Chapter 30 - Tantrum

From now on it is going to be 3rd person point of view with occasional 1st person to show their views on the mc.


He exhaled heavily as Ghislaine withdrew her sword, feeling the tension leave his body while the ache and weariness from fighting at the highest level he was capable of set in. The sword king was impressed by his ability to wound her and came up with a technique that sends someone attacking twice its original power. She understood it was indeed precise timing to use and a second delay won't work. The technique was best when used as a surprise attack.

Reinhard saw that his sword master has no intention of continuing unsheathed his blade as well and lowered his head respectfully, 

"Thank you for your guidance, Master."

"You should be proud that you're able to wound me like this. I can tell that you're close to the threshold of a king rank when using that strange magic. Next time show me what your true power is." 

Ghislaine was genuinely taken aback from the potential that this young boy had. Compared to her, Reinhard would be an Emperor rank once he reached adulthood and could have already achieved it considering she hasn't seen him go all out with the intention to kill. 

"Come on, that would reveal my cards!"

The Sword King smiled, patting Reinhard' head. Ghislaine really was rather fond of Reinhard. His respectfulness was one thing, but he was also very talented, more than anyone she had met before. Though their initial meeting was awkward, they had grown to see that he was a collective and respectful boy that occasionally acted like his age.

"Come, time for Eris to give her evaluation."

Reinhard nodded. This was the moment of truth. He hardly cared and only took the opportunity to gauge His power against her and hoped that she would not take him. If even this was not enough to satisfy the little lady, there was nothing he could say except shake his head at her short sightedness.

As Reinhard and Ghislaine walked over to the others, Philip gazed at his soon to be son in law approvingly. He then glanced at his daughter, determined to overrule her if she decided to speak nonsense.

'Even father would approve, no matter how much he dotes on Eris.'

Reinhard stopped in front of Eris and performed the noble's greeting once more. 

"Lady Eris, I hope you are satisfied with my performance."

Reinhard smugly said unbothered by his tainted clothes and disheveled hair. Eris was quiet, though her body was trembling slightly. She took a few more moments to process what she had just seen before looking back at Reinhard.

"You. How did you do that?"

He already knew this question was coming.

"Why would I tell you? Do you even know my nam-?" 

"It doesn't matter."

Eris interrupted while Reinhard's eyes twitched and Philip frowned. She was fortunate that he had already gotten a handful of targets and clients to act like this. 

'As expected, she is being stubborn.'

She stepped forward and stood face to face with Reinhard. 

"What you just did. Teach me!"


"Hmph, this lady is asking you to teach me. That power you just showed and used against Ghislaine! Teach me!"

Eris demanded, with her arms folded and head tilted upwards in superiority.

"Lady Eris…. "

"What are you waiting for! Quickly thank me for this chance!" 

Eris arrogantly yelled. Thankfully for him, Philip step in to diffuse the situation. 

"Eris, don't be difficult. Reinhard is only here to be your bodyguard. He is not obligated to share his personal techniques with you."

"Isn't that just magic? What's the difference?" 

Eris rebutted. She didn't understand what was so special about his magic. Neither did she know that this power was only possible for him even if he taught her would likely reject and consume her mind

"The magic that Reinhard uses isn't something that could be taught to anyone."

"Oh. Then just teach me that then."

Philip shook his head.

"But why should he? He was hired to protect you, not chantless magic. There is a big difference between these two things."

"Just pay him more then! I don't understand why this is so difficult." 

Eris concluded with exasperation.

"We can certainly do that, but it's still up to Reinhard if he is willing to do it or not."

She turned back to Reinhard and pointed at him.

"Hey, you! Teach me!"

He frowned. If he kept acting subservient to this little lass, she would only grow to be even more arrogant than ever. Reinhard remained calm at her smirk and haughty personality.

"My name is Reinhard Greyrat, not 'you'. And no thank you."

Eris widened her eyes in surprise and anger.

"What!? What do you mean no? You want to stay here and learn from our Ghislaine right? Then you have to teach me! Or I will tell grandpa to chase you away!"

Reinhard sighed. There were many things he was willing to endure so that he could learn under Ghislaine, including being respectful to this disrespectful girl. But there was a certain line he had to draw before he started shilling out his principles and integrity. She had already crossed this line.

Most importantly however, Eris reminded him of a terrible memory. That driver who had hit him and cost him his legs had similarly relied on his fortune and backing to get off scot-free. Even if she was only a child now, Reinhard thought that this girl would grow up to be someone just like that. If he taught her his techniques, he couldn't imagine what kind of tyrant she would become in the future.

"I'm not teaching you that magic, not because I don't want to but can't."

"Why is that!? Do you need money!? Then I can ask my grandpa to raise your salary!?"

