Chapter 108

"The participants will be called to the front according to their numbers, and the captains that are interested will raise their hands, the participant will then be allowed to choose"


I watched a lanky figure of a kid step forward, unfortunately, no one raised their hands for the kid, and the lively mood suddenly turned very depressive as everyone was filled with doubt and fear.

'At least I don't think no one will raise their hands' I thought as my senses picked up bloodlust from Yami Who was looking at me like an eagle watching its prey.

From how much I remember about him, he is a good guy and a very interesting character, he is probably thinking along the lines of ' I will have another portable teleporter if I pick up this kid'

I chuckled to myself thinking of this, though my act was caught by everyone as my small chuckle was the only defeating silence in the crowd

" bastard" the lanky guy pointed at me as his eyes spilled tears.

"Er... Sorry" I replied in embarrassment as I received a few glares from my fellow competitors

I didn't bother clearing up the misunderstanding

"You think I will get selected by someone"

"HOLY!! Where the hell did you come from " I couldn't help but yelp as Marissa appeared beside me

It went on like that and soon enough, it was time for Marissa to head to the front

"Wish me luck," she said as she moved forward.


"Alright judges, a show of hands," asked the host

And to my surprise, not one but two squad captains raised their hands, one of which was the all-ladies squad and Marissa joined without question.

Though I did catch her giving me a few looks before she did so, hopefully, she doesn't bother me now that she will have a whole girls' sorority teach her how to wield her magic.


After some time it was finally my time to come forward and as soon as I did so, I felt the murderous intention of the guy I heat up as well as a dozen other nobles who gave me the stink eye, as well as a few captains, which goes to show how much discrimination is in the system or is it called racism or royalism.

"Now the judges give a show of hands" Asked the host as I saw to my surprise, only a few of the captains raise their hands.

One was obviously Yami, the dark mage from abroad, the other was the guy from purple Orca, whom I am not familiar with, actualy, I am not familiar with any magic knight, only Yami is the exception.

The last one to raise it's hands is Jack the Ripper, who is looking menacingly at Yami.

"Oi! You already have a chauffeur, leave this one for me" Jack, the captain of the Green Mantis shouted.

I remember from what I have researched, that the green mantis is a squad that is full of commoners.

Plus I have heard they are full of crazy people as well, I still remember those guys from the past so I am definitely not going to the Green Mantis.

"Now the participant, please choose the squad you want to join." the host brought me out of my thoughts.

I gave a sigh, it seems I understand the reason no other squad is willing to raise their hands is rather obvious.

'They can't sense any magic in me, which is true, but me showing them my 'magic' should have been enough ' I thought.

But that wasn't all, I was also a commoner, as well as someone that clashes with a noble and humiliated him.


"I choose the black bulls "

The rest was pretty anti climatic as everyone kept coming forward, though suddenly Yami stood up before he yawned with his big mouth and started walking away.

"Aren't you going to wait for the others?" asked William,

"I have already got what I came for, Hey kid! Come meet me outside" Yamu replied before he points towards me and runs off.

"Err" the host seems confused with what to do, with a sigh, Williams motions for the Host to continue,

'Seems like I don't need to wait any longer' I think before I also teleport outside.

Though I did feel someone come near me, must have been that girl, I believe she has some weird kind of magic for me to always lose her from my sense.

As soon as I appeared outside the arena or whatever its called in here, I was greeted by a very familiar figure.

"Oh! It's you, so you came to the entrance exams as well, good for you I guess, which squad did you join" he asks me.

As I was about to reply, I felt a very familiar presence move towards me so I sidestep as Finral gets hit on the head and flies away

"Hah! You are a very stubborn little thing aren't you" Standing before me is Yami sukehiro who is swinging his arm as if he going to punch out again.

"I guess I am, nice to meet you, My name is Robin Alphonso" I replied

He is going to be my captain, so it's good if I greet him nicely as according to what I heard, he is the one responsible for my salary and could cut it.

"Hmm, I searched all over for you and couldn't find you anywhere, in which pit were you hiding you, you squid" He asked me with a snort.

"Me, as far as I remember, I have been living in my hometown ever since I was born" I replied , wondering what he meant.


I saw the approaching Finral flinch as Yami slowly turned around to stare at him.

"Ahahah.. You see captain, as I was looking for this kid, I kinda had to help out a few ladies who seemed to be in-"



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3