Chapter 32 - Sword King Cain

Reinhard randomly shouted quickly, realizing that he said 'Fiancee' instead of 'Lady Eris' because he was caught at the moment. He decided to put aside and concentrate on other things.

Eris is barely able to move after receiving blows after blows having her ribs broken and clothes soaked by her own blood. Her consciousness was fading and expected to die when nothing had happened, only hearing a thunder strike before opening her eyes that widened upon seeing the person in front of her.

Long golden hair shimmering in golden lightning and crackling electricity coursing through the air. The person vanishes appearing before Rudeus and casts a healing spell then returns back in front of Eris who kneels down to help her sit down. 

She couldn't help feeling a strange feeling whelming up in her heart when looking at the person helping her. This was the first time that someone was there that she truly needed them. The person was of course Reinhard in his [ Godspeed ] form tending Eris once he had healed Rudeus who woke up soon after.

"Eris! Nii-San? How did you find us?"

Reinhard remained quite looking at Eris who was just in daze after what she just witnessed and almost died in the process.

"Can you stand?"

He asked after healing her wounds and fixing every broken bone along with restoring her lost blood. Reinhaed had already remembered the different structure of blood type that it didn't take him a long time to restore Eris back. 

"Huh? Of course I can!? Hmph!"

"Haughty as ever. I wonder what would happened if I leave you-"

"Gaah! Noooo! Don't go! Don't leave me!! I don't want to die!!!"

Reinhard chuckled trying to tease her but he was glad that she was safe. He couldn't help himself to hope that she would eventually become a better person where she would learn some humility. This moment made him want to take her to the slum and orphanage to show how other people are. He also believes that she deserves to find freedom of exploration where Eris could find what she truly needs.

"Haha I'm just kidding but Rudeus takes Eris and go. I need to take care of our enemy."

Rudeus heard her brother causing his eyes to bulge in surprise while Eris didn't want him to let go since she felt safe around him. 

"No I won't leave you! I demand you to come with us!"

Eris demands wrapping her arms around him refusing to let go baffling Reinhard in the process not expecting for the development then glances at his brother who gives a smirk while receiving a glare from the golden haired boy. 

"Yeah, Nii-San. I know you're stronger but that person is going to kill you!"

After he said that everything slowed down as if time stopped before resuming where Reinhard at a deadlock with his sword against his enemy. The man named Cain who had the title of sword saint and self proclaimed Sword King came back with a manically grin.

"That punch was quite something! You're the Miko that was supposed to be a weapon but to think you were able to escape….perhaps this could be worthwhile!" 

"You talk too much."

Within an instant the two vanish where their speed acted like they were teleporting, shocking Eris and Rudeus since this is unlike when he fought Ghislaine. The haughty young girl now wanted not his power rather to become stronger like him. She recalled the words of that person who beat him that power is the most important thing. 

Meanwhile, Reinhard was actually surprised that someone having the rank of saint could match his speed. This isn't possible and realize this person had the power of a King Rank. Their movement left a trail of light that shimmering into the sky as both at a lightning speed.

'I can't afford to lose focus or the two would end up caught in the crossfire.'

The [ Godspeed ] form vastly increases his speed but doesn't multiply his strength as much when it is at a base form [ Magia Erebea ] therefore he only had the force of top tier Saint Rank while Speed was close to a King Rank. Of course, this comparison is hugely vague and doesn't explain the outcome of their battle.

Meanwhile, Eris watched the two fight, never expecting that this is actually how he fights, her eyes unable to see them move and appearing in and out of places.

"I hate to say this but we should go now, Lady Eris! Nii-San has no intention of backing down and is saving us enough time to escape."

Rudeus is reluctant to leave his brother alone but seeing that he is a much stronger and capable person didn't want to be a dead weight. On the other hand, Eris couldn't help but question her helplessness in the moment. She was mesmerized by how Reinhard was there to save her and fighting to protect her despite what she had done.

The words that he spoke to her about learning and studying under his brother rang through her mind. She wanted to have that kind of power that he wielded. Rudeus who couldn't waste anymore time grabbed Eris hand and started to drag her away from the fight. 

"Where do you think you two are going?"

The enemy appeared in front of them prepared to slash at them but Reinhard struck down and pushed him away turning his head to face them.

"You two go! Let me handle this. Go there where a road leads to Roa. I'll catch up to you two later."

"You better come back or I'm going to beat you for calling me your Fiancee! If you die then I'll kill you"

Reinhard didn't say anything and smiled warmly that Eris saw for the first time since he was mostly stoic or smirking at her but now it was as if she treated her with genuine kindness that Eris never felt before. She received a pat on the head that surprised her and started to enjoy before lashing out.

"Hey! Who gave you permission to pat my head!"

"Take her."

"You! I'm talking to you!! Hey let me go!"

'I think we're even now, Nii-San.'

Rudeus awkwardly smiles having a hard time taking Eris who kept ranting while Reinhard saw them slowly fade into the forest. He gazed sharply, turning back and deflecting his enemies bald before a barrage of sword slashes was executed. 

