Chapter 114

"Lady Misha! Please go back inside carriage " the mage said as he held the lady's hands, breaking her out of her thoughts," And you, how could you be so careless , what if you had accidentally hurt the noble lady, is this what we pay you magic knights for, hmph" the said mage shouted in disdain as he pointed at Robin who was watching the mage with nothing but anger.

'I clearly just save your asses while you were busy doing whatever it is you were doing in the carriage' Robin screamed in his head at the double standards while the noble lady was escorted by the mage back inside the carriage

"err...thanks for saving us" the other guards gave their thanks before they also left followed by the carriages after they picked up their fallen men.

Robin watched in awkward silence as the powerful mage along with the guards rolled past him.

"Can't they just fly through the air with a flying carriage if she is really that important" Robin muttered in confusion

"And where are the two of you think you are going, you do realize you can't use your magic, right?" Robin asked as he put his thoughts away for later

"S-Sir! Please forgive us, we will never commit such crimes again"

"Please! We beg you, we have a family"

"Isn't that hypocritical of you, how many families have you killed so far", Robin couldn't help but ask as he simply raised hid hands in the air in a grabby motion, one of the bandits flew into his hands.

The throat of the bandit was comfortably in his hands.

Robin ignited the body with chaos force before nothing was left of the bandit, seeing this, the last one simply fell to the ground seeing the way his comrade just died.

"Tell me all about your hideout and where it is located as well as any other ambush party that's outside right now," Robin asked, "And I will consider letting you go back to your family" Robins's carrot and stick strategy proved very effective as the bandit started blabbering like an idiot.

'Maybe I should go to harry potter verse and get myself some of that Veretraserum' Robin mumbled as he simply threw a dark Phoenix flame in the bandit's direction, turning him into ashes.


Robin was currently high up in the air looking down at the bandit camp,

"Is this a bandit camp or some kind of army base, I can see several mages that could give even senior magic knights a run for their I just go back and report it or kill them" Robin mumbled as he looked at the bandit camp that was intricately built into the caves of the mountain.

'This reminds me of the bandits that kidnapped me' Robin muttered as he waited for his little spy to come back.

*Chirp chirp*

"Oh! Is that so, are you sure you saw it with your own eyes" Robin asked the small bird that was dancing around him.

"Alright alright! Here is your share, Go on then" Robin smiled as he gave the bird some feed, the bird chirped happily as it left Robin behind.

"Things got a lot more interesting, I will just quickly go in and out, find evidence and leave to report" Robin found out from the small bird that the bandit camp was in fact funded by the neighbouring kingdom, or might be a disguised troop of the neighbouring country.

Making up his mind , Jack used haze as he flew down to the entrance , the guard stationed outside didn't even notice him as he made his way inside slowly.

'They are too organized to be a simple bandit outpost, why would they risk getting found out by the kingdom by conducting raids' Robin thought as he made his way through rows and rows of soldiers disguised as bandits.

It took him some time before he finally found some clues inside the main cave room.

A few scrolls that had proof of the bandits dealing with a few nobles from the clover kingdom

"Yami is going go like this very much" Robin quickly put away the evidenxe, though as he was about to leave unnoticed, he noticed a group of people being imprisoned.

This stopped him for a while before Robin deemed if important that her get this info to the captain, the hostages didn't seem to be in any kind of danger anyway.

As soon as Robin moved out of the encampment, He used spacial ability to arrive at Yami' side.

Though Yami wasn't at the headquarter of black bulls so Robin used the mark he had left on Yami during their spar from his headhunter skull.

As soon as Robin appeared, he was received by a strong punch to his face that he avoided skillfully.

"It's you, what are you going here brat, I thought I told you to"

"Here, take a look" Robin didn't let him continue before he smack Yami with the scroll containing proof

"Dammit, this is so troublesome" Yami muttered as he took a heavy puff of his smoke"

Robin also realized they seemed to be in some kind of bar /Casino.

Opposite him was an old man

"Oh! Are you the new recruit Yami keeps talking shit about" The old man asked

"Come on brat, we have got work to do!" Robin didn't get enough time to register before he was grabbed by Yami who blasted the walls of the bar and ran.

'Sigh..why did I have to join this squad?'


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3