Chapter 5 10 years old

In the outer forsaken realms, the dwelling of the lowlives, the bugs of the kingdom, a place where people with the most minimal potential life, hoping to somehow crawl their way into the commoner's realm

The lush green fields stretch far and wide in one of the villages of these forsaken realms, is the Hage village, around the periphery of this village of this year, lies the skull of the demon that was killed by the first-ever magic emperor/Wizard Saint.

On the top of this skull, a youth is training, his height is about 150 cm, with green long pushed back hair that reaches his shoulders, His body was well-toned for a ten-year-old kid

He was currently doing handstand pushups using only only a single hand

his sweat glistening down his body, or upwards in this case


Suddenly the boy fell, unable to support himself as he reached his bodies exhaustion point.

[Ding! Host has trained his body]

[ rewards ~1 stat point]

Robin sighed as he slowly stood up,looking at the statue beside him one last time, he slowly made his way down the skull.

'I am not improving much,I guess I will have to use the stat points sooner or later'

I couldn't help but think to myself, I had grown much over these two years, training every day until I faint only to wake up again and do it over again.

It was hard for me, sometime I would think if it was even worth it, the answer to that was given, and I doubt I will get one anytime soon.

'System, show me my status'

[Robin Alphonso]

[Rank:10(Three stats need to be above 40 to advance)]

[Stat Points:60]



[Endurance :20]

[Mana:Not available]


[Skill points:10]

[Skills:Hunter(5), Swordsman(5), Fighter(7)]

'I now have enough stat points to become a rank 9, I don't know what that will do to me, the system only told me that I will become stronger, that I will evolve, I don't understand what that means' I rubbed my head in exasperation.

It's becoming harder and harder to earn points, I am now only able to earn 1 point this month.

'This can't go on anymore, System, put all my points in Strength, Agility and Dexterity

[Ding! 20 points added to Strength and Agility, 20 points added to dexterity]


i felt a wave of power travel through my body, it was as if lightning bolts were traveling through my body

not in a harmful way,but a blissful way,I felt power spread through my body,I punched the tree to my right


My punch broke a hole through the tree,

I could already do this before,but after two or three punches, and my arm would feel numb and start hurting if I kept at it

*Bam bam bam bam*

I started going on a rampage, breaking down any tree I saw in my way, It was freeing.

to see apparent results of all the training he had done.

I decided to go and check my strength against everything i could,

cracking boulders with my power was not a pipe dream,but one achievable,for now o was only able to leave my imprint on a giant boulder,but i will sure turn this into debris the next time we meet.

I gave the boulder a salute for its absolute defense and decided to look for some other opponent

'How about i go and look for those papa boars,lets see what they can do to me now' i couldnt help but imagine the scene

It seemed like the boars i was happily hunting were actually babies,the real threats were the papa or mama boars,those had giant physique,flames snickering on their bodies.

they had stupid strength and speed,nearly killed me one too many time,but today i shall have my revenge

I strode towards their settlements,ready to hust a few of them into blood and flesh.

"Ah! come and get some you pigs!" i yelled and ran towards the first one i saw

A well timeed punch to the face had the papa boar fall to the ground,althoufg there was no blood or gore.

i was still able to win against an enemy which gave me hard time days before

"Hahahaha! tonight the whole village will eat Boar meat" i descended onto the boars with my pair of fists,no need to even use a sword,i like it this way

me and my fists against the world. These boars have been terrorizing the farmers of nearby villages.

I can sell them for a lot of favors and took me twenty minutes to deal with the beasts and pack em up before i put them in my inventory.

I still had a job to do,Oh! you thought i was some idiot who trains all day ,nope! i am a kid with responsibilities of my brothers and sisters.

After my little act when i convinced father to let me train and earn for the orphanage,and when i gave back results and arrived home with no injuries,he decided to let me do what i want.

After five month of constant fighting,i was approached by a merchant who sells his products throughout the forsaken and commoners realm,thats where i come in.

Since the realm is ridden with dark forces sych as barbarians and bandits,i act as the real carrier of some of his prized goods and thus when we have to 'give away' our goods,we dont loose the truly precious things.

it has helped me earn high amount of cash to be honest ,and i have come across various people in my journey,and ofcourse magic which i cant do for obvious reasons.

I really want to do a kamehamehaa or a simple fire spell would do,but i am not able to do so for some reason

I walked back to the village anf greeted sister Lily and Yuno who was helping her,Asta was busy doing pushups,i am kind of like his role model ,it happened when he saw me bashing in the skull of a baby boar.

He has since started to train like crazy,i have a feeling he will be even stronger then canon for soem reason.