Chapter 30 I am Rank 7 (New stats)

[Robin Alphonso]

[Rank:7 (Three stats need to be above 350to advance)(all stats need to be above 100)]

[Stat Points:0]




[Mana:Not available]


[Skill points:3]

[Skills:Predator(2), Evolved Senses(10), Weapons

Grandmaster(5), Meditation(5), Prodigy(10)]

As I looked at my status....some memories resurfaced in my mind...Magic stone....Eye of the midnight sun....shit!

"I have been carrying a literal ticking time bomb with me all this time, hell!" what if those elves are onto me, or whatever they are...oh!

as I was about to go into a panic,I remembered something crucial,checking my body for any magic,I felt none coming from me, but did feel the magic in all the beasts around me.Some had blue coloured, some had red, green, purple etc.

But I didn't have any, which means that the stone isn't releasing anything while in my storage...

"System, how much value is the magic stone as compared to the loot I just gave you, and the loot you absorbed before that."

[Ding! the power of the magic stone far surpasses that of everything absorbed till now... it's recommended that the host let the system absorb the magic stone, the chances of a new function being opened are 100/100]

"New function!? what kind of new function"

I looked at the screen In front of me and fell into thought.

As I am now, I can still be easily defeated, and it's not like anything is gonna change even if I keep it, except the elves will have a hard time doing whatever they are doing, I saw the whole place blow up by an elf,

The stone is used by them to revive... honestly....there are a lot of holes in my memory, but I am not gonna wait around to see what happens

"System absorbs the Magic stone"

[Ding!!!! absorbing the magic stone.....]











"Honestly! how long is it gonna take, I feel like I might have been scammed"

I couldn't help but call out as I used my newly acquired senses to see the world, it felt like a painting with various flames of different colours dancing around.

"I can also scout strong enemies with this, hehe," I said to myself, already seeing two new training partners

I was walking around the forest,

[Ding! Magic stone has been successfully absorbed....+40 Stat points, +20 skill points ]

[Prodigy in effect....+16 stat points...+7 skill points]

[System Function {Traveler} unlocked]

Although the new function was something that opened up new possibilities, I was also looking forward to what skills I can get this time.

[Please choose one of the following rewards]

[Berserker][Evolved Skill]

[Eagle eyes][Evolved skill]

[Triple Take][Awakened skill]

[Aura Manipulation][Awakened Skill]

Although it was apparent that Aura manipulation was the only thing I was going to select, it didn't mean I was not going to see other options


User gained increased offense and defense.

The more enemies user defeats, the stronger user gets, the effect wears off after the fight is over


Consumption:Wisdom and Strength

[Eagles eye][Evolved]

See up to 1 mile away as if the distance doesn't matter



[Triple Take][Awakened]

Deliver attacks with three times the power and speed.

Cooldown:2 minutes

[Aura Manipulation][Awakened]

Aura manipulation is an inherent ability of all beings to use their own innate bodies energy to achieve various effects such as Battlewill, Aura slash, Aura Body, Aura shield, Concealment, Aura bullets heavy slash, Haze and develop further abilities


Consumption:Culmination of all stats

It's a given that I get this Aura manipulation, although I feel like it's the same as my will thing, but it's much different, as it consumes all my stats.

Unlike my will that just saps on my endurance and wisdom stats, or mental fortitude to be exact.

"System,I choose the Aura Manipulation skill"

[Congratulations for Acquiring Aura manipulation, New Stat has been introduced]

As the skill got ingrained in my body or soul,I felt it, a raw energy running through me, it made me feel powerful by just sitting their.


[Robin Alphonso]

[Rank:7 (Three stats need to be above 350 to advance)(all stats need to be above 100)]

[Stat Points:56]






[Mana:Not available]

[Skill points:30]

[Skills:Predator(2), Evolved Senses(10), Weapons

Grandmaster(5), Meditation(5), Prodigy(10), Aura Manipulation]

"So this is aura, a stat that I don't need to increase, it increases as my other stats do,that's good, System? Can this stat count for rank ascension?"

[Ding! Mana and Aura, or any other energy based stat does not count]

"That's a bummer"

As I was about to distribute the skill points to upgrade my skills, as if prodigy had heard me, acted on it's own

[Prodigy in effect! .....Merging Weapons Grandmaster and Aura Manipulation...Denied.....Denied....Combination not possible]

[Leveling skills cannot be combined with none level able skills]

"So I guess there are somethings you cannot do as well, huh"

[Prodigy in effect...Requesting to use skill points to combine skill.....denied]

"Don't beat yourself over this, everyone experiences setbacks once in a while, lets see what this Aura manipulation is all about, shall we"

I was just joking around, it wasn't like the skill was alive or anything,I still have a month left before New year arrives and I turn 12,so I can spend my time training this new skill.



The manga showed that there are only 11 stones because that's how many they recovered, doesn't necessarily mean that's the only number, so this does not, in any way, affect the story.

The Aura is the same as from Tensura, though it will take time to go on the same level, it isn't magic aura like Tensura, just the technique will be similar, I guess.i don't know if this makes sense lol