Chapter 110

I woke up to the smell of cooked meat,opening my eyes, i was greeted with the site of everyone i met yesterday having a good meal

'wait, wasnt i sleeping on the couch?' i thought hard as i rubbed my eyes,

"Good morning Robin-san!" the first voice I heard was the sweet voice of Charmy who was stuffing her face with giant boar legs that she must have cooked up by herself using her magic.

"Good...morning" I then looked at my kedt spotting a drowsy-looking Vanessa who was busy rubbing her head as well

"Manaaaa! I told you not to drink so much, here, have some lemons, it will heal you up" Charmy reprimanded as she shoved a glass of lemonade down her throat

I also sat down properly and took a glass, taking in big gulps as I ate it all.

'its almost on the level of Souma's cooking, I have only received a reward from shokugeki no soma once since the lottery function'

I heard vague footsteps and we were soon joined by the other members including Finral and the crazy blonde who was looking at me with stars in his eyes

"Fight me!" he said as he summoned a lightning-charged fist, though Finral pushed him through the portal before he could make a move at me

"Go and cool off for a bit you idiot!" he finished

though in the next moment, he was also thrown away by a pissed-off Yami who was rubbing his temple

"Ahh! dont ruin my morning routine, you idiots!"

'Poor guy' i couldn't help but salute the poor guy for his continued efforts

'Maybe I can set him up with some woman from my village

Yami sat down as everyone greeted him, he didn't even bother to look at me or anyone else for that matter and kept his eyes shut, ate a hearty meal before he blabbered about breaking his limits and shot off.

though he did ask me to be in the training area an hour later for the initiation ceremony

"Don't worry, Captain Yami is just messing with you, he will probably hit you a bit before he gives you this" Vanessa said as she used her magic and made a Black Bull's cape or is it called a cowl

"I am not really worried but whatever" I replied as I shrugged , wiping her hands off my body

"You do know I am underage, right!" I asked just to be sure

"..Whats wrong with that?" she replied as she winked at me.

I made some distance from her, I had nothing much to do so I followed the group outside once they were finished with the food.

Final and that crazy midget were also present, including that weird clown guy and the giant guy that can turn into me.

"It's been a while since we saw Captain Yami fight, let's see what the new guy is capable of" Finral did some commentary as I stretched my muscles remembering how strong the Captain was.

I was also curious to know how much of a resistance my Chaos Force gives me against Dark magic that Yami holds.

I haven't had the proper time to train with my bounded spiritual demon beast as well.

I heard Yami's yawn.

"So lets get this fight started, I remember our previous bout was left unfinished because you ran away" Yami smirked as he looked at me

I couldn't help but smirk back as I could see his fighting spirit and Aura soar into the skies, he wasn't even using his magic right now and I could still feel the power.

"I just didnt want to deal with someone as bothersome as you, old man" I replied

"Who you calling old! BRAT" Yami pushed against the ground as he appeared right before me with the pitch black blade inches before my eyes.

I didnt wait idly and summoned Ever black, my trusted blade, to parry the blade of Yami who grinned as he looked at me.

"Nice , so you are a swordman as well" He turned the blade and used my own force to slide it downwards while his legs were raised, coming in to deal damage to my solar plexus

I didnt block and simply rolled to the side.

"Nice reflexes, but I see you are not giving it your all, I guess I will have to go harder on you" Yami said as he took out out the toothpick from his mouth and flicked it at me.

With my eyes I clearly saw him use an energy besides the magic he is capable of, this energy was easily similar to my Aura ability from before.

I smirkwd as I coated my hands in chaos force and caught the extremely dangerous wooden toothpick and flick it back at him.

It made a streak of purple light as it struck Yami , who was able to bear the full brunt of my mock attack easily.

With a minor scratch on his body even though I used the chaos force on him.

"I see you are more then just a space mage, so..what are you, that attack you used in the arena the other day clearly resembles my own attacks" he asked as his sword began turning earily black.

I also raised my sword as my whole arm was coated in black color,which earned a look of surprise from Yami and gasps from the audience.

The black blade became even more darker as the light from the sun seemed to be devoured by it.

"I never said I was just a space mage...but what makes you think I will tell you" I slashed out at the same time as Yami.

Two giant arcs, one Black and One White met in the air as they clashed against each other destroying the surroundings as the audience were swept off their feet.

(A/N:- Robin is using Haki and his will to power his weapon this time , not his Chaos force,that's why the arc released by him is white)

Soon the dust cleared as Robin and Yami appeared unscathed, Yami had a shit eating grin on his face and a light in his eyes that clearly said he needed more fight.

"Kid! That energy you just used, it feels just like my Ki sense, but more refined, haha! I never thought I would see someone outside of my own hometown use this to such an advanced state." Yami laughed like a maniac as he misunderstood Robins ability to sense Aura and His enhanced senses for an advanced version of Ki.

Not to mention Robins Haki slash.

"Captain! Can you guys not fight , the headquarter will be destroyed at this rate" Just as Robin was about to make his move, Finral called out causing Yami to become frustrated, resulting in him sending Finral flying through the air.

"Surpass your limits!" yelled Yami as he threw Finral away , turning back to Robin, Yamu called out his Grimoire as Black magic started erupting from his body.

"I will be getting real serious now" Yami said.

"Just get on with it " Robin replied as he felt he could still take on Yami


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remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3