Chapter 9 - Physics

I was spending time theorizing on how to apply a new type of magic that I call Physic magic that centers around fundamental forces in the universe. It was a lot different than the creation of a magic spell since I just gather mana, visualize the spell, determine size and quantity of mana required to fuel the spell, and control my mana to replicate the spell with just my thoughts. I needed to manipulate a completely different section of the force in the universe. 

The first thing I tried to do is manipulate the magical energy to grasp if it was possible to create a simple Magnetic field that simply needs electrical charge to sense. I was training outside at my usual spot trying to hover my sword from the ground. The Mana slowly drew into my body and tried rather than molding something I manipulated something and used my knowledge regarding Gravity and magnetic to grab the sword from the ground. 

It was difficult to change the gravity of something when I was just using what I felt was the right way to do it. My concentration was taking a toll in my mind, hoping to control the sword and trying my best to push myself. 

'Wait Mana could be considered as the fundamental force and if I could directly manipulate the flow of it then perhaps….'

I spread my sense trying to grasp the mana and rather than gathering them just manipulated it directly while also exporting my own Mana to properly control it. When I felt a small nudge with the blade gave me the motivation to continue until miraculously able to manipulate the gravitational pull of my sword that also came toward me. 

This was a good start and quickly threw my blade then tried once more taking a few hours of continuous training until the sensation was familiar to me and tried more complex control with the blade that floated around me. I felt like I had another limb moving the sword and amazingly didn't spend too much Mana wielding the blade with my mind. 

I tried levitating myself with the same methods and found that it took a lot more Mana to successfully pull me upward. This would be useful when I advance the [ Shundō ] technique to [ Koku Shundō ] which allows me to create a foothold in the air which would be useful in my swordsmanship. 

'I wonder if I'm able to do, Almighty push?'

The thought of obliterating a city size with simple technique would instantly label me an Emperor rank or even a God rank. Still it was already difficult to lift me and trying to flatten a whole city block would prove impossible at my current strength but isn't impossible. Give me a few years then I can replicate it. 

Now that I've learned more about magic and given me a lot more ways to make myself stronger. The first thing I did was place 2 times the gravity into my body that caused me to feel a massive weight pressuring me. It took some time getting used to but when pushing myself I spent more mana than lifting myself. 

I decided to leave it be when I'm training to help reinforce my body to become tougher. My body already felt like aching but kept going knowing the pay off would be worth it. I brought my sword before training my sword while under the burden of 2 times gravity. 

My sword slash became more sluggish because of the new environment I was in and kept executing the moves from deflecting, redirecting, quick draw, slashes, strikes, etc. I've tried coating my sword with magic while still letting the gravity magic on. However, when I tried doing so caused it to be disrupted and focused on the reinforcement that made me frown.

'Perhaps I could try practicing multicast next…'

I thought having the problem of casting two or more spells since my mind was only one and creating another spell requires me to simultaneously think of two spells. It is no different than trying to move your arm to draw a square up while another is a circle at the same time. Your brain would have a hard time trying to perform that task.

However, this didn't stop me from trying and kept training my mind to cast more than one spell by practicing beginner level magic spells because of how easy it is to control. I created flame in my right hand while trying to form water to my other hands. Combining Attack spells were a lot easier since just added more elements but separating them was a different issue. 

I kept experimenting, trying to firmly grasp multicasting until I ran out of Mana and ended my training. Fortunately, my Mana core naturally absorbs Mana and recovers rather quickly, letting me use [ Shundō ] to quickly head home. I've started to get used to using the technique to become second nature to me. There I arrived home where I found my mother was preparing dinner with Lilia.

"Rein!? Welcome back, did you enjoy your exploration again?"

"Yes, Mama! I'll go ahead and wash myself. Anyways, where is Rudy?"

"He's in your room reading again."

I nodded as I headed toward our bathroom to wash myself since my muscle and mind was exhausted from constantly training. Though I can handle it, I still prefer to just relax at times like these. Even when I was in my assassin days I had time where I would spend relaxing. We may be killers, we are still human in a sense that we have necessities. 

It would be our reward beside money and privilege to live. As I walked down towards the bathroom I spotted Roxy just finishing taking her own bath wrapped in a towel covering her petite body. I can say she's a Loli, rather her body was perfect enough and didn't have exaggerated proportions. Sure, she doesn't have big boobs but it was medium size and her thigh was enough along with her ass. I stopped staring like an idiot and greeted my master.


"Oh Rein, how was your day?"

"It's been great, thank you for asking. I've been trying to explore more parts of the village."

"Is that so? Make sure to not go too far or you might encounter Monsters."

"Okay, but I can defend myself if needed!"

"I know you can but sometimes it's best to run away, okay? We don't want you getting hurt." 

