Chapter 14 - Failure

Exactly a month had passed since Roxy had left our home and my feelings are mixed. Spending time with her for the next 2 years of my life had made me come to understand more of myself than she thought. I've significantly grown differently than my previous self having more thoughts and ideas sharing with the people around me. It's been so long to learn the feeling of truly having precious to you leave. I may not be close to many of my "Colleagues" doesn't mean there weren't anyone that was impactful. 

Still they like passing emotions that come and go in my life where they're life quickly ends. That's why I often distance myself from people in fear of losing again but now I am more determined to protect and save anyone that I loved. Though, I won't curse them with immortality if they were to choose to remain a mortal but perhaps letting them live in peace within my Empyrea would be ideal. 

The place was no different than a heaven where one can rest for eternity but still I'll let them decide in the future. Even when Roxy was gone I still held his lesson to my heart and kept refining my techniques and skills. When Redeus was finally able to go outside with me he decided to share my methods in Mana core. 

Many might feel anger sharing my knowledge to someone like rudeus but he could protect our family when the time comes especially when I am not here anymore. He was significantly slower than me when creating a Mana core and often complained about its difficulty but I told him the benefits of having one. 

Not only does it increase the mana capacity of a person but also their control. Furthermore, it could be refined and grow even stronger than before. Right now, I was looking at him meditating trying to form his Mana core while I'm currently trying to make magic spells.

'If I'm able to do this properly then it will work just fine.'

I held out my hands channeling the mana in the surrounding that flowed through my Mana core absorbing a large amount in the surrounding before it whirl within the palm of my hand then condense turning into a small spherical ball that seems composed of Mana. However, it instantly dispersed and obliterated my hands causing a loud explosion that disturbed Rudeus' concentration. 

'Well that's an utter failure…'

I thought with a deadpan face as I went flying into the air and before I could hit the ground cast gravity magic to stop the force letting me land safely. 

"Nii-San are you alright!"

I laid on the grass thinking deeply on the mistake I've made. The technique I was trying to replicate was Rasengan from Naruto but didn't expect that it would be disrupted and cause an explosion. I could hear Redeus scream while running towards me as I raised my head and saw my arms were broken after the backlash yet I was lucky enough that I had a Reinforcement that protected my body or I would be mangled. I doubt I'll die since I could revive myself in Empyrea at any time but that doesn't mean I could be careless all the time. I'm not Deadpool. 

"Nii-San you're arm!? What are we doing!?"

"Hehehe sorry, it's just a flesh wound."

"A flesh wound!? Your arm is broken!! Mom is going to be pissed when she hears about this!"

"What!? Hey, don't snitch me!?"

I was sweating knowing how my mother would react after finding out I hurt myself could lead to banning me from training for whole weeks or even months! Looking at Rudeus who suddenly gave a smirk that immediately made me realize that this guy had blackmail material!

"Oh what would I get if I don't tell mom!?"

"...You…*sigh* alright, I owe you a favor if you don't tell mom."

"Deal! Oh right, are you alright?"

"Now your concern? I'm glad you noticed."

I quickly healed myself by simply rearranging my muscles and bones. That was excruciating but for me it was nothing but an itch. I then use cellular biology to reconstruct the damaged bones and tissue. Rudeus warily smiled then held out his hand to help me get back and took it as I dusted myself off. 

"Still, what were you doing to cause a powerful explosion?" 

"I was just experimenting with magic and didn't expect the violent result. I'll be more careful now." 

"If you say so."

Rudeus was worried and curious about what I was doing but decided to put it aside and went back to his own training trying to make his Mana core. Meanwhile, I became more careful when trying to create the technique since the reaction was too powerful. 

The thing I find interesting is that Mana core acts as a way to absorb more pure Mana than without it. A normal body would absorb the mana that goes through our body to be filtered then expelled. This gains the impurities of the human body and in turn makes it extremely weak. However, the Mana core helps with this, acting like a purifier of the body to expel a denser type of Mana.  

My Mana was a lot pure considering it is at a Red Core Light stage. To visualize, imagine the quality of my Mana is like clear water compared to swamp. This is just an example and doesn't mean literally since I can't compare myself to other people. Regardless, I tried to be more careful and concentrated in shaping it since I'm able to correctly apply this technique then add wind element then good luck healing from it. 

I know that Chakra and Mana are two completely different energies but I'm eager to create this technique since it also helps my Mana control. The first thing I did is channel enough that I was able to manage its control then whirl it in the palm of my hand concentrated in maintaining the ball of Mana. 

