Chapter 94

Robin looked inside the apprentice classroom, this wasn't the only class so it took him some time to find the right one.

"Huh! Are you a part of this class," it was then, that he noticed an extremely attractive woman in extremely revealing Chinese clothing; he found the love of his life, didn't know the name of.


"What are you doing? Come and sit before I strike you off the class." Robin, under the temperament of the bossy women, was led inside the class.

Before he knew it, he was sitting inside the class, a row behind Ginger haired kid that was sleeping.

"I have to confirm if he is the Nie Li from the future or not, so this sits right with my own agenda," Robin decided to sit down and focus his attention on Nie Li and the class.

(I am going to skip the whole dialogue of TDG where Nie acts like a pompous uncle and challenges the class as that will take up the precious words from this chapter)

As expected the scene went similar to what happened in the novel, Robin also stated remembering much more about Nie Li and his adventure.

"Hmph! If that is so, you can go and stand outside the class," said the teacher who Robin remembered was from the Sacred family that is corrupted to the core.

As soon as Nie Li stood up to leave, so did a few other kids, Robin thought for a moment before he also stood up and walked out, attracting the attention of the well as Nie Li.

He decided to stick for a while longer as he still had a bit of time before he needed to go away.

He noticed the resolute expression on Nie Li and couldn't help but chuckle.

Only he knew what Nie Li was thinking about in his mind.

"Nie Li, you shouldn't have spoken out like that, heh!" Du Ze spoke, the kid with blue hair as he looked at Nie li.

"I kinda like your guts so I followed you as well," Lu Piao said as he also smiled while looking at Nie Li.

"I was late from the start, plus I am not even of this class," I answered as well.

"Heeh! So why did you join in," Asked Du Ze as he looked at me slackjawed.

"Haha! Just for fun, now if you will excuse me, I have some stuff to do," Robin said as he walked out, no doubt earning a target on his back from the teacher.

Robin wasn't too bothered by the sacred family, he even thought about doing everyone a favor and getting rid of this so-called parasite of a family before he left for home.

There was still some time before the sunset, Robin was about to return to his room when he saw a small bazaar just outside the institute that attracted his attention.

Looking at all the street side stalls, Robin also decided to sell some of his stuff.

He took out a few tables from his storage and put them on the ground, taking out a few scrolls and equipment that he wanted to sell, he has made many things in these few days while he was fixing the everblack and upgrading the Death God armor.

Although Robin had put so much stuff on the table, not many had come forward to buy for him,

'Hmph! Just let them see what I have to sell, they will come running once they see my stuff,' Robin laughed in his mind as he imagined the look of surprise on these people's faces as he popped a pill in his mouth and started cultivating.


2 hours later,

Robin felt his soul realm widen as his power increased, he had successfully broken through to the middle stage of 4 star gold rank and was damn near the 5star gold rank.

As he was about to continue cultivating, he felt some kids walking towards his stall, he was now covered in robes and thus wasn't as recognizable as before.

The people that came forward were one of the kids from...
