Chapter 52 Back to the surface

Due to the extremely dangerous battle between Me and that bastard dragon, most of the monsters were scared off, and those that we're still around were loners,

I look at my hands which were black and bluish in colour, I need something solid to test the limit of this haki.

And to test its defence and offence, the problem is, that no one will be challenged on this floor, so I will have to go ahead and test the next floor.

'None of the monsters on the next floor will be below level 3, it's a good place to test my new skill.'

With a new goal in mind, I began running and jumping at top speed and reached the entrance to the next floor in record time.

Though after reaching floor 28, I realized quickly that there were no monsters around me, I then realized that the 28th floor was supposed to be a safe point.

the new realization caused me to grow relaxed, it was then that I realized a few adventurers approached me, they seemed to be talking about something as they looked at me.

"Yo! are you the newbie from Hestia familia right!" He asked me.

I slowly nodded my head, I could feel that they were both level four, I don't remember seeing them or knowing about them.

"Great, we have been looking for you." One of the two adventurers told me, he seems to be at a peak level four while that woman beside him is a peak level 3, closer to four.

"Is there something you need from me?" I asked cautiously, I can't lower my guard as of now.

I have already been attacked by adventurers once in the dungeon, they were made fodder, these two are much more powerful.

Anyone that can go past the amphisbaena has my respect, seeing me act cautious, the guy nods his head in acknowledgement, and I couldn't help but become more confused.

At this moment, the woman who was with him spoke up.

"It's not us that want something from you, it's your Goddess, she has been going crazy as you haven't returned for fifteen days!" she practically yelled at me.

Before I could answer her, she continued, "how can an adventurer be so careless, don't you value your life, you are asking to die by going into the dungeon alone."

I guess I was being a bit selfish, and to think Ty hat over twelve days have passed, how much time do I have left before I need to go back anyway,

I looked at the screen and saw the timer on it.

[Time left: 6 days]

"HEY! ARE YOU IGNORING ME." I realized that the woman previously standing a meter away from me was now right in my face.

I stepped back a little and apologized as k shouldn't have spaced out like that, and of they were bad people, I might have been a goner.

"Is there any chance you can help me get a massage across to hestia!" I asked them hoping for a miracle.

"I am sorry, but we are here for a specific mission, though it's better if you make your way back to her as soon as possible, she was pretty desperate, I heard she is planning on sending a party into the dungeon to get you if you don't come out in four days, and that was two days ago." The man told me.

'Hestia can't afford that sort of thing, which means she is gonna pay a high price for this, I can let her do that.'

"I am thankful to you, I must go now,though if you have any request for me, you can call me.."

"Markus, that's my name, and she is Olivira." Markus said as he pointed at the annoyed girl beside him.

Robin didn't waste anymore time as he started running back to the upper floors with blinding speed,

seeing him disappear through the entrance,the duo looked at each other, and surprisingly disappeared from view.


I heaved a sigh of relief as the exit came into view, it took me a day and half to reach the entrance to the dungeon, and considering my previous record, I think this is pretty good.

I decided to first go and have a talk with Heatia, The guild can wait, I don't want to worry her anymore than I have to.

I pushed against the ground and levitated towards the general direction of the broken Hestia familia house.

Didn't take me long to reach the dilapidated place, I took a breath before entering the accursed place.

Upon entering, a look of surprised was on my face,compared to the usual empty place with the exception of me and Bell being here, but not anymore.

I was able to recognize the two iconic member of Hestia familia that join later on, which means that somethings are already different, the fact that they are together in this moment means that either the arc are speeding up or the fact that the Goliath incident did not happen.

Although I couldn't remember the little girls name,I was easily able to recognise the other people such as Ais, That elf girl from the hostess of fertility and Hestia herself who was looking at me with a dumb look.

Though I did receive a powerful fist that comically sent me crashing into the wall for some reason, and here I thought Hestia was weak because she was in a mortal body.