Chapter 13. Father is caring

"Lieutenant Yuno! step forward and revive your reward" I shouted at him, and the shy Yuno stepped forward, he still hasn't gone through that experience yet, but according to my limited knowledge, it happens somewhere around this time

"Hai!" he stood at attention, I could see the eager look in his eyes, I rather enjoyed my time with the kids in the orphanage

I took a few books of martial arts and a book I had found on how to train your magic, specifically magic of wind nature.

It might be bullshit, but seeing that the martial arts book is authentic, the magic arts book should be good as well.

I also gave him a beautiful set of clothes that would stack nicely with his appearance. he looks like a prince

"Thanks, Big brother Robin!" Yuno said happily

"You are all my brothers and sisters, it's nothing to be thankful about, go and lay with the other, make sure Nash doesn't accidentally burn stuff ok," I told him.

He nodded timidly and left

Before I could continue acting, Asta practically jumped into me and hit my face with his face as he asked what I got for him excitedly.

I knew what he was thinking, but a book on magic was practically a waste on us both, so I got him a book on different kinds of fighting styles and how to strengthen the body,

"Huh! Robin! why is there no magic book"

He asked as he shuffled the books

"Sigh! Asta, listen to me, we are not meant for magic, Even I am not that different from you, I can only use one spell, and owning a grimoire won't change that for me, I suggest you do the same and focus on making your body so strong that magic can't harm you, how about you start training with me, Ok!"

I thought Asta was sad, as he looked down, but boy was he excited, he practically had stars in his eyes as he moved his fist towards me.

I gave a dry laugh and gave him a first bump,

"Let's become strong and become the magic emperors"

"Asta, there can only be one," I told him

"Is that so..sigh...I guess you will have to step said then" asta said in mock sadness, the guy was acting funny,

he really had the nerve

, perhaps we should start our training right now

, I summoned two giant boulders from my storage and threw one at Asta, who was barely able to hold his

"The first one to come back home after a round around the church wins, Oh the future magic emperor" I grinned at him

"Bring it on "

With our backs to the church, we ran away, I noticed Asta fall and skid along the way, I was carrying a weight that would strain me and I guess Asta never did the boulder training like me before, even though I told him

On a snowy day, we ran around the village in minimal clothes, testing our bodies and pushing them to their limits, Even I was losing my breath but we finally made it back

Needless to say, I was first

"Oh! you two! what do you think you are doing, running around like barbarians, come inside lest you freeze outside" I heard the annoyed yell of Father

"Oh! I forgot about them"

I immediately went inside, forgetting the passed-out Asta who was freezing outside.

I walked towards the Father, who was rubbing his sore back


"Hmph" he humphed, I can't believe he did that, it seems his advanced age is turning him into a child,

"You thought something bad just now, didn't you"

The Father said as he took a brook from the chair beside him.

"Haha! no Father, I am just happy to see you, it's been a while"

"It certainly has been...I heard about it" he gave me a glance, as he went back to writing

I knew what he was talking about, I guess he must have heard about it from word of mouth

"Was it bad!" asked Father

"No! I was safe, I didn't even have to"

"Don't lie to me brat...I am not the Father for nothing" he said I guess he did a detailed search

"So..was it bad"

"Not much, physically I am fine"

"But you are spent mentally, aren't you!?" he asked me worryingly, I was finally able to see his face, it was filled with worry

"Robin, you are special, I can feel it, don't throw your life away carelessly, run the other way the next time you see something like that" he advised me

I nodded at that, Sister Lily was in the kitchen, busy making food, I decided to steer the conversation as the mood was turning for the worse

"Father! I got you something" I told him as I took out a new broom

It was designed to be soft and comfortable, came with a bag holder and had space for two or three more kiddos

Father changed from the caring guy to a greedy fellow as he practically snatched it from me and ran away outside

'Oh shit! I forgot about Asta!" I also ran out and saw Father grab the frozen popsicle and fly away