Scene 1- opposite feelings

Day filled with cloying moments with Brandon, she shared with her inspirations and feelings that he liked him more than a friend. However, Brandon chuckled seeing him, which made her feel sad. Despite that, she had a sweetest night with him, especially when Brandon motivated her to finish her optic course. Due to her feelings with Brandon, she became productive and was being offered a scholarship so she could finish her Dr. of Optometry.

Jake (ecstasy eyes): The company will shoulder your fees in the University.

Shane (trembled hearts): I feel over the moon to know that Sir.

Jake (warm hands): Congratulations!

Shane (trembled her heart): I can't describe how I ran in the sky.

That day, Shane began her studies and had rendered eight hours to her work every night. She carried the day, still she gave time for Brandon. She often brought some food and gifts for him, even at night she let him feel that nobody whom she loved, except him. It was appreciated by Brandon what Shane gave, but he couldn't exchange his feelings. One night, Shane unintentionally took her nap during working hours, Brandon touched her shoulder.

Shane (hands filled with hot): Sorry Sir.

Brandon (elegant smiles): I understand you're tired. You can sleep in the nap room for an hour.

Shane (lovely smile): Enough, Sir! I am awake as you touch my shoulder.

Brandon (soft voice): No, do you want me to join you there?

Shane (astonished): But?

Brandon stayed beside her tonight as a friend. In contrast, Shane assumed him as her boyfriend whom she has been waiting for. Her colleague left the room, as Shane closed her eyes. That night, Brandon met Axel, a superb son of the CEO, who came back from Sydney. He was a very handsome civil engineer. It was the second time of trembling his feelings as Axel crapped his lovely image to his eyes.

Axel (unfriendly approach): Where's Shane? Let her come to my office.

Brandon (quaking feelings): She's taking her break time, Sir.

Axel (weird voice): Let her do this task.

As Brandon went back to the office, an eye captivated by Shane, who seriously talked with Axel. He entered the room, even though he didn't have enough reasons. That time, Axel let him go back to work.

Shane (trembled voice): I am sorry Sir to ask, how to do this task?

Axel (soft voice): I don't know, just ask Brandon about it. Are you a new employee here?

If I had arrived at her eyes. Will he see me?

Why am I enticed by her chest and walks?

Am I really attached to her?

I haven't been in love with someone, why did I liked her?

Shane (bashful): Hmm, yes Sir.

Axel was friendly to all the employees, Brandon often visited his boss in the office. He also painted Axel's image, seeing his enticing arts, which led to their friendship. All night, he shared his feelings on the wall where he painted his feelings for him. As usual, Shane showed her feelings to him, he couldn't tell her the truth, since he didn't want to be bullied in the workplace about his hidden gender. For now, he valued her feelings as a friend.