Chapter 98

I used the teleportation ability and we arrived right outside the orphanage in front of Yuno who was busy drying the clothes,

"Oh! Robin, you are back." sister lily ran towards us as she looked at me, I smiled back at her.

"Yes, I am back, I got some things for you," I didn't wait any longer and started piling the front of the orphanage with various toys and stuff.

I didn't know if I have ever seen sister lily in any other clothes beside the nun clothes, but I still buy her clothes.

I then proceeded to give the kids who rammed into me their gifts, the girls loved the automatic dolls that I made for them, they were already using them to play house.

Nash ended up playing in the end as well even though he tried so hard to play the big bro of the group.

I guess no one can resist the charms of self moving toys, and I still wonder why no one made these things using magic.

"Where is Fathef Orsi" I asked Lily who was making food for me, she was preparing all sorts of things even though I told her not to do so.

"Oh, he is gone to some neighboring village since the merchant isn't supposed to come to our village anytime soon, speaking of that, Are you excited for the ceremony," Sister Lily replied before she turned around and asked me about how I felt about the ceremony.

'To be a little scared , not because I am weak of anything like that,in fact, I think I am wrong enough to bash those so called first rank magic knights, though I am still not gonna blindly challenge one. I am worried about not getting a grimoire.'

"Haha, what's there to be excited about, I am meant for greatness," I replied in a mocking manner, as if I was a peacock that had spread it's wings.

"Silly Robin, go and call the others over for food," she smacked my head in amusement before asking me.

I didn't wait around and quickly left the kitchen lest she saw the real emotions I was hiding behind.

'I will just deal with it when the time comes, if nothing else, I shall make a book and in script it to float around me,'

Just like that, my days were spent playing around with the kids and helping out the sister and Father with any chores since they also deserved some time off from all of this.

Next thing I know, I am in front of a giant tower, being led in to receive my supposed grimoire.

"if nothing else, I have still got my own book," I waved happily at the kids as I slowly entered along with the others.

There was this old beard guy who looked like shit and so he started giving those lectures I remember from my previous life.

After fifteen minutes of bottomless and never ending chattering, we were finally going to begin the grimoire ceremony

"Now listen kids, no matter what you get, do be disappointed," the old man said.

One thing I wonder is, if these books are always here, why don't the old man guys give whatever books he wants to every kid over here.

Do the books really choose us or is it just bull, my mind began playing games with me as I came up with various thoughts about the grimmoires and whatnot.

I understand that I was just a bit nervous, though all my thoughts were broken when a fee books suddenly flew out and flew towards some guys in the back.

"Won't! Look at the size of that book, Niu is really gonna do great things in life, and he is a fire elemental mage at that."

"Yeah, hey, look at what I got, is this cool, my books coated in steel, just like my element, I bet I am gonna become a magic knight, haha."

"Pffft look at that kids book, why is it so thin, I wonder how many spells he will be able to make with that kinda book."

"George! You got a three clover book, man! I am so jealous."

Several kids started bikering with each other while some were busy turning the pages of their book, all in all everyone was happy,

Even the kids from Robins home Village had gotten their respective grimmoires and we're busy congrtulating each other.

"Huh! Isn't that Robin, the super talented guy from our village who has shpate magic,"

"It's called space magic, you dumb idiot."

"Shut up mark! I know what I said, anyway, why didn't get his grimmoire yet."

"How would I know bill, maybe ..."

Robin could hear people starting to whisper and they started pointing at him.

'I guess I am not gonna get chosen, might as well start the plan B.'

I sighed as I selected the book from the storage.


Author Note:-

Guys I have been a little unwell so forgive me for the hectic release dates and pray for my health, I am already a diabetic and now I am suddenly suffering from diarrhoea that seems to stay for prolonged times

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3