Chapter 34 Middle Floors

'I can think about that later, lets face the monsters on this floor, see if they can prove to be a challenge. The Infant wyvern was a real good opponent' I couldn't help but praise the wyvern infant or dragon infant that I fought before arriving here.

It was the only monster on the previous floors that not only forced me to use my Aura technique but also left a wound on my shoulder.

I slowly moved forward, after walking for a hundred meters or so, I was suddenly swarmed with what could only be called the cutest things in the world


Though I knew that they were strong, judging from their aura, another thing about this world is that most monsters over here have a white aura signature with no colour whatsoever.

Maybe it's because they are just mindless monsters made by the entity known as a dungeon to kill humans and gods.

But I also have a white aura, which is because I have no attribute, a sad thing.

"I must find a way for me to use magic"

I coat my body in Aura, using the indestructible body path, otherwise known as the diamond body path to greatly increase my offence and defence, mainly defence as I effortlessly blast each of the rampaging rabbits to death,

Each blow takes out a rabbit, why am I not using a weapon, cause I don't wanna, it's good to use the good old-fashioned way to fight once in a while.

As I keep moving forward I am met with several packs of these Rabbits, known as Almiraj,

I began using Aura bullets to kill them once it became boring as they weren't that strong.


"Finally! Let's see what you got" I couldn't help but feel good, this giant monster with a goat's face and legs and the body of a Greek godly monster was at least three or four times stronger...and it had a sharp light to it.

I readied my body as the monster came running at me, learning from mistakes, I equipped a sword this time,

As the monster came close to crushing my skull under his giant fists, I moved with blinding speeds, to the Giant Minotaur at least. as I appeared behind it and slashed its back, drawing large amounts of blood.


The giant guy, although it felt the pain, became even more enraged and almost immediately turned around, yanking its horns at me, I stopped it with my sword and used Aura slash at point blank range, cutting both its head and horns off

"You were strong, I give you that, I had to use double the amount of aura on you, as the one I used on that little dragon on the upper floors," I said my goodbyes to the ashed remains of the minotaur and picked up all the wasn't that I was far stronger than the minotaur, just that my skills and experience provided me with numerous advantage against my enemies

'If I keep at it,I might not earn anything, I will stop using my Aura and only use the will from Grandmaster skill to fight, although it's strong, it's nowhere near as strong as Aura.'

Deciding on the new course of my training I moved ahead, staying vigilant as the Dungeon was starting to put me through the wringer,

Monsters would pop out from anywhere one could think of and attack you.

I would be besieged by flocks of Rabbits, Some giant Mantis things that seemingly reflected back my Will attack and I would have to use my physical strength to best it or use the weak points on it's legs to target it internal organ.

And I even got to go against the wyvern, Although it was the strongest monster I faced yet, that didn't mean I was gonna stop abiding my own set of rules.

This I fought it with everything I got, and finally butchered the guy,

I had travelled to the 16th floor by now and had killed so many, and received my rewards, I also had a bit of a memory of this place... it's where that giant Goliath spawns... on the 17th floor.

I decided it was time to head back anyway since I had received my rewards for the day.

And some scars of victory as well, though most of my injuries were already close to being completely healed.

[Training successful! + 5 to Strength, +3 to Agility, +7 to Endurance, Weapons Grandmaster levelled up by 1]

[Prodigy in effect, + 2 skill points, +2 to all stats, Weapons Grandmaster levelled up, Auto meditation levelled up]

"leaving the dungeon was another battles as I would kill one or two monsters if I couldn't outrun them,I returned in about five to six hours.....walking out of the dungeon,I realised that I have been in the dungeon for one and a half day.



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