Chapter 37 A chance meeting

It's my last day in the dungeon and I am spending it in the first floor looking for a fluffy bird, I heard it drops an egg that can be used to get 1,000,000 vali

and surely if something is this expensive, it has some kind of effect that can maybe get me another harvest from the system, like with the magic stone.

'I should probably go back I guess the golden egg is not in my fate.'

I sighed as I decided it was time for me to walk away.


I hear something bash into me, I look down and it's a boy with white hair...Bell Cranel

"Ah! sorry, I was in a hurry," he said.

his face was covered in blood, and his Aura was white, not like the normal white, like shine bright like a diamond bright.

I held my hand forward, Bell gripped it and I helped him stand up, his sword also knocked out of his hands

"You should never let go of your weapon inside the dungeon" I advised him genuinely, I have come across countless people in the dungeon who were close to losing their life because of such things.

I might have also earned a name for myself, they call me 'helper', maybe it's because I help out adventurers when I see them being pushed to the corner.

I picked up the weapon and gave it back to him,

"Thanks, haha um..what's your name," he asked me

"Name's Robin, what's yours," I asked just to be sure

"Ah, my name is Bell, Bell Cranel"

"Robin Alphonso"

"So... I will see you later Bell," I told him.

It became awkward for me, as he wasn't taking and just staring at me

"Be careful?" I told him.

"You too"

Leaving the Dungeon, I made way to my advisor or the lady who will introduce me to the one

"Wow! you sure took your time in there, I recommend not going in alone, anyway, as I told you, we have an advisor for you, stay here while I call her over

I wait around and in a minute, Misha returns with another woman following close behind her...though she has a scowl on her face.

Before I could even greet her she called me out

" You, so you are Robin, I heard from Misha how you are going In the dungeon without being an adventurer, do you not care for your life?

Do you even know what type of monstrous beings exist inside the dungeons, have you even read the dungeon encyclopedia, do you have a map of the dungeon on you....blah blah blah"

After the first five minutes of trying to get her to stop, I became numb to her and let her continue, I wasn't mad at her as most of the things she mentioned were reasonable, I didn't have a map on me.

"Sigh...all I am asking is, you should at least join a familiar for a start, I can introduce you to some gods that will gladly take you in... I am sorry, what was your name again," she asked me

She forgot my name that fast

"My name is Robin Alphonso, it's a pleasure to meet you.."

"Eina, my name is Eina, and I will be your advisor in the possible future, now that all is set, let's have you take a few tests to make sure that you will survive in the dungeon" she didn't give me time to adjust and dragged me away.

I saw Misha giving me an apologetic smile as if saying she didn't think this would happen, I had to study with Eina for a while, though it didn't take long as Prodigy truly shined on me and saved me a bunch of time, any normal person would have cried out by now.

She had my memories of all the info on monsters and the peculiarities of working inside the dungeon,

She even gave me a map of the dungeon, though I feel like that wasn't reliable, it's better for me since I already have the structure memorized in my head.

"What! you went to the middle floors, are you out of your mind" She shouted in surprise and anger as she got dangerously close to me, her scent invading my mind

"Too close," I told her, effectively backing her off

"Sigh, I am honestly surprised you are alive, don't you have anyone you care about, why throw away your life like that," she said sitting back down

I couldn't help but think about my family in back clover and the one I have forgotten from my homeworld

"I know you are worried about me and all,but I am really strong for a normal person, even before Falna was a thing, humans and other beings used to fight against monster to survives, they didn't depend on falna then." I gave her my words

"I admit that to go to the middle would need to be a top level 3 at least, and a level 4 if they wanna have a safe fight with the monster Rex of the middle floors...sigh,it's not my place to tell you, but I think you should think about joining a familiar"

she told me, with worry in her voice being very evident,I gave it some thought and decided ,I was gonna try to get some way to have falna anyway, why not ask her for help.

"Alright, but I don't like crowded places, and I am not good with too many people, can you contact a god that doesn't have much followers and maybe I will think about it" I told her.

Her face seemingly lit up in happiness, a comical lightbulb would have turned on if this were still a manga.

"I have just the familia in mind,I will give you the address, though it still isn't night time is you will have to go to this other address and you should see a short girl with pig tails selling some Jagamarukun...."

After having a little chat and being reminded again not to be reckless,I gave her all my drops and magic cores.which shocked her to the core.

Her exact remarks were

'This is the same as a party of level 3 adventurers farming in the dungeon for a week.'

I will be given my Valis by tomorrow, not like I was in a rush,I also asked her if she could help me buy stuff using the Vali, normal advisors wouldn't do this for you, but she was rather happy that I depended on her.

Leaving the area,I headed for the location of the jagarmakurun stall


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3