Chapter 26 - Shocking news

Soon after Sauros left, another man entered the room. This one was of a more slender build when compared to the sturdy looking Sauros, with rich brown hair and kind eyes.

"Did something happen, Thomas? Father looked quite happy."

"Young Master." 

The old butler bowed.

"The Old Master has just met the guests. He seemed to be rather pleased with them."

"Oh? Not many people can make a father smile like that." 

Philip mused while walking towards Rudeus and glancing behind a but confused why he was standing instead of sitting down.

"Please to meet you, master Phillip, my name is Reinhard Greyrat."

"I am Rudeus Greyrat, nice to meet you."

Philip nodded in approval, though he did not reciprocate the gesture. There were rules within nobility. Since he was of a higher nobility class than the rank-less Rudeus, he could not return the greeting. Otherwise, the prestige of the Boreas family would be affected as Rudeus was still considered an outsider.

"Pleased to meet you. I am Philip Boreas Greyrat. "

The nobleman introduced himself before sitting down on the sofa and gesturing towards me to sit down. 

"Please, sit."

I glanced at Ghislaine, asking for permission with my eyes. The beastwoman nodded without saying a word. Once I had her approval, I sat down on the couch as well beside my brother.

"I am curious. How did you make your father smile like that?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself. I thought I left a pretty bad impression on him, since he was upset I did not know how to bow properly."

"I believe he was pleased that we had a somewhat capable base from what Ghislaine informed master sauros."

Philip nodded in understanding, surprised at how calm and collective I was acting despite having the appearances of a 10 year old. Ghislaine stepped forward.

"I told Master Sauros that Reinhard is a North Saint or Sacred Saint which is a name for the sword style he made for himself that mixes the 3 known styles. Which might be why he was quite pleased with the boy."

The younger Boreas lord did not possess the same composure and poise his father had, so he reacted rather visibly at the news while inhaling sharply.

"North Saint…? This child in front of me? He even made his own sword style?" 

Philip gazed at me with a different look in his eye now. If previously I could describe him as having kind eyes, Philip now had a sharper gaze that seemed to contain inscrutable thoughts behind them.


Ghislaine nodded in assurance. 

"Are you sure of this?"

"I gave him his unofficial title myself and personally spared to confirm that his style is unlike anything I've seen."

Philip exhaled deeply while muttering to himself.

 "A 7 year old Saint rank? What kind of monster has Paul created…"

"My brother and I are also a Water Saint-rank magician."


Philip reacted even more loudly this time. A Saint-rank swordsman was one thing, but to be Saint-rank in magic as well? A 7 year old? It was simply inconceivable. But he had no reason to doubt the child's words. There would be no reason for a Saint Rank acknowledged by Ghislaine herself to lie about something that could be easily disproved.

"Paul's letter did not mention any of this… he only said that ' Our son's are good at sword and magic.' Hah, what an understatement…"

Though he was upset at how much Paul had downplayed his own son's abilities, Philip still laughed happily. He was about to receive a Saint rank swordsman and not one but Two Water Saint-rank magicians to serve as his daughter's tutor and bodyguard, how could he not be ecstatic? Rudeus smiled. He had a feeling Paul would say something like that. 

"Umu, my father can be a little unconscientious about such things."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Philip remarked. 

"Now let's discuss the terms of your employment here at our Boreas family. How much has Paul and Ghislaine told you exactly?"

The Boreas young master skipped the interview portion of this meeting, and directly went ahead to offer the position to Rudeus. This was a show of courtesy and consideration for someone of Rudeus' status.

I didn't care much how they pay since I have numerous coins stored in my treasury and could buy anything I wish. Though, I understand that his evaluating our value since he realizes our worth is more than they initially thought respecting Philip for trying to readjust it.

Since it was not an exaggeration to say that even the Asura royal family would extend an offer to me and Rudeus asking him to join their family. Not that the royal family would place too great of an importance on me or rudeus, however. Even though Saints were rare, the royal family still had immense influence and power – both political and economic.

"I have been told that I will be serving two roles here – one as a bodyguard to the young lady Eris, and at the same time teach her magic. My compensation will be 2 Asura silver coins every month that will be paid directly to Master Ghislaine as my tuition fee for learning the sword from her." 

I answered with Philip nodding.

"Yes, those were the terms we agreed upon after discussing with Paul and Ghislaine. However, those terms were also made with the expectation that you were only Advanced-rank in magic and swordsmanship. Since Ghislaine herself has evaluated you as being Saint-rank, we will also match that new status by increasing your salary by 5 Asura silver coins for a total of 3 and a half Asura gold coins every month. Is that acceptable to you two?"

"I think it is enough for us, what do you think, Nii-San?"

"My thought is the same and believe it is quite the generous offer? You have our gratitude, Young Master Philip."

Philip shook his head with a faint smile, 

"You talk like you are an adult. It is both strange and amusing at the same time. And please, you can just address me as Philip or uncle."