He couldn't help but be amazed that someone could match his speed at this level. Reinhard realized his not quick rather was more experience in using the blade and letting guide through his attack.

"Surprise? This is the power of king rank! I am not a sword saint, I am Cain the Sword king!!"

Reinhard felt his sword graze his cheek and noticed his opponent was growing faster, predicting his movement as they went on. He distances himself before taking moment to execute his first technique. 

[ Sacred God Style - Heaven's Wrath ]

Executing an supersonic speed of slashes that contains wind magic that sends numerous sword beams directed at his opponent. The man name Cain witness this and was surprised but his reflexes was faster.

[ Sword God style - Longsword of Brilliant Light ]

Reinhard witnessed his lightning speed movement that shocked him and pushed the air itself that produced a sonic boom that was about to cleave him in half. However, the young boy was able to evade, resulting in his strike to leave a large ravine in front of him. Their battle wasn't finished turning back where Cain continued his assault against Reinhard who retaliated.  

Their fight went on for half an hour causing a large part of the forest to be destroyed because of the aftermath of their fight. Both of them breath heavily having been wounded from their ongoing battle. 

'What is this kid made of!? He's no more than 7 years old yet he's been matching my attack blow after blow!'

He didn't show it but fear was whelming up inside of him to find the young boy's ability to continuously stand every strike he executed straight on. Cain arms had turned numb every time their blade clashed and his sword started to chipped away despite being made from special metal. Meanwhile, the boy's sword hardly chipped away and remained how it was before. 

However the truth is that Reinhard's sword was being chipped away but used magic to reconstruct the metal back and his Touki is a lot more dense than Cain had. This meant that he may be stronger but the quality of Reinhard's arsenal was far better than his.

"Hey kid, let's wrap this up and why not be my disciple? That bitch isn't even worth your tim-"

"I refused."


At that moment without sensing any incoming attack witness the young boy vanished into thin air before a whisper was heard behind him and felt his arm was sliced clean by the young boy causing him to distance himself from the boy but when he turned Reinhard was nowhere to be seen. 

'Where is he!?'

"It's been fun but I have to end this." 

Cain's eyes bulged, feeling his animalistic instinct telling to flee as far as possible but unfortunately it was all too late as his vision twisted seeing the sky then his killer before landing the ground. Reinhard was the winner from the very beginning and only wanted to fight someone closer to king rank in a life and death situation. 

He had been toying with him and testing his sword technique to see if it could match the sword god style at its King rank. Reinhard stared at the decapitated head of the sword king Cain.

"One saint Rank and King rank puppets. They will be useful very soon."

His blood who's capabilities is like of necromancer allowing him to turn anyone into his slaves. They have the utmost loyalty that anyone enslaved is willing to die for them. Though, he can't resurrect them twice which means that once they are killed again then it would be the end. 

Reinhard had tried to replicate his blood using magic but it ultimately failed and only worked on fresh blood. Furthermore, it could heal severe wounds and won't turn them into slave. 

He stored the corpse into his Empyrea and dispelled his magic and went to use [ Shundō ] instead. Reinhard soon caught up with the two who seemed to arrive at a nearby cabin where they were about to pay for the carriage. When Rudeus saw him walking towards couldn't help but be overjoyed

"Nii-San your back!! Thank god that nothing happened to you."

"No need to worry, I am tougher than I look and my training would be all for nothing if I were to lose from some random mob-I mean person."

Reinhard glances toward the red haired woman who tried to punch him but is surprised that she didn't punch too hard.

"It's good that you didn't die or I will have to kill you. You're here to protect me right!?"

"Yeah yeah but I am not slave. Act nicely then I will be nice to you. Anyway, we should go before other kidnappers catch up to us."

They were two towns away from Roa and would have to spend the night at the next town as the time of the carriage had a specific schedule. Once the three rode towards the next time notice Eris hm started to fall asleep on Reinhard shoulder which he let her be and saw his brother reaction.

"Don't tell me you actually like her. Are you betraying Master Roxy love?"

"Can't say since I also started to like Ghislaine."

"What!? Are you planning on forming your own harem!?" 

"Huh? Well if I like them and they like them back then I'll make sure to love all of them the best I could. I'm not a papa who doesn't take responsibility."

Reinhard can't exactly say that he hates her and doesn't know if his opinion of her would change at times. Still certain that he is compelled to try to change her since Rudeus wouldn't likely become the cause of her change anymore. 

His younger twin was surprised by his words and thought that he didn't say treat them equally, rather the best he could. Reinhard knew equally is a lie and always be unbalanced which is why he chose the word 'best'. 

"Guess your maschost brother."


Reinhard glared at his brother who chuckled seeing his reaction as they continued their journey back home. He didn't use his [ Godspeed ] to take them back home since he was already worn out and couldn't take the risk of exposing himself. As for his space magic, the best he could only do when he was able to see the location or if he had marked it using [ Flying Raijin ]. But didn't use all of it since he wanted to let Eris experience hardship and teach her a lesson.