion to be around someone that you can depend on. 

I stared at my beautiful mother who would stimulate me if not for the fact I'm a child and she was my mother now. Though, I felt like many degenerates who hadn't gotten in touch with reality want me to get laid with her. That is not what I wanted. 

Regardless, my mother, Zenith Greyrat appeared to be a blonde woman with blue eyes and creamy white skin. She seemed to be speaking to my father in foreign language that was unique to any in my previous world. I was taught numerous languages from English, Japanese, Italian, Korean, etc. 

I glanced to my side and found my brother twin Rudeus being carried by my father. It seemed he was looking at me in envy as I was being pampered by my mother while he was being pampered by my father. I only tease him by giving smug. 

Based on my assumption, I am currently a few months old since I don't see any people indicating that my mother just gave birth. Soon enough, I tried to piece together what my parents were talking about.

"Rudeus Greyrat, wbwhrhkshe."


"Ahdve naheu shwve, Reinhard, Reinhard Greyrat."

So my name is the same huh? Well among the things I like my name was one of them. Though, it attached many meanings to that name but now it is blank slate and can be changed into something new. My parents looked at me seemingly wanting a response for naming me which promptly made me giggle and smile to show that I love the name.

It is a name that was given by parents that would cherish me with all their love and support. Once they saw my response quickly pampered me with affection that wholeheartedly accepted. After that scene our parents left us and suddenly heard my grandfather's voices.

"My grandson, I'm happy to see you enjoy your life and wanted to leave a few messages. First of all, you won't be able to access your world until you've grasped Mana. When you reach that point you will automatically know how to enter and bring people to that place. Though, if you're omnipotent in that world, you won't be outside, therefore it won't necessarily give you a boost if you create a powerful weapon unless the materials came from the outside world. Anyway, I'll be going and I wish you the best."

I smiled hearing the voice of my grandfather and decided to sleep since the body of an infant is different from an adult.

For the next few weeks, It took some time getting use to shitting myself and getting clean by our maid, Lilia who seem to be well mannered and often stoic woman that had reddish color hair, usually wears maid outfit, she wears glasses, and hairband having lays on both sides. She took her job seriously and took care of me and Rudeus quite well. I see her like an aunt and started to grow fond of her. 

In those few months, I've been trying to stand up and crawl, which made my parents extremely happy. I was the first one before my brother thanks to my new body that had the essence of grandfather that gave me an edge in many things. 

I am curious about its true potential but that would be in the future when I am able to talk and walk. Right now, I'm looking out the window as my father swung his sword, performing an unorthodox sword style. 

My style had always focused on gunsmithing but did learn swordsmanship that was more on quickly disarming any potential threats as quickly as possible.  Only in a fantasy world would you see someone move in such an awkward way that overswing that if it weren't for their inhuman speed and strength would be impossible to perform. 

"Watching papa, Reinhard?"

I felt someone pick me up and found my mother carrying me and found Rudeus in her other arms as we all watched Paul train his sword style. It's a bit surprising that my brother didn't take the chance to perv around our mother and watch our father instead. I was interested in learning all sword styles then mixing them into something new. 

"Do you want to be like your papa, Reinhard, Rudeus?"

"No, I want be strongest! I want protect mama and papa."

It was still difficult to speak but I was able to convey what I wanted to tell her that made Zenith strike me because of my cuteness. Unlike my brother who inherited our fathers hair, I on the other hand had our mother. 

I've already prepared a few ways to counteract many scenarios like defeating the demons that were known for their unbelievable regeneration. I won't stand a chance if I am able to recreate the Demon Sealing Strike from a novel that I've read called Cultivation Online. The demons in those worlds were known for their immortal body but against this kind of technique was sealed and permanently killed. 

"Oh Reinhard! You're such a good boy!" 

"Hehehehe I'm so happy."

This made my mother even more happy and my brother a bit jealous pulling her hair to get her attention which she promptly gave her affection for. Our father seemed to notice and stopped training to join us for our family bonding. 

"Hey don't just leave me out with all the fun!"

"Papa! Teach me sword! Mama! I want to learn magic!"

"Me too! I want to learn magic!"

The other day Rudeus and I discovered magic when mother healed him after falling into the ground. I have decided to get some control over my body before studying magic. 

"Hahaha aren't you two ambitious? Maybe when you reach the age of 3 then we can start."

"Wait, I want both of them to learn magic first!"

"Huh? Didn't we agree that if they were a boy they would learn to wield the sword?"

The two seem to argue about our future which made me internally side and pulled my mother's hair to get her attention.

"Ah? What is it, Reinhard?"

"Me, Rudy, learn magic morning. Afternon learn sword."

My suggestion was the same as Lilia who was about to say it but I was faster and helped the two agree in my advice. 

"Hahaha, can't believe you're only 1 yet already giving obvious advice. I can't wait to see you two grow!"

My father took me as I was raised in the air as I giggled, making my father proud and my mother happy. Another year passed and I started to walk around the house perfectly adjusted to my toddler body. I was close to 2 years old and decided to read books about magic. I've used the book when Rudeus wasn't using it and memorized the content in one sitting thanks to my Eidetic Memory.