"That will not do, our stepmother Lili-"

"As expected of Paul…"

" I was saying, our stepmother Lilia told us that it is improper to speak casually with someone of high status and could be considered a bad impression. I would suggest calling you, Phillip when we're alone and master Phillip when in public where there is a crowd."

"Very well. Now before I let you meet my daughter, I think it will be necessary to give you a warning." 

I glanced to the side and saw Rudeus raised an eyebrow and Philip continued.

"Eris can be… difficult to manage. As of now, that child only favors two people: Edena, who teaches etiquette, and Ghislaine who teaches the sword. Sometimes, she is naughty enough to even ignore me, her father. Before you, 5 people quit after just a day or two."

I acted like I was surprised while Rudeus looked back with a little surprise. 

"But I think you don't need to worry as much. Eris respects Ghislaine because she is strong. You are a North or Sacred Saint, was it? So if you can prove yourself to her and win her respect, it will make things go a lot smoother. Ah but of course, you are not allowed to raise your hand at her willy-nilly. My father dotes on her greatly, and his temper can be unpredictable. He might just have you executed if Eris goes to complain to him, hohoho."

Pretending to be  afraid along with Rudeus since acting like innocence is the best way to catch people off guard.

 "E-Execution? Surely, you must be joking."

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit much?"

Ghislaine, who was standing quietly the entire time, interrupted, 

"Don't worry. As long as you don't go too far, I will protect you. You are my disciple after all. Though, Rudy it's on your own."

My brother shuddered while I smirked at him and Philip looked at her in surprise. He knew about Ghislaine's debt of gratitude to the Boreas household. That was precisely why they had a venerated Sword King like herself who was willing to serve as a retainer in the first place, and also why she only accepted a paltry 2 Asura gold coin as her salary. Otherwise, a woman of her skills would fetch a much higher salary anywhere else. 

That also meant that if Ghislaine was willing to protect me from Sauros and the Boreas family, she must be very fond of me. 

'Yosh, I'm confident that I made a big impression on her to make Ghislaine speak for me!'

Philip chuckled.

"It was just an exaggeration. But since Ghislaine is willing to vouch for both of you in such a manner, I trust Rudeus and Reinhard should also know what lines he is not allowed to cross."

"I promised to not cross that line."

"Of course."

"Oh I almost forgot to mention this. Reinhard?"


"We've decided for you to become a candidate for my daughter's husband."

Silence came and I was dumbfounded from what I heard! Something ain't right!? This isn't part of my plan to be with Eris! He should be with my brother and not me! Though, I can't outright hate her and frankly she is one of the harem list but.

"Uhh... Pardon Lord Phillip?"

"I see... it seems that you don't know yet."

Phillip repositioned himself on the sofa as he continued his speech.

"You know, years ago your father was popular in handling women. As I heard that he's taught you and being his son I am interested in what happens if you meet my daughter."

He paused a little as he took a sip on a tea Thomas the butler served.

"Lord Phillip, how can this be related to me being her supposed fiance?"

Phillip smiled then put down his teacup gracefully and looked at me in the eyes.

"When I heard that Paul's son is a Blessed Child(Miko) I asked to pay back what he owed me, and I asked him for you..."

Father you sure put me in the edge here.

"Though I hope that you and my daughter will get hitched with you, I don't have any expectation on this being successful..."

I see... Phillip seems to have already given up on Eris. He has numerous attempts on making her a proper lady even resorting to hiring a tutor from the royal palace just ending up for Eris to beat the tutor up. Knowing that Paul has a son who presumably is a Blessed Child(Miko), he is hoping for me to tame her daughter and make me marry her.

Having a blessed child(Miko) as a Son-in-law is a good political move, plus me being a saint rank both in magic and sword is a massive boost. Though, it is unfortunate that I am not someone who is into politics. However it would be truly hitting 2 Dragons in one stone.

"But Lord Phillip, I already have someone I like. I'm sure your father has told you."

I merely mention this to see his reaction even though I planned on capturing multiple women doesn't mean I am forgetting about their feelings. Ghislaine, I doubt she'll care while Roxy is the one I'm worried about. Phillip smiled at me saying.

"I don't mind you marrying multiple women. Or are you a Milis faith believer?"

"No I'm not."

But that's not the point you know. It's not about me being a Milis believer but what will Roxy think of this. 

"But, Lord Phillip, my dream is to be an adventurer and be free in the world. Marrying Eris means that I'll become a noble and would be tied in one place. Are you still willing to hand her to me?"

His expression seemed to contemplate my question before softly smiling.

"That is troubling but my decision is still the same. The marriage could be just a political statement and won't influence you in any way. The point is that your status and name being one of the boreas would be enough and you don't need to join the political struggle. "

I understand since if their family had someone like myself backing them up then the other nobles would think twice before striking. 

"I understand…"

"That aside, I will only require you to attend Sword training with Ghislaine. You two will also attend etiquette lessons from Edna. As for the rest of your time you have your freedom as long as you don't cause any trouble."


"Alright then, we won't make any progress by talking. You two need to meet my daughter. Thomas, bring them to her."

"Yes my lord. Young masters please follow me."