Chapter 136 Peak Black-Gold Rank


The whole of Black Bulls Squad headquarters trembled as Robin couldn't hold in the power that burst forth from his body,

"Hah! I have finally broken through, the combination of divine elixir, spirit stones and the chaos body is incredible, haha,"

Robin couldn't help but laugh out as he summoned the chaosforce on his body,

Unlike before, the process was almost instinctual and much faster, surprise attacks weren't going to cut it anymore,

Robin who was fired up to fight directly went to Yami and the two of them started fighting like maniacs,

Though both Yami and Robin didn't get serious enough or the whole place might get trashed badly.

"You have grown stronger, was that your doing?" Yami asked, pointing to the previous tremors that had occurred in the mansion.

"Yup, I have grown much stronger than you, I guess only the Wizard king might be a match for me now," Robin laughed mockingly causing Yami to get angry.

"Don't get carried away, you can take on half the captains at this point, but the Wizard king is a monster in his own regard," Yami warned Robin not to get too conceited as he gazed at Rovin who was covered from head to toe in purple markings.

"Is that a new technique of yours," Yami asked.

"Yeah! I call it the Chaos body! I am resistant to most of the elements in this world, haha, even your dark magic is no match for my power," Robin didn't let go of any chance to tease.

Though Yami was seriously contemplating if he should really just beat up this kid for once lest the wins get to his head.

Though he shook his head after a while of thinking as they both returned to the Headquarter.

"I guess after a month of training, it's possible for you to get stronger," Yami said offhandedly.

Though Robin wasn't the same as he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Say what,"


"I was training for a month," asked Robin.

"Yes…you didn't know…hahahha!"

Seeing the look on Robin's face, Yami couldn't help but laugh.

"Shit! I guess I will have to be careful from now on," Robin muttered to himself as he turned off the active enhancement of Chaos body and walked ahead of Yami into the main area.

"How's everything going? Is there any problem," Robin asked.

He needed to keep an eye on the things happening in the world if he wanted to get rid of the elves.

"Nothing much, Your brother is always either training like his life depends on it, he is sure to break through his limits soon," Yami said in respect.

He always admired and respected those that worked hard, and Asta and Robin were exactly that.

"Have any missions for me?" Robin asked looking forward to testing out his strength on the battlefield where life and death were real.

"Hmm, not for now, though Asta is out on a mission right now and Luck is with them so everything should be fine for now,"

"….which mission?"

"…The Wizard king found a new dungeon and sent someone from the Golden dawn and I picked Asta and Noelle from Black bulls, Luck also went as a superior," Yami answered feeling a little weird about Robin's question.

Meanwhile, Robin was going through his memories and understood what was happening,

'So I guess Asta will be stronger after he comes back from the dungeon, though I hope he is wearing the armor I gave him or else he will have a hole blasted through his stomach,' Robin thought.

After deciding it was better for the two brothers of his to fair against this enemy by themselves, he decided it was better he cultivated some more and broke through the Legend Rank.

After that he will advance his stage and earn double the rewards, the chaos body had done wonders for his cultivation speed.

"System! I wanna do some lucky draws,"

[Ding! lucky draws are in progress]

[Ding ! Host has earned Vibranium X 10]

[Ding! Host has earned Adamantium X10]

[Ding! Host has earned a book on Black smithing]

[Ding! Host has earned a Book on Black smithing]

[Ding! Host has earned a Thousand High grade spiritual stones]

[Ding! Host has earned Uru Metal X 30]

[Host has earned a Hundred Supreme grade Spiritual stones]

[Host has earned +3 in all stats]

[Ding! Host has earned a broken Grotto world]

"Huh! The rewards this time seem a lot more beautiful than before, can't wait to try out all these metals, especially Uru, it should help me make some much needed swords,"

Robin thought as he looked at his blade that seemed to have cracks all over its body, it was always nicking and cracking at every use, Robin had already lost count of how many times his equipment broke down due to over exertion.

"Maybe I can make a stormbreaker!" The thought of wielding an axe like Thor's or Kartos really fired him up."


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A/N:- I love you guys <3