Chapter 40...

It took me some time, but I was back outside the dungeon, coincidentally I found Bell in the large crowd of people, he isn't that hard to find as his appearance is very different as compared to others, especially those hair that seem to glow in the dark.

"Bell!" I shouted at him, trying to grab his attention.

He looked around before spotting me as I gave him a smile and a wave

Once he stopped I calmly walked over to him, He was happy to see me again,I could see it

"Where are you going Bell"

"Umm, back home,I was in the dungeon for a while..err" he seemed a little uncomfortable as he tried mentioning something, his whole body was haggard, several cuts and bruises, and clothes filled with blood and ashes.

"Man! you look beaten,I was also in the dungeon but I didn't see you, since you are about to go back, how about we go together" I asked him.

Though he sounded a little confuse then it hit me,I have not told him about me joining his familia

"Ah! sorry , you must be confused, actually I have also joined the hestia Familia so we are like brothers now, sigh, I miss my siblings back home" I told him.

"Ehh! you also joined goddess hestia's familia, what level are you, Robin-san" he asked me excitedly, perhaps it was because now he had someone to go together with

"Me,I am level four, haha"

"Wow!" his eyes seemed to sparkle, he started asking me a ton of questions and I was more then happy to answer them, he reminded me of Asta...and a bit of Yuno as well

Though he was as innocent as a baby.

"How did you meet Hestia-sama?" he asked while enjoyed his meal, we were currently sitting in the hostess of fertility,I was able to deduce from his answer that he was about level 1 , but his aura was that of a level 2.

Which means that tonight he had awakened his new skill.

"Me, well, I wanted to join a familia that was less crowded and didn't have much members and here we are" I told him.

"Oh! and what Familia did Robin-san belong to before this" he asked me

"I..." I was about to tell him, but decided not to as he is know to be a blubber mouth

"It's a forgotten familia so you wouldn't know about it, though I am thankful that Hestia took me in" I had a bit if truth in that statement

as I would trust another god with my special circumstances,

"Yes, Hestia-sama is a benevolent god that took me in when no one was willing to, and I am really happy to have her"

I then heard his tale of how he came from the rural side and wanted to be a hero, though was surprise to see that I didn't laugh at him.

As we were enjoying ourselves, Anya Fromel, who I have had the honor of knowing ever since I started eating at this place,I can describe her in one simple word 'clumsy'

I look at her dead in the eyes,before looking at the bowl of fish soup on my table

"Anya....i asked for chicken soup" I gave her a stink eye,although every thing I eat here is good, but I would like to have what I ordered

"Hmm, is that so...i must have forgotten, tehe!"

I sighed and started drinking the soup, Bell was rid of his wounds as I had him forcefully drink an expensive potion, God knows I had to shove it down his throwt because he was being stubborn

"Anya...Come here for a second,let's have that talk I told you about" Said Mia Grand, a level 6 adventurer as she slammed her fists on the table


Looks like Anya won't be forgetting any order in the near future

I looked from the corner of my eyes as the elf named Ryuu spotted me, she always gives me a cold shoulder.

'It's not like I killed her puppy or something '

Unexpectedly it wasn't just me that noticed it, Bell was also confused as he asked me what was the reason for this,I could only shake my head and continue with my meal.

Since Bell was still a bit weak for the middle floors,I will not be taking him along with me, so we will be going on different ways once I am above floor 7,though that didn't mean I couldn't train him.

He already had the Liaris Freees or whatever the name of the skill is,I just have to keep reminding him of his loved ones while I train him,I wonder if I am a better trainer then Ais...which reminds me,wasn't there an upcoming event where a giant monster gets released in the city and Bell defeats it.

For as much as I wanted to partake in these events,I had my own responsibilities.i will help the familia get a house and some more stuff as a thank you to Hestia.

The things she gave me are equal to three harvests for me,which usually takes me at least two and a half year.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3