Chapter 54 Despair and Victory

As I made my way through the dungeon, which seemed to be doing it's best to keep me at bay by sending monster hordes at me and constantly changing it's tracks, which I will learn later isn't supposed to happen so much, I was finally able to enter the middle floors after two hours.

'Now I just need to find Bell.' I thought as I clenched my axe with a vice grip, to get rid of some of the frustration I was feeling.

As soon as I took a step, the floor started breaking like domino effect, this took me by surprise, the dungeon isn't just suppose to break up like this.

'Dammit.' I took out the hiking gear I had in my storage and used it to get a foot hold, using the strength of my legs, I pushed myself if in the air and floated towards the floor again.

Only for several monsters to spawn from the ceiling.

'I don't have time for these games with you, you damn dungeon.' I couldn't help but curse as even several wyverns started spawning.

I started spanning the Aura slashes as I crossed the giant pitholes that we're being created by the dungeon.

After this went on for about ten whole minutes,I finally crossed into two more floors and reached the boss floor.

As expected, the place started spawning with monsters as well.

'There is no way bell has crossed into Riveria, it's likely that he is on the floor, and it's important that I find him fast, considering the spawn rate, he might really die even with his cheats.'

I used aura to develop a self replenishing shield around me and started running through, my evolved senses constantly looking for Bell's aura in the midst of these monsters that actually had black aura now, when previously the majority of them used to have white.

'There.' I sensed Bell , he was about to be pummeled by what looked like three minataurs, while one was turning to ash, probably killed by Bell himself.

As I saw the distance between him and me,I felt a sense of despair, I hated it, I knew I couldn't reach him in time, it's like one of my night mares coming true.

'What's the use of this power if I can't do one proper thing.' I cursed myself throwining my axe with full power covered with my Aura and Haki.

It cut through the see monsters before finally coming to a stop, killing one of the three sisters before it came to a stop, which still left bell being killed by the remaining two.

Just as the minotaur was about to rush and stomp Bell to death, something I didn't expect happen.

[Prodigy in effect! Sacrificing five skill points two learn several Battle will arts]

As the information of the skill being upgrade filled my head, I felt the space around me warp, my evolved senses working to the limit as I seemingly felt myself travel so fast as if...

'Instant Move.'

Before I could even register, I was in front of bell, the horns coming into contact with my body, before they broke into pieces.

'Huh! did I just use instant move, I feel like I can do much more.'

I thought as I eyed the two monsters,before two blue colored spikes formed in front of me and traveled at fast speeds, tearing the monsters to shreds.

Although we still weren't safe as other monsters will still after us, I picked up Bell as I flew back toward the upper floors.

I actually flew this time, a skill that I thought I wouldn't be able to learn for a long time was as easy as breathing to me, though I would still have to concentrate if I want to fly faster.

By the time I exited the middle floors and came back to the upper floors, I saw Ais and the others who looked like they had been through hell.

I flew down, which surprised them, they had never seen me fly, as a matter of fact,I was too elusive and maybe no one knows what I am capable of.

"Is that Bell? you found him." Welf and Lili literally snatched bell from me as they laid him down.

I wanted to tell them it still wasn't safe, the dungeon already feels like it will blow up anytime, and if Hestia enters, I don't know what will happen.

"Hmm, he has broken his limiter, he is simply exhausted due to mind zero, its best we go back to Orario, it isn't safe here." Thankfully Ryuu was first to say that, the group seemed to agree to her.

Ais was giving me a weird look, I looked at her, as I did so, she accepted her eyes before we all started running back.

Halfway through, the monsters started acting cranky again, so I took the front and started swatting away or crushing any monster that came even slightly close to us.

"Woah! you are really strong, and to think you just joined a familia." Welf who was keeping Bell on his back commented.

"Maybe he is a member of some other familia before he joined hestia." Ryuu joined in, which surprised me as she isn't one to talk needlessly, maybe she is trying to gather info or something.

"Not really, I am as new as they come." I answered, its not like they can harm me, I can take care of Ryuu before she can caste her spells, Only Ais will give me trouble, though not much considering I have new moves in my arsenal.

"Impossible." was the only word that left Ais mouth as she saw countless monster being unable to so much as crack the shield/platform that surrounded us as we went forward.

I only gave her a smirk, no doubt that sparked the fight in her, I am sure I can earn some pretty serious stats even if I fight her half-heartedly.

We finally arrived near the entrance after five hours.


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