'Compressed, compressed. And hold!'

My thoughts were trying to maintain control of the pure Mana ball that seemed to gather more energy in the surroundings until I stopped and concentrated in compressing it then holding the shape. When it stopped and maintained its shape that looked exactly like Rasengan. Normally it is invisible and could only be sensed but the power of the sun-i mean Rasengan in the palm of my hand. 

'I'll just call it Mana bullet since I am different from "Death Mage Who doesn't want fourth time" and if I grow confident could try turning into a Mana Cannon or even Hollow Bullet.'

Gaining a new inspiration in making my magic spell I tried to find a target to test the might of my Mana Bullet and as soon I saw a nearby tree instantly use Shundō and threw the attack at it. The moment it came to contact instantly shred the trees into pieces like nothing obliterated a large portion of the forest in the process.

The rumbling sound echoed in my ear and I was satisfied with the result. It was still imperfect and had many adjustments needed but this magic spell with enough practice could become versatile in large crowds. Though, it is best to stick with less collateral damage magic spells and use this when I am sure no one is around and should go all out. 

"What the heck, Nii-San!? Did you make a mistake again!?"

I heard Rudeus trying to check if I was alright but stopped when he saw the rows of trees destroyed looking at me with disbelief while I merely smirked seeing his shock. 

"Is it possible to learn this power?"

"Not now since you've seen what it could do if done incorrectly?"

"Right, I guess I'll stick with my own magic spell."

I gave a nod since compared to the flame magic spell that I'm capable off was a lot more powerful than the Mana bullet that I made had differences in how they are used. The Mana bullet just destroys and turns everything to shred while my maybe king or emperor rank magic spell would leave a flame everywhere which is unsafe. Regardless, the mana bullet is a great way to improve my Mana control. 

My training continued in the magic spell until we decided to head back home and went to sit down at our dinner table. My mother noticed my dirty and damaged clothes. 

"Rein? Why are your clothes all torn?? Have you two spar again?"

"Yeah, we were just playing around and accidentally messed up my clothes."

"Is that so?"

Her eyes seem to distrust my words having the motherly intuition when their children are lying. Fortunately, my cuteness works perfectly enough to let me off. 

"Alright, you two go ahead and take a bath then join us for dinner."

"Alright, Mom! Nii-San let's go!"

I followed Rudeus going ahead taking a bath together to wash our backs. People might make it weird for the two of us but sometimes it helps us take baths. Once the two of us finished taking a bath, we went back to the dinner table where our father was waiting for us. 

My gaze noticed how our father seemed to be thinking something that made me curious what made him this worked up. I pretended not to notice and ate quietly until a few minutes before I decided to speak.

"Alright, I've decided to take you two on a hunt tomorrow and give you some experience in a real fight."

Ah I see that's what is troubling him? Well to be honest I'm already knowledgeable when it comes to survival in the wilderness but I'm curious on what kind of lesson he'll teach us. Every opportunity to bond with my family is the best moment in my life and I especially need to take every chance I have since when I travel to another world it would take a long time to return. 

I'm curious if the time in this world would be different in another but I need to talk to my grandfather to know the answer. 

"Don't you think it's a bit early for them, honey?"

"That's what I've been thinking but seeing that the two are Water Saint Rank. I believe they are ready to gain some experience."

I can see his point since though we're powerful there are a few things we lack namely battle experience for Rudeus since I've numerous experience in life and death scenarios that people would assume I have plot armor. My mother seems reluctant to agree since she doesn't like seeing us get hurt. 

"...fine but make sure that they won't be in any danger."

"I promised!"

"Uhmm, Dad can we do it the next day? I want to go alone around the village."

"Ah~, alright but Reinhard you're coming with me."

"Yes! I'm so excited to hunt with you, Papa!" 

My parents seem to be affected by my cuteness showing my interest in hunting. Though, it's all fake since I rarely get truly excited but still feel eager to start restoring my bloodlust like before. There's also an opportunity for me to start exploring and hope to find bandits somewhere knowing that they would have base and loot in them. 

I hope that there will be a book on magic, especially summoning magic and magic circles to finally understand more about space. If I understand space then I would learn time as well. I know for a fact that time magic has existed since Orsted, the dragon god is trapped in a loop that now possibly be at its last end because of my present. My father smirked delighted that I would be coming with him to hunt. 

"Now I feel a bit jealous, Rein, do you want to learn sewing or even cooking?"

"Woah, can I really!?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

This would help me spend more time with both of my parents and family. Our dinner went as usual and soon headed to bed for the day to come.