I was only trying to act like a child that was full of himself to lower their suspicion that I'm not a child. Sure I have some slip ups but I try to balance it with an occasional child-like persona. Though, I can't deny that sometimes I would like to be pampered by my parents. People would insult me for acting this way but they don't know what I've been through. I am just living my life how I want it to be. 

Roxy looked at me waiting for my response since even though she trusted my talent and skill couldn't remove how I am just a 3 years old in her eyes.

"Okay master! I promise I'll be careful and will run when needed."

"Good, then I'll be on my way. Remembering, we will be having a lesson tomorrow morning."

I nodded as she passed by me and glanced back to look at her wet skin to appreciate how beautiful she looked before heading to the bathroom. Where I took a large basin before filling it with water using my magic then slightly heating it up to make a similar sensation as Hotspring. 

It quickly removes the fatigue from both my mind and body submerging myself into the warm water. I laid on the basin while thinking about the future and how I go about my training. There at least 4 years until the event of Greyrat family where Rudeus would likely teach Eris magic and for me to train under Ghislaine. 

I held out my hands and tried to lift the other basin while also casting a water magic. I quickly stopped since I'm here to relax and put aside training. 

"Young master, madam has sent me your new pair of clothing." 

Lilia came inside looking at me relaxing at the basin while holding a well folded set of clothes. 

"You can put it there, Lilia, Thank you."

"No need to thank me, I am just doing my job, young master."

"Stop it, you've alway taken care of us and can be considered part of our family. Now we can't live without you."

She seemed to pause looking at me, affected by my words since this would be relevant in the future when she gets pregnant with my father. To be honest, my father has no self control and if he wants more than one woman then he could at least talk to mother. 

Then again I have never been in a relationship before and can't relate but still I want Roxy and Ghislaine to be mine. It may sound selfish of mine but that's just what I wanted. 

"If you say so, young master. Well then if you excuse me, I'll be going."

Lilia left me alone and after a while, I finished my bath and quickly groom myself. My hair seems to grow rather quickly reaching my chin which I promptly tied like Arthur from the Beginning after the end. I created a simple rubber band and grabbed my hair, tying it beautifully. 

Using my magic I created a mirror that shows my face and can say that I'm truly good looking. That overall look the same as my previous life but more handsome. I'm not being narcissistic and only describing what I'm seeing. 

I'm someone who doesn't usually cut my hair and often have quite long hair showing the testament of my skills. Being an assassin with long hair isn't easy but I've managed where it doesn't post a problem. 

Looking at my outfit was the same that Rudeus wore and if it weren't for our hair color and hairstyle we would likely mistake one for the other. Though, my expression usually has a stoic and collective face. 

'Hmmm, maybe I can try making a magic trick called transmutation? Maybe, I can create guns but then I can. It would be all worthless when I can just cast spells….I wonder if I could visit a blacksmith to make me a magic weapon.'

Though, I've made a Mana core in order to not need one doest mean it would hurt to have one. It would be better to create something that feels familiar and guns are one of them. 

'Huh? Isn't this Roxy's panty?'

Something caught my eye and saw Roxy's panties on the floor. I tilted my head but decided to place it back to the unclean clothes since I'm not a pervert like Rudy. I chuckle at myself since though I like Roxy doesn't mean I have the audacity to perv on her. Sure I complimented her beauty and figure but I was only describing what I saw and didn't have the slightest lecherous thoughts. 

Still I'm a man…or boy that normally lusts for a woman but it is really complicated when you have the mentally of a 50 year old with a 3 year old body. Casting it aside, I quickly went down stairs to join my parents who were preparing their dinner. I sat next to Rudeus while our mother and Roxy were in front of us. As for our father, he sat at the end of the table to my side.

When I started to eat a large amount of meal since my body needed a large amount of nutrients to adjust with my brutal training made my parent chuckle.

"He's really a growing boy huh? At this rate I might have to return to adventuring!"

"Rein, slow down or you'll choke. Anyway, I'm happy that you're eating well, don't you think Lilia?"

"Certainly, it is ideal for a child to eat large amounts of nutrients especially that he is training in swordsmanship." 

"That aside, have you made a new technique again? I still couldn't figure out how you were able to use that [ Shundō ] technique."

"I believe in you, Papa!"

"Cheeky brat, I should be the one saying that to you!"

"Nii-San just built different, Father."

"Right right, at this rate he'll actually reach Sword Saint Rank."

"Alright, enough chit chat let's finish up."

Our mother said before we quietly ate our dinner. Once everything was over went to bed and prepared our self for tomorrow training. I am eager to see how strong I am if I'm able to master my Physic magic that manipulates the fundamental forces in the universe.