Eris kept pestering Reinhard that Phillip wanted to scold for once but was too doting considering she is the only one that they had and could afford to lose her. Reinhard narrowed his gaze towards Eris who flinched seeing his emotionless gaze released his pressure scaring her. Philip saw this and quickly tried to stop it before every could escalate.

"R-Reinhard can you at least explain why you can't teach her?"

"There are a few reasons, one it's my brother's job to teach her magic, two my magic needs vast understanding of Math, three you must learn chantless magic, fourth, she doesn't have something that I have and I doubt she'll get it if she acts like this. Fifth, her body won't be able to handle this magic of mine and likely die as a result. Sixth, if she somehow learns this magic then it won't take long for her to be consumed by it."

Reinhard gave a list of reasons why his magic was extremely dangerous when someone tried to learn it. He has Zenkai Boosts that help his body to constantly survive the immense magical energy. There is also the fact that it needed a precise and deep understanding of the magic to successfully absorb and turn into an armament. Not to mention, his Mana core supplements his power allowing it to maintain control and have that immense power.

Eris is stubborn and won't likely be able to form her Mana core considering it takes patience and deep concentration that she doesn't have. Once Reinhard finish listing down everything, Eris to get annoyed at him.

"You think I can't handle it!? I can assure you that I'm well capable of learning your magic!"

"Then study under my brother and once you've proven yourself then I'll teach it to you. I won't teach you even if you pay me everything that you have and…if you truly wish for us to kick us out then I don't mind leaving. My brother and I can try finding other ways to earn."

He turned to Ghislaine with a reluctant expression despite planning this from the start since his value is enough to make them do everything to let them stay. 

"It seems that I am not fated to learn from Master. Though you have only taught me for a day, I will remember your lessons for the rest of my life. I bid you farewell then, Master."

Ghislaine frowned, not having expected such an outcome. 


Upon hearing his words, Eris sputtered out. 

"You, you-!"

Philip hurriedly went to Reinhard,

"Reinhard, wait, don't be impatient. We can slowly discuss things. Eris was out of line being so forceful. Regardless of what she says, our Boreas family is more than willing to employ you as a bodyguard and let your brother remain as tutor. Of course, the best case scenario is if you would be willing to take Eris under your wing, but if not we can still find some other arrangements. Eris is not the only one who might need a bodyguard, after all."

"I may be young and experience but I am not stupid. The decision isn't yours but hers. Listen up, Lady Eris if you truly want to learn my magic then learn some humility and respect or it would regret acting this haughty. My patience isn't endless therefore you either listen to me or else."

Philip felt like a mountain of gold just slipped past his hand when he heard his words. Though, their engagement is nothing more than paper and frankly Reinhard status would be higher than their family could afford to have a relationship with. If he were to have ehis name spread and didn't associate with their family then it would be a massive loss. 

Meanwhile Eris gritted her teeth in anger frustrated that she was denied over and over again. She looked at him and pointed at Reinhard.

"I am going to tell grandpa about this!"

Eris soon left, making everyone sigh, exhausted from her constant haughty remarks. Philip turn to the golden hair young boy hoping to convince him about stay at their estate.

"Hold on a minute, Reinhard. Hope you give my daughter a chance! She is still young and immature so I hope you could help change her."

"I can but that means I'll overstep my boundary. Not to mention, I am here to be her bodyguard and not a tutor. That's my brother's job. Also it is not a lie that the magic I've used could kill her. It is not simply a magic but a curse."

"A curse!?"

"What do you mean curse?"

Ghislaine demanded an answer since she had taken a liking to him and didn't want to die because of some kind of curse. 

"It is a technique that I've found exploring our village. This magic is created by someone long dead but was able to pass it to me. It's called Magia Erebea or dark magic. I won't share what it could do but this magic could only be learned by someone compatible. Anyone else who tries would likely be consumed by the curse."

They're faces wanted to see if he was lying but couldn't deny his words. Reinhard lied about it since they wouldn't likely know the truth anyway and it's more believable than saying I created it since technically I didn't. 

"....I see, I'm sorry that she was stubborn and I'll try my best to stop her from pestering you."

"No worries. Also, I was eager to know if she knew about our engagement?"

"Unfortunately, I was yet to inform her and planned to reveal it on your 10th birthday since I was hoping by then your opinion of her would change."

"Is that so? I'll give her 3 years if she still remains this way then I want to break the engagement."

"...That's….very well." 

Philip didn't want to force himself since he was already walking in thin ice now and couldn't pester him further. Meanwhile, Rudeus went closer to his brother.

"Brother, you know I don't mind leaving this place with you."

"Rudy, you have my sister in law waiting and if you were to lose this job then it would be difficult to find another job. Not to mention, papa won't let us just return."

"...Fine but you have to help me teach her. You still owe me."

"Yeah yeah, anyway I'm curious what you and Lord Philip were talking about earlier."